Saturday, September 22, 2007

If Tomorrow Never Comes- An Accumulation

If Tomorrow Never Comes
Copyright © 2005 by Joshua Robert Brack

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other except for brief quotation in printed reviews-without the prior permission or expressed written consent of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.


I will double space this book so you can write down your thoughts as you read and highlight; this makes fishers of men and allows you to write down the idea above the word the idea goes with.

· Underline is for emphasis.
· Bold if defined and needs emphasis with context.
· Italicized if a phrase comes from the Bible.
· Capitalized if Screamed! If the first letter is capitalized and it makes sense in context, then that means it is not of this world.
· Combined if over-emphasized. (Ex: BIBLE)
· Rhetorical Questions are presupposed or known before-hand by the reader in which they can give an answer that is legitimate and correct before the question is asked.
· Paragraphs are always associated in some manner; please notice the association.
· Punctuation and Repetition is noticed with it’s meaning.
1. … means ongoing, embedded thought.
2. ; means progressive thought.
Combined punctuation if rhetorically asked. Ex: ?!?

J if a sentence and thought has good connotations with it.
· Parenthesis if it is an aforethought, Divinely Inspired or it is presupposed.
· Quotation Marks if a full sentence comes from the Bible.
· Reason is a direct reference to God.
· reason is a general understanding associated with God.

I will speak generally and specifically throughout this discussion, please note.
I speak in 2nd person (you) talking directly to the person specifying what you must do as well as in pluralistic 1st person terms (we) speaking in general as a society what our tasks require; please note.

Look for the words I use to directly point to understanding.

Amy, let’s sit behind the wall at the YMCA and pretend this never happenedJ

Table of Contents

Chapter One:

Chapter Two:
SIMPLE LIFE…………………………………………………..p46

Chapter Three:
WHAT GOD IS SAYING……………………………………...p68

Chapter Four:
GENIUS IN SIMPLICITY……………………………………p100

Chapter Five:
END OF DAYS……………………………………………….p107

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

Chapter Eight:
PROOFS OF GOD…………………………………………….p170

Chapter Nine:
CONCLUDING THOUGHTS………………………………...p184

Every Scripture in the Bible is that which is necessary; all added, excessive information is confusion, our knowledge of evil, thus unnecessary.

Chapter One:

I wrote a book about my reflections when I was recuperating or resting from a serious arm break (remember what the Bible says about rest) and it goes a little something like this…
I will remind you of the story of Hosea. It is direct to those understand, but indirect to those who do not. WE CAN ALL UNDERSTAND…ANYTHING if we only “know the truth [because] the truth shall set us free.”
Now, Hosea was a religious man who married a whore to signify the relationship of God and Israel or Christ and the Church. Is it not amazing how God has control of the situation in the Bible, yet the characters are not aware of it and the coincidences actually happened in history?!? Be aware; read the Bible!
Hosea was to signify God and Gomer, the whore, was to signify Israel. God only sees the person, not the sin. He hopes it will be removed from the perfect life given to us if we only understand, our knowledge of good. “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” So, Hosea married the person, not the sin.
We have all sinned, but it is not what you have done, but what you will do. A simpler life is without sin; remember this.
Allow it to be removed. “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Sin came from our knowledge of evil, confusion; know God and understand…ANYTHING! We have the ticket; go to church and understand; it’s free!
Ecclesiastes: WISDOM, if you want it…it is as simple as reading these pages:

Al Gore: "What we do know about this pervasive wiretapping virtually compels the conclusion that the president of the United States has been breaking the law repeatedly and persistently."

Tracey Schmitt, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, shot back: "Al Gore's incessant need to insert himself in the headline of the day is almost as glaring as his lack of understanding of the threats facing America. While the president works to protect Americans from terrorists, Democrats deliver no solutions of their own, only diatribes laden with inaccuracies and anger. " It all goes back to the thought of the knowledge of good being understanding (War on terrorism means we must look out for certain people who may harm the USA [sarcasm]) and evil being confusion (inaccuracies and anger). Why should we hate when there’s so much room for love?

In the Spanish language there is a generalization of thought to abbreviate the conversation. For example, if we were having a conversation about the Bible, we would say, “la está”; ‘la’ meaning ‘la biblia’ or the Bible. Ecclesiastes goes along with the same train of thought. It starts the book, “All is vanity.” Okay, all is vanity on this earth; it goes with the same thought as the Spanish language with the word, la…another key to where God lies. If all is vanity on this earth and we use our eyes to view vanity, we must use our minds’ eye to view God.

Outline of Ecclesiastes:
Thesis of all is vanity (1:8 8 Everything is wearisome beyond description. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content.
((we are not content, please be content, not confusing things in your mind; rely on God, this is all we need to know b/c the just shall live by faith)), 1:13 13 I devoted myself to search for understanding and to explore by wisdom everything being done under heaven. I soon discovered that God has dealt a tragic existence to the human race.
(( the tragic existence is our knowledge of evil)),
11:9-11, Young people,[a] it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do. 10 So refuse to worry, and keep your body healthy. But remember that youth, with a whole life before you, is meaningless.
Specific wording throughout scripture: remember and general meaning: have a reason, both significations of God)),
12:11 11 The words of the wise are like cattle prods—painful but helpful. Their collected sayings are like a nail-studded stick with which a shepherd[a] drives the sheep.
Ecclesiastes 12:11 Or one shepherd.
((I hope you see the emphasis in my words, DO what understanding tells us to do: read and have a reason behind everything, EX: car wreck did not have a reason))
* Proof that all is vanity, do not focus on vanity, but acknowledge this, leading to understanding
* Counsel for living with vanity

(7:16-18, 8:11) 16 So don’t be too good or too wise! Why destroy yourself? 17 On the other hand, don’t be too wicked either. Don’t be a fool! Why die before your time? 18 Pay attention to these instructions, for anyone who fears God will avoid both extremes.

AVOID OUR KNOWLEDGE OF EVIL and see and seek God in everything; then we will know the truth and the truth shall set us free. The truth is understood; God is understanding.

Before I start this book, I urge you to keep an open mind; learn from my experience I record in these pages that it is not good to have first hand experience. If you do not know where to seek for understanding or wisdom of life, look for experience; the Bible is experience. Now, third hand experience is learned from another, but first hand experience is understood of the individual. If you want to change something, start with yourself. A very wise and giving man who was filled with the Holy Spirit named Minute Bol was trying to feed his country by playing in the NBA on the Golden State Warriors. He once said, “If you don’t do it, who will?!?” If you want to change this world, you must start at square one; begin with yourself.
Thesis: Now, if you had a ticket to understanding, a tangible person that would lead to understanding, would you believe in it through its’ use?!?

Sit back and think about this because He is within your every thought to realize, remember, He is the reason. Every English word has its’ Greek root. Re means coming from, but what? Do not fill your minds with dirty thoughts; here lies God. We will not understand or realize how life truly is with these thoughts, but be confused.

Turn with me as we read John 3:16 and understand this: For God so loved the world that He gave [Himself in attempt to understand sin because this is all the Son is if “Me and my Father are One.” is in the same Bible as John 3:16] that whosoever believeth in [this understanding and sees the simpler life intact because this is all the Bible is, a simpler life.] shall not perish[or understand there is more to this life because Heaven is an understanding, a creation of God. Where did those two girls lie after their death?!? In Heaven, but I saw them in my mind.]

He is reference; refer on God for everything. Numbers are just reference, elements are just reference of understanding. We titrate to see how much of a substance until indication with the other substance. He sees how much of understanding, love, realization He will give until we understand. If you make math to be harder than it is, a reference on God with our use of numbers, you will be confused.

You have heard my father refer to the verse, “Study to show thyself approved.” Why should we study?!? If we study, we read and will learn which leads to understanding.

Understand this through third hand experience, faith, because it is given to not of the person.. (Example of faith): ask Him how you can understand and He will give it to you. I did and do you see anything wrong with me after all I went through?!? I will give Bryan this paper. This is an example of third hand experience because it was given from me to Bryan, a preposition. What matters is the connection the word implies. Anything that isn’t of me, He, she, we, is third person.

You have heard me talk about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and “Me and my Father are One.” verse. The Son is God who came down to understand what sin is as a son learns from his father, just references given by us with wording, even though He knew there was no understanding, but get a better knowledge of it and wrote it down as negatives in commandments (Thou shalt nots), not living a simpler life. The Father understands that sin is only not living the simpler life as a pre-supposition and the Holy Spirit is understanding, incremental in us all if we only believe. So the Father and Son are just a process of understanding from God.

Satan will try if you allow yourself to be confused, but do not let Him.

How do you understand?!? Believe in Him through His use. He will not allow confusion if you believe. Since we ate from the tree, we will see confusion, but study to see it was pre-supposed in our minds all along, the believers. David said, “For those who are destined for Heaven have been there” because eternity is eternity ”and those who are doomed for Hell are already doomed.” We are all God’s children, but children obey their mother and father or are supposed to be defined as a child. We are to obey our Father or have the consequences of not living simpl
Reflect upon yourself as you take this quiz. Keep in mind that Socrates once said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." If we do not reflect on ourselves or our answers to these questions, more specifically, we might as well die. I mean, if we cannot justify the reasoning behind our answers then why should we even answer? Do not sporadically answer a question, but have a reason behind your answer. Please read this paragraph over after finishing; it will make more sense and you will exercise your reflectionJ

Philosophical Health Check
Check your Tension Quotient!
To take the philosophical health check (PHC), go through the statements below, selecting for each one 'agree' or 'disagree'. If not sure, select the response which is closest to your opinion. When you have answered ll the questions, click the 'submit' button and the results of your check will be generated.
The PHC does not judge whether your responses are right or wrong, so feel free to answer as honestly as you can. Each statement is carefully worded, so do pay attention to what each one actually says.
Enjoy the check-up!
Top of Form
1. There are no objective moral standards; moral judgements are merely an expression of the values of particular cultures
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
2. So long as they do not harm others, individuals should be free to pursue their own ends
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
3. People should not journey by car if they can walk, cycle or take a train instead.
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
4. It is always wrong to take another person's life
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
5. The right to life is so fundamental that financial considerations are irrelevant in any effort to save lives
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
6. Voluntary euthanasia should remain illegal
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
7. Homosexuality is wrong because it is unnatural
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
8. It is quite reasonable to believe in the existence of a thing without even the possibility of evidence for its existence
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
9. The possession of drugs for personal use should be decriminalised
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
10. There exists an all-powerful, loving and good God
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
11. The second world war was a just war
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
12. Having made a choice, it is always possible that one might have chosen otherwise
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
13. It is not always right to judge individuals solely on their merits
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
14. Judgements about works of art are purely matters of taste
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
15. On bodily death, a person continues to exist in a non-physical form
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
16. The government should not permit the sale of health treatments which have not been tested for efficacy and safety
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
17. There are no objective truths about matters of fact; "truth" is always relative to particular cultures and individuals
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
18. Atheism is a faith just like any other, because it is not possible to prove the non-existence of God
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
19. Proper sanitation and medicines are generally good for a society
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
20. In certain circumstances, it might be desirable to discriminate positively in favour of a person as recompense for harms done to him/her in the past
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
21. Alternative and complementary medicine is as valuable as mainstream medicine
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
22. Severe brain-damage can rob a person of all consciousness and selfhood
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
23. To allow an innocent child to suffer needlessly when one could easily prevent it is morally reprehensible
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
24. The environment should not be damaged unnecessarily in the pursuit of human ends
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
25. Michaelangelo is one of history's finest artists
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
26. Individuals have sole rights over their own bodies
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
27. Acts of genocide stand as a testament to man's ability to do great evil
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
28. The holocaust is an historical reality, taking place more or less as the history books report
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
29. Governments should be allowed to increase taxes sharply to save lives in the developing world.
Please select ---AgreeDisagree
30. The future is fixed, how one's life unfolds is a matter of destiny
Please select ---AgreeDisagree

Bottom of Form

Credits:© TPM 1999, 2002Based on an orginal idea by Marilyn Mason, education officer at the British Humanist AssociationProgrammed by Jeremy Stangroom
TPM Online is The Philosophers' Magazine on the net.It is edited by Dr Jeremy Stangroom.© The Philosophers' Magazine - 98 Mulgrave Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2 6LZTel/Fax +44 (0)20 8643 1504

What I found interesting was hypocritical; the PHC report stereotyped them as being 'in tension', but they are not. I thought of a verse to justify every question they had for me.
Of course, there is a disclaimer that says you can find some rationally coherent way of reconciling the questions. I think what this is trying to teach us is that, "The unexamined life is not worth living." If we do not reflect on ourselves or our answers to these questions, more specifically, we might as well die. I mean, if we cannot justify the reasoning behind our answers then why should we even answer at all?!? If we cannot justify our reason for living, then why should we live at all?!? Associate your answers with your life because life should be an answer, not a question.
My answers to the statements, "There exists an all-powerful, loving and good God." and "To allow an innocent child to suffer needlessly when one could easily prevent it is morally reprehensible" were both agreed upon. Now, their argument was "Why would God allow a child to suffer if it is morally reprehensible?" Because we live in this world, God cannot interject without prayer, understanding, since we ate the forbidden fruit. He will if He knows you are one of His sheep. He can form us to His will which is understanding, but because of free choice and the fall, not get in the way of our decision. There is always a loophole to every situation. If you have watched the Matrix Trilogy I suggest you watch it again. The next time you watch it pay attention to the Biblical connotations of choices, decisions and situations.
Furthermore, I agreed both on the statements, "Individuals have sole rights over their bodies." and "Voluntarily euthanasia should remain illegal." Yes, it is their body, but murder is a sin; let God take care of it. He would not allow one of His sheep to be hurt or fall astray. He is too good of a shepherd to do so. I have been as close to death as humanly possible and I was conscious up until my friend ran up to the car screaming my name. The only thing to fear in death is the anticipation. Every organ in my body was lacerated except my heart and left lung, my pelvis was broken in seven different places and I incurred a massive brain injury, but I had no brain surgeries. You may ask yourself why He would put a 22 year old through all that; so that I have that much more time to spread His word with understanding.
I think the problem is with the word sin. The definition of sin is "Not wanting to live a simple life." Think about it; all the commandments in the Bible are just moral law, moral law. Why should we not kill?!? Because there is probably emotional attachment to that person and they will reciprocate the harm done to that person, thus not wanting a simpler life. Why should you not steal?!? Because there is going to be someone who finds out and tells that person and he will put some hurting on you, thus not wanting a simpler life. And one thing that we put the wrong emphasis on is idle words. It says in the Bible, "Thou shalt not use idle words." Some words that are perceived idle are ambiguous. They do not mean nothing, they mean several things. I think the Lord was just trying to teach us a lesson in anger management. If we call people names that mean nothing, they are going to get offended, intemperate in an angered situation.
I also agreed upon, "Proper sanitation and medicines are generally good for society." and "Homosexuality is wrong because it is unnatural." I was reminded of a funny story in my “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” Study. Do not think God does not have a sense of humor. The Philistines stole the Ark of the Covenant from the Israelites and God decided to infest their city with mice and give them a flaming case of hemorrhoids. LOL!!! What many people do not realize is that the Philistines practiced homosexuality. So do not think God does not have a place and time for everything...or should I say placement:)
And finally, I agreed on "In certain circumstances, it might be desirable to discriminate favorably of a person in recompense for harms done to them in the past." and "It is not right to judge people solely on their merits. Always look for the positive in people and if they harm you in some way, "Turn the other cheek." But, "Judge not lest ye be judged and the reminisce of that may God place on you." Do not judge at all because, somewhere down the line, we will do the same thing in some manner.
For every dark night, there's a brighter tomorrow. Plan for the future because it is coming. And sure, reflect on the past, but do not live in it. If you do not reflect on anything in life, you will not learn and just as Ben Franklin said, "If we do not learn about history, we are doomed to repeat it."

The Association of the Matrix with Genesis: a Book of Definitions
Now, I prayed for understanding after I saw the Matrix. Do not pray for understanding if you do not want the reminisce in your life. If you have watched the Matrix Trilogy I suggest you watch it again. The next time you watch it pay attention to the Biblical connotations of choices, decisions and situations. My favorite line in the whole trilogy is in the Matrix Revolutions when that Indian man(who represents the Eastern Religions) says, "It is just a word; what matters is the connection the word implies." Profound to be in such simple terms!!! A word is just reference to some thought. Also, pay attention to the "French man" and his association to the Devil. The plot will make much more sense and it taught me alot about life.

In association with what matters is matter. Otherwise, we would cease to exist. Matter is language: rely on God. Here it is the connection the word or prefix implies.

Matter went through the process of evolution or adaptation, we evolved gradually. Say this is correct and the process of evolution did happen over night. Everything in this universe was created from something else; who initiated the process of evolution? It is not just a rock, ameba, but who created that ameba.

Proposes that 1st days of creation were geologic eras. This makes sense because there was nothing to distinguish between with reference of sun: Jurassic, Triassic, Cretaceous, etc. We learn in one of these eras was formed land and sea.

From no distinction between days and geologic eras, we learn time is to be paced not revolved around and this is the lesson to be learned.

We learn in our 24 Hour study that Greenwich, England and Boulder, Colorado are both underneath the sun, but because of the sea level, they have different timing.

Kind of like musical notes: one after the other: anticipated from the player, reflected to remember and done to the instrument.

Learn from everything; Soccer Analogy: anticipate your future.
They will do almost the same thing every time.

do what is at hand
wine miracle; John 2:1-11 Mary said, “ Do what He tells you.” Why should we do?!? Because He will help you understand how to do anything and if we only do, He will help us understand.

reflect on past: I remembered that they would do almost the same thing every time.
In Prayer: 1.tell Him my leg hurts- no
2.why don’t you do this- maybe because He is understanding.
3.How can I understand- “Then we will know the truth and the truth shall set us free.”

In His Word, we can see instances of anticipation, doing and reflection from characters in it: Moses led the Israelites to the Promise Land without any knowledge; Abraham wandered through the wilderness. Why? He is understanding.

512BCE change in # of days in year from Chinese-360 to 365 days

The millennium has not come yet because all is reliant on Him, not the sun.

Confusing? This is our knowledge of evil as opposed to good, but reflect on in future instances on this lesson; know truth.

God is within our mind and talks through understanding.

Thought: books are lame, I don’t understand them; knowledge of evil.

Bible is w/o error b/c understood.

God is the connection the word implies; the connection is understanding.

Associate the underlined and bolded.

There are so many implications in the Matrix Trilogy; here are a few to name some. Now, first it was based on the writings of Aristotle and we all know he lived centuries before us so we know this is pre-supposed or supposed within our minds beforehand of every human.
A presupposition in Genesis 3:15 says, “the seed of a woman” or in other translations “her offspring” although the male must supply the seed. This is prophecy of the virgin birth in Genesis. Who has ever even claimed to be born of a virgin?!?
Furthermore, the first episode in the Matrix Trilogy tells us that life is anticipation. For example, I used to be a soccer player. From their constant body motion I knew what they were going to do almost every time; it is almost always repetitious. You can also tell where they are going to go from their body movement because the body is the first thing you must redirect, not the ball. Now, there must be a distinction between motion and movement. You must move to make a movement of your body so this is generally the key but a motion is always repetitious of a person. They showed this with the slow-motion bullets and the slow-motion fighting in the Matrix. You can know where they are going and do something about it.
Pray for understanding.

I think you do because it is presupposed in the minds of every believer or supposed beforehand. The words I say have a reason leading to the Reason, not just humor. I have lots of experience (not bad, but bad situation)…the Bible is experience; 3rd hand from the words in it that came from 1st hand experience; Big Phil studying the 5 dimensions.

Sculpting the clay is quite different from creating it.
See the rainbow: ROYGBIV w/ reflection above? This was the promise from God that He would never flood the earth again, remembered to be the same in every beam of light. I would like to see science mess with the spectrum of light; OBYRIV: named but can’t make because ”I am the way, the truth and the light.” Read I John I to see the connection the word implies.


Exegetical- analysis or interpretation of a word, literary passage, especially of the Bible.

1 John1: God is the light

Defining the meaning, root of light, God.

ROYGBIV is remembered in every beam of light.

Noah was given a rainbow as a promise that God would, past tense verb, never flood the earth again. This is a clear signification that God is understanding. Understanding is remembered.

Main Idea and Outline (1 page):
The basic source for life in the universe is light or God. Light is ROYGBIV. Light is the basic source of life in this universe and so is God. Which poses the question, if you had a tangible person that would lead you to understanding, would you use it through its belief? That person is Jesus Christ because He is understanding. “I am the alpha and omega, the first and the last the beginning and the end.” – Revelation 22:13 This paper will prove to you that He is understanding, threaded, the alpha and omega because He is the Word and the Word is threaded.

Introduction (1 page): Look in New Testament Survey book, and above

Associate the underlined with the bracketed:

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

For God so loved the world, He gave [Himself in attempt to understand sin if “Me and My Father are one.” is in the same Bible that you and I read, this is the only thing the Son implies] that whosoever shall believe in [this understanding and see the simpler life intact because this is all the Bible implies, a simpler life and the Bible, Word is God] shall not perish [or understand there is more to this life].

Why would we not want to believe in understanding?

John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

If someone says the truth, then they understand.

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but of principalities and authorities of the unseen world.”

Where is our principals held and what did I see in my dreams? It is within our minds that we must hold principals. I saw angels, but this is because the reason behind my principals were in God’s Hands.

Context: (1-2 pages): Look in New Testament Survey book and 5 first book sermons, ha’ Torah; Jeremiah 31:35-37, 10 The heavens will be black above them; the stars will give no light. The sun will be dark when it rises, and the moon will provide no light.

God is context…associate…God is understood. If the name of the Lord in Jeremiah 31:35-37 appoints the sun to rise and set at a precise time daily and remember to annually rotate and position around the sun for Daylight Savings to be a fact, then this must be understood. As the Greek prefix implies, it must come from something. This is a lesson in language that God is understanding.

Proverbs 3:5-7 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight [because He is understanding.]. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.”

Ex: Abraham believed and wandered through the wilderness because He relied on God, Understanding.

How did Moses know where the Promise Land was to lead the Israelites? Why did they go? Because they understood.

Proverbs 3:5-7: 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart;do not depend on your own understanding.6 Seek his will in all you do,and he will show you which path to take. 7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
Acknowledges our own understanding, our knowledge of evil. So it does imply a reliance that wisdom and understanding comes from. “Trust in the Lord!”

He is the he added to Abraham and Sarah to go from idol worshippers to the number for Pi in the circumference of a laver of In 1 Kings 7:23 of the Hebrew translation, it states the number of Pi thousands of years before this concept was established in the word for a circumference of a laver. 23 Then Huram cast a great round basin, 15 feet across from rim to rim, called the Sea. It was 7½ feet deep and about 45 feet in circumference.[a]
1 Kings 7:23 Hebrew 10 cubits [4.6 meters] across. . . . 5 cubits [2.3 meters] deep and 30 cubits [13.8 meters] in circumference.
The Hebrews had numeric value to their alphabet and if we look at the word “circumference” in Hebrew of this context, we will find the number Pi; WOW!!! If you would like to go further in the study of this subject, please do the PowerPoint presentation of Learn the Bible in 24 Hours at your church.
when the Egyptians only had a fraction, the sentence in Genesis of the first 10 generations of Adam that vividly describe Christ’s death, the shema b/c God is heard, not seen, Joshua and Caleb to stop the sun in the valley of Aijalon and to lead the Israelites into the promised land when they only had to go NW and cross the Jordan River, but it took the Israelites 40 years to understand this, what helped David understand to kill Goliath with only one try, the poetry in Psalm to never have a word for the poetic devices, but reliance on God as the Word. He is remembered, understanding and anticipation: never held by the limits of time. He is the answer to the prayer, how as states in Psalm 4:2. Find Him…concealed in the OT b/c He is with us yet we do not realize and revealed in the NT b/c incarnate what was prophesied in Isaiah.

Psalm 4:2 How long will you people ruin my reputation? How long will you make groundless accusations? How long will you continue your lies? Interlude

Content (4-6 pages): Look in New Testament Survey book, sermons and associate everyday life with Bible. Wreck, my experience

In my life- pelvis- no plates
paralyzation- helped me understand how to correct through lifting weights, a preposition of faith.
brain- no surgeries yet it was sheared.
lived with transfusion of 27 units of blood; the body only holds five.
COPY Testimony

Application(1 page): There must be a Higher Understanding for my brain to heal perfectly from a shearing, yet I had no surgeries on my brain, my pelvis to heal perfectly yet I had no corrective surgery on my pelvis and from the reminisce, to remember through a limp that there was a lesson to be learned from all this: DON’T!!! The Bible tells us the same thing. Trust in the Lord! We must learn from experience what to do and what not to do because of the insertion of our knowledge of evil, but rely on the third hand experience from the Bible, not first hand experience through yourself because it hurts. That dog will bite!


researching facts- Biblical reference is final authority.
thought- God is behind my every thought
logic- look to God in association; find Him within your mind from your knowledge of good; look for interference in your knowledge of evil.
God is concealed in the OT b/c belief with this understanding and revealed in NT b/c incarnate

If we confine ourselves to one chapter, we loose the whole meaning of the Bible since He is the alpha and omega and there is no limit to understanding. This is the flow of the Word because the Word is God.

I believe why we are to write a unified theme of the following chapters is to help us realize God is understanding: the theme unified. The paper is exegetical b/c we are to analyze or interpret the word, God b/c “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God.” To define the root of God is to see Him as understanding. We can make Him as complex as we want Him to be, but this is to help us realize He is understanding. If we believe in this basic principle, concept, He will help us understand the most complex of theories are basic. It is only our knowledge of evil that confuses us. “I am the alpha and omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”…and there is no limit to understanding, our knowledge of good.

In the end is realization because every beam of light is remembered, ROYGBIV. Realization must come from something as the Greek prefix implies; here lies God. Realization is synonymous with understanding. God is understanding if we choose our knowledge of good. Never follow your knowledge of evil. We can learn the distinction through the reading of this Bible. John 1:1, “In the beginning was the word…” As Brian Mcknight said, “It all starts back at one.” And it is unbelievable the way things work themselves outJ

It must come from God.
We have heard God is the Trinity all our lives, but how can one be many, 3 people? “Me and my Father are one.”?!? The Trinity is a process. I will show how it is applicable to your lives.

- Father- all-knowing; knows that sin is illegitimate and gets frustrated from it. He turned His back on the crucifixion because frustrated and does not understand. Sodom and Gomorrah

- Son- son learns from father as Christ learned from world what sin was; sin is illegitimate, has no reason.

- Holy Ghost- understanding; incremental in us all if we only believe… John 3:16; this is our ticket. Presupposed in Bible, Genesis, Elohim (plural) but talks of Trinity in Gospel.

God has Many faces- chemistry…acid/base to see change in titration. We are complex chemicals…will others change you?!? Will it be for the good or bad?

Math- pure thoughts of God; 1260 b/c understood they are pure- make them your thought.

Believe in God; He will help with understanding

I thank God for my father who set the example of studying which leads to understanding, God- I understood through realization- set an example; your children will follow it and not go astray.

Smoking- hurt; 1 lung didn’t collapse. If I would have smoked, I would be dead.
Drinking- confusion
Sex- bonus to marriage; not an action w/o reason of marriage.

Know God and know understanding; live simpler.

It was the Pharisees, religious people, that John called a brew of vipers not the whore that Jesus forgave.

Understand that the Bible leads to and is understanding.

“When I was a child, I spake and thought and reasoned as a child; but now I put away childish things.”

1 Corinthians 13:8 and Chapter 14; chapter 13 is a prerequisite to 14 b/c if we love the Lord, He will help us understand, grow by the power of the Spirit and in the Lord. The Bible is perfectly sequential.

Speaking in Tongues-conversacion in Spanish. example; we can all understand this
Prophecy is understood- coincidences, events, knowledge, realization of events, etc

The Bible is perspectively speaking, generally and specifically.
Tongues are perspectively speaking and leads to prophecy.

Also, this world is not real; it is just a matrix or set of numbers going back to our discussion of motion; numbers are constant as is motion. Now, we must get into a conversation of realism; what is real?!? Is it what your sensory nerves tell us or is it what God tells us through our minds because there is no profound thought?!? Where do profound thoughts come from?!? If you can answer this question then you have your answer of where God is. The body cannot live without the mind. Now, if He created us, then creation implies beginning. What I’m trying to associate here is the mind and God; God is within our minds since there must be a beginning to everything in this universe…and our minds are something different?!? Well, they are outside of this universe if we allow it to be because “Then we will know the truth and the truth shall set us free.” There should be no end because the end is unnecessary and this is presupposed within all of our minds. An example of this from the Matrix was when Neo knew Morpheus’ name before he answered the phone and he also knew where that road would lead him to before he got out of the car.
Our study today, Numbers. Does anyone know what this book implies, what numbers means?

The number of days they spied out the land at Kadesh-Barnea, God judged the Israelites for spying out the land instead of relying on Him in years. They did not understand and were trapped on the eastern shore of the Jordan River. Once they did understand and were not confused, running around in circles on the Southeastern part of Israel in the wilderness, desert, they crossed the Jordan into the promised land. This is all they had to do, cross the Jordan, but it took 40 years for them to do so because they did not understand and God was not with them because of spying out the land.

Key example to us of what God is then and now: God was not with them so they did not understand or stayed in the desert for 40 years. Always strive for understanding! This is where God lies.

The reason for not entering the promised land:
Joshua and Caleb had a different attitude than the other Israelites who said they had seen the Nephilim or the product of fallen angels mingling with women while spying out the land. But this is why we must have faith. (14:2-4) They said they were going to die out in this wilderness and God heard this and granted their desires. I mean, if they were so apt to say it, they meant it. (14:26-33) God was so good to them, but they couldn’t give Him the key that He wants, faith and forgot, our knowledge of evil, His grace.

The thought of Israel and land of milk and honey must be elsewhere:
Stereotype of Israel: Hot, desert, Middle East

Israel is the most beautiful, cultivated, plentiful land! God made the Middle East a desert, but the kingdom of Israel a gorgeous land. This is also a testimony of God and what He can do. There are vipers out there, but He can mold you into greatness. After all, you are what you imply. Read the Bible and see if every story does not show He is understanding.

The scriptures even say this is an example of who He is: understanding. Read 1 Corinthians 10: 1-11 around the room. Stop at 10:11 “these happened to them for our admonition.” and so we wouldn’t have to experience the same sufferings.

Greek: tupos meaning type. There are several “types” mentioned throughout the Bible, but interestingly enough as a prerequisite. Isaac was another “type” of son willing to die at precisely the same spot that Jesus was for us. Melchizedek was a king priest in the line of David, Eliezer means “comforter” a signification of the Holy Spirit, the sentence we learned about in Genesis 5 from the generations from Adam to Noah, no man could allow it to sequentially make sense as such b/c no man lived for 10 generations. There must be a Designer behind this Bible.

We can be connected to this world or not. An example of this is how every human is attached to the matrix from the back of their heads, cerebellum, and Neo was detached. I found it interesting of where they were attached. If you were not connected to the matrix or a uniform set of numbers, then you were a pure child of Zion or Heaven.
The Matrix or this world and its Founder, wants us to be a battery and not to live freely. A battery is a source of energy for an object. When I was in High School, I remember you were not cool unless you hung out with a uniform set of friends, dressed uniformly in the same old baggy pants, drove the nice, stereotypical, uniform car and didn’t respect your teachers which is also uniform. Jesus once again said, “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” The truth is a relief from all these lies. Do not be a battery and tell lies. I hear the stereotypical teenager saying, “Whatever, talk to the hand; talk to the hand!”, but why would you want to be stereotypical in the first place, a battery?!? The matrix is because of our Fall of Adam and Eve.
Our dreams are more real if we follow Christ because he is within our minds and so are our dreams. Now, if we follow this world there may be a few dreams and sensory nerves that react to it. We all remember when we went to that friends house and saw Freddy Kruger for the first time and went home to have nightmares that night. What I am trying to associate is ideas that are of this world. Should Freddy Kruger be stereotyped with this world?!? I will let you answer that through presupposition. Remember when Neo saw the cat and immediately thought he had a dream of this beforehand? All this is an illusion, a matrix, set of numbers. We are able to define realism through the contradiction of this world. Remember, sight is a sensory nerve and sensory nerves do not define reality, but contradict it. God is neuropsychological; let Him direct your senses and by doing this, you will realize that the only thing to fear in death is the anticipation.
Fate is real because if there are presuppositions, then there must be a source behind that presupposition. That source is God.
Life is all understanding; another example for this is the program for jujitsu That Morpheus taught Neo. If we understand that gravity and other laws can be broken with anticipation, slowing down and movement, then we are on our way to understanding the reason, logos, God. Remember the Soccer Analogy I just gave associated with anticipationJ

Have you ever wondered why the title of this book is Song of Songs, not of Solomon?!? A song anticipates the notes, rhythm, tone, structure, length shown in the instrument played.. There must be a unifying member behind this to understand and make it beautiful. There is a connection between the person and instrument to make it beautiful. Here lies God; but as a song anticipates the following note played, so we must anticipate life and make it beautiful, not a curse ; leading to nothing. Anticipation is God!

Read Song of Songs 1:2 2 Kiss me and kiss me again, for your love is sweeter than wine.
Song of Solomon 1:2 The headings identifying the speakers are not in the original text, though the Hebrew usually gives clues by means of the gender of the person speaking.
Speaking of the logos type of love for a lover and
1:4 4 Take me with you; come, let’s run! The king has brought me into his bedroom.
Young Women of Jerusalem
How happy we are for you, O king. We praise your love even more than wine.
Young Woman
How right they are to adore you.
Speaking of the love for a friend. DO NOT MAKE LOVE INTO AN INFATUATION; FIND LOVE AS AN ANTICIPATION. If love is pursuant of God and not yourself (Yourself should be associated w/God b/c God is within your mind to make coherent sentences), then this is logos.

Now read 2:1; 1 I am the spring crocus blooming on the Sharon Plain,[a] the lily of the valley.
Song of Solomon 2:1 Traditionally rendered I am the rose of Sharon. Sharon Plain is a region in the coastal plain of Palestine.
Lily of the valley, rose of Sharon…Jesus was called these things, but Solomon said this centuries before. Associate yourself w/God. Jesus said this centuries after to show what was meant by having true love. Solomon is talking to His lover as is Christ w/His church, an allegory. Love God and find what love really is, the connection the word implies is God, not vanity.

I also found it interesting in the dialogue the question or an inquisitive statement that infers something. That something is God b/c “God is love.” was used by King Solomon, but the answer and compliment was said by his wife, the beloved. His true love, not those others that had no meaning behind them, political relationships of this world…an example of what not to do b/c of the outcome and no anticipation. God is not of this world. Find Him outside this world. I will remind you, I saw blue stars in my dream…it was a trip! God can be as distant or close as you want Him. In the end, I realized He is understood.

Read 5:1; Song of Solomon 5
Young Man
1 I have entered my garden, my treasure,[a] my bride! I gather myrrh with my spices and eat honeycomb with my honey. I drink wine with my milk.
Young Women of Jerusalem
Oh, lover and beloved, eat and drink! Yes, drink deeply of your love!
Song of Solomon 5:1 Hebrew my sister; also in 5:2.
Lovers and friends are again associated here, interesting. Do not be caught up in the infatuation of this world (vanity, sex), but anticipate Heaven in your love. After all, Heaven ain’t hard to find…all you gotta do is look. A great rapper said that; strong in the Lord!

But notice what it says in 5:1; it commands friends to drink, but for lovers to drink their fill; there is a distinction we must look out for. Friends are plural, so is God; Elohim. Also in the dialogue, the title of each poem, it goes from the initiation of love to friends to falling in love. Love your friends leading to the love of your wife, singular, one wife. This is a note, a realization, that God has many faces, but still is one. “Love the Lord w/ all your body, heart, mind, spirit and soul.” It should all be associated. He will help you understand. The definition of love is a strong affection for someone or finding God. That strong affection should be for God if the Bible is true; it is.

It starts the book out by the first encounter of the lover and beloved, Solomon and Schulamit or the feminine rendering of the name, Solomon. Do not think there is not a higher understanding w/a purpose behind these names and to show the allegory between the association of this love written in this book of these characters and God w/those who follow Him. If we don’t follow Him, He never knew us anyways.

Then it goes to the literary climax showing what true love is and defining it in chapter 7, read that for yourselves and conclusion saying that there is no conclusion to your love b/c “God is love.”

Now read 8:10; J

But love Him b/c He is the epitome of love. To define love is to define God, an understanding b/c HE IS OUR ULTIMATE LOVE!

Read Romans 12:1-2; renew your mind (what have I said all along) and find what love is b/c it must be found, an anticipation, not a sporadic impulse. This is what its’ all about.

Neuro or nervous is where God is. Either we can follow this world and hurt or live freely and have no pain, hurt or struggles. God can only show us the door; we must walk through it, our choice.
Our body cannot live without our mind. God is within our mind, presuppositions (What is the Source?!?), aforethoughts (What is the Source?!?), etc. We are reliant on God.
If we follow the ways of this world, then we are programs. An example from the movie is the sentiums and how their philosophy was that the first matrix was perfect and we were programmed with a want to eat the forbidden fruit. This is absurd because we were given free-will. Freedom is a state of mind, but the mind must be educated first. To obtain absolute freedom we must be educated in the Bible. The Bible only tells us how to live a simpler life, nothing more! The Bible strives for absolute freedom. Do we strive for the same thing?!?
With us becoming programs, we succumb to the matrix. Ignorance is bliss! If we do not follow the Bible, we are ignorant. If we follow this world, we are ignorant. I am trying to associate through contradiction. Even though you are within this world, do not succumb to the world. Those who agree with this statement, that there is more to this world, are presupposed in the mind of Christ to live eternally. It says in the Old Testament, “For those who are going to Heaven will and those who are not, will not.” The Lord already has in store so much more if we just follow His Word. When the man in the movie ate the steak, he knew that there was a higher level of happiness, but settled for what was presented to him at the moment. That is our problem, we just live in the present. Reflect on your past and anticipate the future. We can know the future from anticipation and this is all prophecy implies, an anticipation.

Overview: Prophetic Books

Prophecy is only anticipation. If you see coincidences coincide, which they do b/c this is a lesson in our language (who created language?), then this is the definition of prophecy.

Look for coincidences to coincide in the dialogue of the Bible, not the words:

Read Genesis 20:7; “Now return her to her husband, and he will pray for you , for he is a prophet. Then you will live. But if you don’t return her to him, you can be sure that you and your entire household will die.”

Abraham was a prophet, the 1st prophet in the OT, b/c he understood that Isaac was to be born through faith. He had faith in the Lord, a type of understanding. You can either go through the experience to know God is telling the truth or faith and directly believe in Him.

But, “The just shall live by faith.” Does a justice listen or lead, hear what is being said or contribute to the conversation?!? Listen to the words of this Bible- faith. Do not make a choice that does not coincide w/the Bible. IT HURTS! That dog will bite you.

Exodus3:12; “Then God told Him, “I will be with you. And this will serve as proof that I have sent you: When you have brought the Israelites out of Egypt, you will return here to worship God at this very mountain. “”
return. What did Moses do on Mt Sinai but was told this before he led the Israelites out of Egypt? Come from here to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and turn back to the mountain of God, Mt Sinai. It is amazing that he did what he was told and because of this became one of the greatest prophets of the OT and was given a set of commandments that has shaped this world from an understanding.

Numbers 12:6-8 6 And the Lord said to them, “Now listen to what I say:
“If there were prophets among you, I, the Lord, would reveal myself in visions. I would speak to them in dreams. 7 But not with my servant Moses. Of all my house, he is the one I trust. 8 I speak to him face to face, clearly, and not in riddles! He sees the Lord as he is. So why were you not afraid to criticize my servant Moses?”
Riddles, dreams: the prophetic books are written in the style of Hebrew poetry. We must take a closer look at poetry; poetry can: 1) speak to our wills and emotions (EX: Tupac Shakur, E vs W hate), 2)helps the audience understand it since our only way to communicate is through words and 3) Poetry can describe the meaning of the future in abbreviation and rhythmically. Have a beat to life; anticipate the notes, what is ahead.

This was all to allow people not to sin any longer: Moses from his life as an Egyptian, Abimelech from having intercourse w/Abraham’s wife, Sarah thus messing up the genealogy and not having Isaac. God will allow you to understand what sin is as He did w/these people. It is if we actually realize and are not caught up in confusion that will be the deciding factor and is our choice. Make the right decision, follow the Bible. Live for God.

God’s plan was outlawed in Israel’s disobedience and was also prophetic. Moses was arraigned or appointed in the divine court to see what was to come, accused, same happened to Abimelech w/Abraham, do not think God does not know your every thought to lust w/his eyes. Then there was the pronouncement of the sentence, 40 years in the desert, description of the punishment, they died in the wilderness and children went into the promised land, and full restoration: Joshua and Caleb took them into the promised land, thus making it full. Did this happen to someone else?!? Jesus?!? Look at underlined.

To deny our impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human. If we focus on sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. (impulses) then these are idle, nothing and we will receive nothing from them in the future. We ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil or for a better word wrong. Remember, evil/wrong is just a word and a word is just reference or description. If Satan did not interfere, we would know no evil. It would just be another word that we have heard but are not familiar with, like idle. It is another four letter word as is evil, but do we truly know what ‘idle’ means. It means nothing, but before this discussion did the majority know what it meant?!? Such that we would not know what ‘evil’ means either.
Throughout the Trilogy, it keeps on talking about, “the One”. We are the only ‘one’ if we must start with ourselves. If we want to change something, start with yourself. We have the knowledge; we simply must apply it.
If we are of this world, we can be changed from our pure inner selves to hate, lust, etc... all of which are illegitimate. Why hate; what will come out of it?!? Why lust if all is vanity?!? Seriously, we must find one who satisfies us intellectually, emotionally and physically not to deny the physical attraction, but is it truly what we are looking for?!? If so, then we are surely living a lie because physical is vanity; we are not vane…remember to be vane has a connotation of hate. We can either hate it or not; hate is illegitimate. Through us being in this world for so long, we have succumb to its ways. I do not believe knowledge is the way to have freedom, but understanding. We ate from the tree of knowledge and I believe we degraded our pure way of thinking. We must strive for our pure inner self to obtain freedom. A pure inner self is without sin. Sin is defined as not living a simpler life. That is it; He does not want to be illegitimate or without reason by giving us commandments that do not have a reason behind them. Why should we not steal?!? Because we will probably get into a lot of trouble or be arrested when He assures us that He will never let us down and we will have enough. Homeless does not mean one without a home because we are all assured a home in Heaven; we just must accept itJ They may not have a home down here, but if they accept Him they will surely have one.
This society is so caught up in evolution when all evolution means is generational adaptation; how could a species as monkeys adapt in such a short amount of time to become humans. Concerning race, we all come from one man, Adam. Once again, there is a start to everything in the universe. In this case, there must be a start to the human race. If you are uncomfortable with the name Adam, then we will use the name ‘Henry’. Remember, a word is just reference; a name is a word which is reference to a specific individual. There has to be a start to the human race to allow it to grow so abundantly.
Now, with different races there are different characteristics…but we all came from the same man?!? It must be adaptation that allowed us to change to our specific environment. Our different skin color is just from the different climatic effects, the sun and its effect on Africans to allow them to not be burnt from the conditions it bestows. Africans have another tendon in their ankles to allow them to run faster than the rest of us because we cannot deny they have suffered oppression in their past and also their noses because it gives intake to the air we breathe that goes to their lungs to allow their endurance to succeed. We see this in every culture, but Africans are easier to describe.
Within this world, we have a choice; it is harder to make a decision if we live within this world than it is if we live outside of it. The release is within our minds; God is the release. You may ask yourself the question, “Why?!?” The reason, logos, God is within is presupposed. If you answer this question, “Because we are already in this world it is easier to not complicate it by going outside of it.” Then you are of this world and not of the Kingdom of Heaven because what came first if eternity is eternity and we are predestined to Heaven if the Old Testament is right and those who are destined for Heaven will go and those who are doomed for Hell are already going if this is presupposed. This is known by God already. We can make the choice.
We are only as strong as we make ourselves either physically, mentally or spiritually; we are the one. We can either know this through third-hand experience or do it from first-hand experience. Either way, we are the one.
In the end of the first episode, Satan fails because there is a system failure within the matrix. Fate steps in and it will always step in. We will get into the system failure later.
The songs are even lessons to the first episode and Biblical. Rage against the Machine gives Biblical Reference to the verse, “You reap what you sew.” and how its applicable to the movie.

Matrix Reloaded
Now, we go to the Matrix Reloaded; it starts out by showing through visual representation that this world is just a matrix, set of numbers. An example of this is the technological world that this generation has grown up with. Was it not established from numbers?!? Did we not fly to the moon based on mathematical equation?!? If we believe then we can achieve, just look at meJ We can fly if we need to but the question is, why would we need to?!? He will help those who want it to understand; that is the definition of free-will. We are disconnected from the Matrix when we understand.
Do not look for future events that will make you happy making plans that are inconceivable, but the past will answer our future. Look for the good in your past and this will lead to a good future because the past was once your future. That is not to say do not strive for future plans, but make reference from the good things in your past to organize and coordinate a good future.
The weak minded can be taken over by this world. DO NOT BE WEAK SINCE GOD IS WITHIN YOUR MIND!!! The example for this is Agent Smith taking over the weak minded and transforming them into another Agent Smith. It is almost as if it is saying we are uniform by following this world; the truth shall set us free. Be a child of God and we will know the truth.
It says that the meek will inherit and the strong will lead this world. It is better to inherit this world because what will last longer, this world or the inheritance?!? Keep in mind that we inherit Heaven. Lord Action once said, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely.” An example of the strong, the powerful and the proud is Hitler, Napoleon, Kadafi, Castro, etc. An example of meekness and putting your faith in God is the Bush Administration. Now, keep in mind that meekness entails submission to one individual. Bush has shown us freedom from his obedience to the Almighty God. Now, who ended up with the better hand, Hitler or Bush?!? Any logical human would answer Bush since Hitler lost it all: his country, the war and eventually his life.
The Bible instructs us to steadfast, be ready for anything because this world is confusing, not the Bible. It is almost as if the Bible knows what it is talking about. Its basic lesson and title means and is: How to live a Simpler Life. Look to the Bible to answer reason, logos, why you do something; it’s simpler!
I also found interesting how they made the character’s names have a meaning behind them: Neo meaning that he is new to understanding, Morpheus means he morphs or changes individuals to understand, the Key maker is their connection to God and can be ours too! We just must open the door with the key we receive. A place that is mentioned in this movie is Zion which means Heaven.
Our free-will only allows us to see how reliant we are on God to live simpler because that is all we strive for. Why would we want to complicate?!? For example, we will use a math problem. Now, it has been thought that math is hard. That is just Satan trying to complicate and cloud your mind. It is a pure thought expressed by God; it is easy and such is God because He is within our minds. Follow your first thought since it is Divinely Inspired. Whenever we are right, we follow our first thought. It either comes to us, either in sequence or sporadically, or it does not. This is proof that God exists.
To go farther into our discussion of Divinely Inspired thought, we know that comprehension is not a requisite for cooperation. He wants us to succeed through cooperating with Him. We go back to math with this example; we can either learn the step or understand the step which is logos, reason, the answer to the question why. I am trying to associate all the meanings, Greek or English, with the reference that has been there for thousands of years. The reference and answer will always be God. Now, we ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We understood before eating the forbidden fruit. We must escape from knowledge and strive for understanding. But when God tells us something in our mind, comprehension is not a requisite for cooperation. We have a lifetime to understand.
Then, it talks about the French man which represents Satan and how He uses time as a tool of deception. Do not come to Him for reason for the question why. He will complicate it. If we follow Him we are robots, uniform to the world He created. An example of this is people who drink, get addicted to drugs. Do they not all act alike wanting more of the thing that only makes them stupid; is this not uniform?!? He is familiar with simplicity but refuses to acknowledge this and rebels with tools as time and other complications.
But, if we trust Christ we understand. This word already has good connotations; to understand is to know with completeness. We cannot fathom Satan’s hypocrisy; do not look for rationality from Satan.
Isaiah: Prince of Prophets

The first 39 chapters are filled with judgment upon Judah, but the final 27 chapters are of a coming hope. Remember, throughout the Bible there has always been judgment that is soon followed by hope when they understood. Remembrance is a very wise tool to use when you follow God as Ecclesiastes says. Go throughout this life and anticipate hope; this is why the Song of Songs is a book in the Bible b/c as a note anticipates the next note to make it beautiful, so we must anticipate this life to make it beautiful, a song. Allow God to be that anticipation and ultimately be that wisdom, understanding.

Which poses a question; if you had a teacher that would allow you to understand immediately through controlling your every thought if you only believed, would you believe in Him?!? This is all we must do with Christ b/c He is not found if you live by faith, but understood. Understand this hope, anticipation and wisdom.

But in this book is stressed salvation by faith; just believe. Do not hurt and experience what He is warning us not to do through commandments. The commandments are so wise b/c they are the building blocks of what we should not do in life and what they should not have done throughout the Bible. Listen to this third hand experience. Read Isaiah 7:9; 9 Israel is no stronger than its capital, Samaria, and Samaria is no stronger than its king, Pekah son of Remaliah. Unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm.”
Allow Him to protect you; have faith.

Read 28:15-16; 15 You boast, “We have struck a bargain to cheat death and have made a deal to dodge the grave.[a] The coming destruction can never touch us, for we have built a strong refuge made of lies and deception.”
16 Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem,[b] a firm and tested stone. It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be shaken.[c]
Rely on this understanding and not lie and deceive b/c this is nothing! And leads to nothing…He leads to something.

30:15; 15 This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it.

Returning, but He had not come yet as the Messiah. This proves to me that the only definition of the prefix re is to come from b/c the past, present and future had to come from something Do not be confined by the limits of time. Remember, do and anticipate.

Isaiah 6:9-10; 9 And he said, “Yes, go, and say to this people,
‘Listen carefully, but do not understand. Watch closely, but learn nothing.’ 10 Harden the hearts of these people. Plug their ears and shut their eyes. That way, they will not see with their eyes, nor hear with their ears, nor understand with their hearts and turn to me for healing.”[a]
Isaiah 6:10 Greek version reads And he said, “Go and say to this people, / ‘When you hear what I say, you will not understand. / When you see what I do, you will not comprehend.’ / For the hearts of these people are hardened, / and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes— / so their eyes cannot see, / and their ears cannot hear, / and their hearts cannot understand, / and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.” Compare Matt 13:14-15; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10; Acts 28:26-27.
This is the accumulation of it all.

Then, Isaiah sets every aspect up for the ministry of the Messiah. But, there is no way Isaiah could have known. It had to have came from a Higher Understanding. See the association of this prophecy and Christ, an example of coincidences coinciding.

7:14; 14 All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin[a] will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).

Jesus was born of a virgin. But the context of the conversation was about crushing Ahaz’s enemies. Why is it brought up in the context of killing Ahaz’s enemies?!? This is another anticipation that is historic. Just look to Him for understanding to crush your enemies before they even become enemies. The best way to crush an enemy is to make them your friend;

42:2; 2 He will not shout or raise his voice in public.

It goes on to speak about His youth in 7:15; 15 By the time this child is old enough to choose what is right and reject what is wrong, he will be eating yogurt[a] and honey.
Isaiah 7:15 Or curds; also in 7:22
Do you want to understand enough in your youth? Follow Him and He will allow you. Make that distinction between understanding and confusion.

His message is outlined in 61: 1-3; Isaiah 61
Good News for the Oppressed
1 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.[a] 2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come,[b] and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies. 3 To all who mourn in Israel,[c] he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory.
Isaiah 61:1 Greek version reads and the blind will see. Compare Luke 4:18.
Isaiah 61:2 Or to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
Isaiah 61:3 Hebrew in Zion.
He will bring understanding instead of confusion.

It even gets as intimate as His miracles in

35:5, 6: . 5 And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the blind and unplug the ears of the deaf.

53:1-12; Isaiah 53
1 Who has believed our message? To whom has the Lord revealed his powerful arm? 2 My servant grew up in the Lord’s presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him. 3 He was despised and rejected— a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care.
4 Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows[a] that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! 5 But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. 6 All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all.
7 He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. 8 Unjustly condemned, he was led away.[b] No one cared that he died without descendants, that his life was cut short in midstream.[c] But he was struck down for the rebellion of my people. 9 He had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man’s grave.
10 But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush him and cause him grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s good plan will prosper in his hands. 11 When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins. 12 I will give him the honors of a victorious soldier, because he exposed himself to death. He was counted among the rebels. He bore the sins of many and interceded for rebels.
The Jews believe He will be a worldly king which He was for a short time…this is not behavior from another fit for a king. No one could have put a King to death! It could have only been Jesus.

50:6; 6 I offered my back to those who beat me and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard. I did not hide my face from mockery and spitting.

Even as intimate as pulling out His beard.

52:13-15; The Lord’s Suffering Servant
13 See, my servant will prosper; he will be highly exalted. 14 But many were amazed when they saw him.[a] His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man. 15 And he will startle[b] many nations. Kings will stand speechless in his presence. For they will see what they had not been told; they will understand what they had not heard about.[c]

Understand what I am talking about. God is understanding.

Trust God’s reason although He does not give much explanation because there is no need. If we could give such a reason that does not require an explanation, we wouldn’t. The Bible is self explanatory if we read it. The Bible is His reason.
We can understand these concepts or not. After all, we do only what we are meant to do. We have a choice as a requisite of our free-will. Please, I urge you not to follow this world; live simpler.
The source they make reference to throughout the movie; the source is God. Because of the fall, we have only one way to know, understand God. Through our minds; it is funny that this system (nervous system) controls our whole body, yet are so minute, so small, tiny. From my personal experience, I once had a surgery due to a humeral fracture. They had to put a sponge between where they were working and where my nerve was. Needless to say, my nerve went dead as did my whole right arm for six months! As I said, so minute, yet so important to function. It is up to us to acknowledge this. If we understand this concept, we will understand the rest of this world and more.
As the Matrix, Bible, Christians say, we are here to fulfill a purpose. We make the choice of what purpose that may be.
There are no accidents nor chance; if I am wrong, then we are dead anyway because our life has no purpose, kingdom or inheritance because it is all chance. If we know people die, then why do we live if life has no meaning?!? There must be life after death. Otherwise, why do we live?!? Chance was always an ignorant school of thought. Let us take gambling and the strong will lead statement in association. You can either be educated in this world with ignorance by gambling or know that life has better opportunities to pursue than to roll some dice and do something with your life. Gambling is idle, nothing because the majority of us will end up with exactly what we had.
At the end of the second movie, there is a very wise character, the Creator of the Matrix, the Architect, God in representation. He tells us our problem is with our choice: Paradise or Disaster. This simply reiterates my simple thought of simplicity. It talks about the one throughout the movie; we are the one. We must understand through our aforethought, first thought.
Understanding is healing, truth, the beginning of the end of our earthly bodies, but the incremental increase of our Heavenly Bodies. Through each and every understanding, we are one step closer to Heaven because it is all experience.
A Closer look at Abraham’s Life: God made him a promise because He understood.

Genesis 12:1 “Now the Lord said unto Abraham, ’Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee.’” And He didJ

Abraham moved north to His father’s house, a security blanket, before going to a land that God promised him. We are like that having to cover ourselves before relying on God. Don’t worry; He still led Him to the land God promised. This is our definition of God.

7 promises, 7 is a very important number because it is throughout the scriptures:

I will make thee a great nation
and I will bless thee
and make thy name great
and thou shalt be blessed
I will bless them that bless thee
and curse them that curseth thee
and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed

Now, we are blessed if we understand, but confused if we curse. EX: Studying
The nation of Israel is thought to be a nation that is blessed. We can join that nation if we understand; we all came from one man so there is no distinction of evolution only adaptation. Blacks are black because they live in Africa. EX: People that came from Nigeria and moved because of the slave trade have lighter complexion than those who stayed there.

Allusions: In Chapter 14 where it speaks of Melchizedek it alludes to Psalm 110:4, “You are in the line of Melchizedek.” Melchizedek was a king priest; he ruled because he understood. Jesus was also in this order. We can do this because the meek shall inherit but the strong will lead. We must show both these characteristics.

It is thought that sarcasm is bad: “Where are thine accusers; then neither do I. Go and sin no more.” He knew they had thrown the stones away. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the gates of Heaven.” Camels have a hard time going through these gates and He is telling them don’t rely on money, but on God. Be strong in your words, but be meek in your actions.

Ishmael was born because Sarai was barren so she allowed Hagar, Egyptian handmaid to
Sarai to Sarah: addition of a heh signifying the Holy Spirit
Abram to Abraham: addition of a heh signifying the Holy Spirit, the birth of Isaac and we will learn how important the heh in the basis of everything: pi.
Covenant of Circumcision:
Why circumcision on the eighth day?!? Clotting is not optimized until then, Vitamin K is not formed until the 5th-7th days so the eighth is the first safe day, or an understandingJ

Matrix Revolutions
In the final episode of the trilogy: Matrix Revolutions, it starts out showing this world as a matrix, a set of numbers, technological. Do not be fooled into thinking it is something more complex; see the simplicity in it and you will figure out its content.
With this world presented to us, we make up our own mind with choice; this can cost us or reward us. To be rewarded, we must follow the advice of the Bible. This is all the Bible is; just to help us make the right choice and not go astray with the ways of this world. It will cost us if not immediately, down the road somewhere.
The tool of the Devil, chance, will cost us because it is the wrong choice. Chance is to go throughout life as it presents itself, but we must do since we ate of the forbidden fruit.
In the final episode, it has many characters that represent a multitude or an abstract connection or motion. For example, the trainman is the connection between the Matrix and this world; we must avoid him at all costs. Also, the Indian man represents the Eastern religions and shows how they go astray with the One, God, that matters but have the same principles as Western Philosophy. They show that they go astray by making a deal with the trainman by raising their daughter to follow their religion. They show they have the same principles through having a conversation with Neo. We must fulfill His Purpose, otherwise we are deleted.
I thought it was ingenious how the Indian man rebutted to Neo, “It is just a word; what matters is the connection the word implies.” This is so profound; if you have ever taken a course in another language, you know this is true. For example, un beso=a kiss in Spanish yet it matters in what context the word is taken. Does the person want a kiss, is it said sarcastically or is it said ambiguously and does it specify what you can kiss?!? This also means the same thing, but is said in two different languages; if someone was to come up to you and ask for or want to give a kiss in a different language and you were unfamiliar with the language, would you get confused, hostile, wonder what they are talking about?!? An implication is the good and evil with their magnitude that we do not see, but is embedded. “For our fight is not of flesh and blood, but of principalities and things not of this earth.” Where are principals held and what did I see in my coma?!? This a lesson to all of us that if someone says something you do not care to hear or hurts you, do what our Lord instructs and turn the other cheek.
Karma is another word that is often misinterpreted. It means the good that fills us all meaning the Holy Spirit but does not acknowledge the Holy Spirit. Do not look to critique what is being said to you, but reflect on yourself and how it applies to you. Reflection is a learning process. Do not be caught up in the bondage of time.
Also, it shows a very great lesson that is easily seen; when the trainman turns around they anticipate he will do something bad. What we see is that he shoots at them and they anticipate him doing something bad by turning around and get behind some columns. Anticipate what this world will do and follow the Bible because the Bible anticipates their ignorance and what to do and what not to do about it.
Satan knows the principles of the Bible, but chooses to ignore them. Do not look for Satan for rationality. It shows this through the French man wanting the Oracle’s or prophet’s eyes. The eyes of the Oracle are understood so they cannot be taken, but given…through understanding. But, to understand what?!? To understand God; Satan knows God exists, but keeps his practice of ignorance alive. Do not fall into the category of ignorant; it’s ignorant.
Satan always looks at the negative; there are no coincidences because God has control of the subject somewhere down the road but Satan always sees consequence. Both are tools of the Devil, coincidence and consequence. Look for consequence, but do not revolve around and worry about them. This is another tool of the Devil, worry. Read the Bible; it is our guideline. We cannot understand a choice we have no guidelines for a choice; the Bible is our guideline for a choice. A negative is within the mind of Satan; look for them, but do not live life in worry of them. Do not be negative.
God does not understand the choices we make. There is no choice for Him, just a decision and the only reason we have a choice is because we ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We can make a choice between good or evil. Good is the easy way. Understanding is found inside the pages of the Bible, generally.
An example of God not understanding choice is Sodom and Gomorrah. He did not understand how people could live in sin like that. Sin is just not living simpler. He destroyed the cities and now He just turns His back on such ignorance as sin. An example of this is when Christ’s Crucifixion and how He had to turn His back on such ignorance as killing their Savior.
The associations and associations within this movie are ingenious!!! The logos, the reason or God was a ship within this movie and this insinuates that God, logos is mobile within each and everyone of us that choose to understand Him because it is a ship and ships move.
Satan is within those that do evil of any caliber because Satan is evil which is irrational.
We are only as busy as we make ourselves. Business is another tool of the Devil in this 21st Century. Do not make yourself too busy to do God’s work because He is there and we are to place our treasures in Heaven. If we are too busy for God, He will be too busy for us. “For if you are ashamed of my Father, I will be ashamed of you in front of my Father.” He will not help us understand!
This world does not mind how old you are; it will corrupt you, nevertheless. “Suffer the little children and forbid them not unto me; for such is the kingdom of Heaven.” The Lord understood that children understand because they have not been corrupted. We see this from the amount of drug addicts, alcoholics, sexually-transmitted diseases in this world. Is this simple?!?
We made it hard on our self by eating the forbidden fruit. It is up to us on how hard we make this life by reading the Bible. We can either make it hard, harder or hardest. The Bible is the easy way out. If we truly want to cheat this world, read the Bible.
Satan can corrupt in this world (hate in the world) or Heaven (2/3 of the fallen Angels). Satan looks to make us uniform, but the truth shall set us free. An example in this movie is all the Agent Smith’s in this world making us uniform. We were blind, but now we see.
We must fight fire with fire while we are down here because Satan gave concept of weaponry. While we are down here, there is a time to kill…this world; we are simply making them one step closer to inevitability with death.
Pray for understanding of how to fix something. Do not ask Him why…”why don’t you fix this”; this just answers one question with an answered prayer. Ask Him how…how to do something; this answers the five w’s and will answer your prayer if it is in His will: who, what, when, where and why. If not, you will understand why it had to be, what really went on, who was part of the original problem, when it had to be at that time or where was the original problem. It will always make a change for the better. Also, our prayers are usually inquisitive statements; do not make them such. Instead ask a direct question, how.
It goes on to tell us that we can either see through our sensory nerves or our mind; our mind is understanding the logos, reason, God because He is within. We would not look for peace in warfare, a dog sitting in front of a dog pound waiting to be caught, a leaf in the middle of a bitter winter on a tree. Such that we should not look for God anywhere but our minds. Let Him control your sensory nerves because that is what the mind is for, to control. Then we will realize the true life which is realization.
It ends by showing the way this world truly is, the hate in those machines or uniform human beings. Make note, I make reference to both the movie and its Biblical connotations.
Through out the movie. Smith is ignorant and we cannot deny this through his hypocrisy. Such is this world, nothing but ignorant. The inner mind can set us free. The inner mind is God and that is the truth; God is not human. He only has one way, one choice and expresses this in the Bible, His Word. We must follow it.
What is truth?!?

Is it linear and has an end or circular and never ends?
Is it the alpha and omega or just the omega, end?

This century has brought in new technology, discoveries and understanding, but with that comes confusion: humanism, the nihilism of Nietzsche, communism of Marx, etc. We ate from the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, not more good than evil but good =evil. Do not let your evil, confusion overcome your good.

June 25, 1962- no prayer or our connection to understanding
June 17, 1963- abolished Bible reading or the book of how we can understand

Turn with me as we read:
Daniel 8:25: 25 He will be a master of deception and will become arrogant; he will destroy many without warning. He will even take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power.
2 Thessalonians 2:9
1 Timothy 4:1
2 Corinthians 4:4
1 John 4:4
John 8:44
Revelation 12:9 This great dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world—was thrown down to the earth with all his angels…Confusion has an ending.

People say, “Morals have changed.”
God made morals and He has not changed.

Avian Pandemic (contagious in humans)in Poultry (that we eat) and resistance to antiviral medicine
Revelation 6:8- 1 in 4 will die from pestilence and “the beasts of the earth”.

The general moral of the Matrix Trilogy is the understanding of the Bible. If we understand the Bible, then we understand what sin truly is, how to live the simpler life (without sin) and that God is within our mind, an understanding.
What I am attempting to do is put a period at the end of a sentence, saying that the Matrix does teach us a lot about life: what to do through the examples of Morpheus, Neo and Trinity and what not to do through the examples of the French man, the Sentinels and the hate from both.
We cannot live a dream if we do not believe in dreams; if you believe then you can achieve. If you want to change something, start with yourself. Nothing was created that was not first initiated.
Misconceptions of and Meaning behind the basis of the Bible:
the Shining One, the Serpent
First, He creates doubt: “Did God really say that?!?” or “Go out with your friends.”
Then, He creates direct denial: “Ye shall not die!” My story is probably the best example for this because it directly coincides with this; I almost did die because of the bad situation I was placed in.
Thorns: b/c of curse and emblematic on cross that Jesus wore as “King of Jews”, but also to show that this curse was taken from us if we only believe, understand. Keep in mind that believing is symbolic of faith. Let Him be the reason, logos, towards understanding, a prophetic presupposition.
1st act of religion: “Their eyes were opened.” “Covered themselves with armor.” Religion is always man’s attempt to cover himself…from what?!? Sin is defined as doing something bad that God does not want you to do, but what does bad mean?!? Some conceptions of being bad is that it is illegitimate, no reason; Why would God not want us to do that?!? Because He knows drugs, drinking, smoking, greed, gluttony, women (not the kind of woman you want) will hurt you somewhere down the line. Why hate?!? “The meek shall inherit the world.” Unbelievers will believe what they want: there is no reason.

Let God be the meaning in every verse in the Bible, in every situation in your life, let Him be the reason, let Him be the logos b/c without Him, we would go throughout life meaningless. Why would we want this?!? Sure we can, but there is an alternative that is much better. We can hate or we can love, fight or turn the other cheek. They will believe what they want and it doesn’t get any better w/age, but be a believer in God and have a meaning.

It is the connection the word implies and the reason why the word reason was put in our vocabulary is to describe God.

If Tomorrow Never Comes

You know, now I am thoroughly convinced that God has a sense of humor. As you know, June 17, 1999 was the date of my wreck. I can vividly remember the conversations I had with those girls: ‘I Wanna Know’ echoing through my mind with Melissa’s beautiful voice, Tina’s sarcastic sense of humor and me holding her hand to my cheek saying, “Even though you try to piss me off, you still make me smile.”, telling her that we were going to the top. One of my most beautiful recollections of those two girls was driving in the car with Melissa as we passed a field of wild sunflowers. “Melissa told me that she liked sunflowers as we passed the field…
This past year was seven years since the wreck, the first time that sunflowers have ever been behind the cross to remember those two girls. It still hurts to have lost Tina and Melissa but as I crossed the road, I realized that Heaven is what you like and so much more. Better days are on their way. You must cross the road to find themJ They are with God and there were three bushes of sunflowers…what she liked. It makes me happy that they are so happy. “Heaven ain’t Hard to Find…all you gotta do is lookJ” So, I picked some for Melissa since she liked them so much. The poetry of my life is so beautifulJ

If I was to make an overall theme of my life, I would describe it as good. I will never forget those faded pictures …one of my fondest memories of them is going to a ball game with those two girls, watching the Stars and finding the way with them to understanding; I wish I could express my true feelings to them today. Whenever I think of them, I have a smile on my face. Every time I close my eyes I thank the Lord that I got them…and they got me tooJ
We used to laugh all the time; Tina’s last name was Herstein and I used to always call her Her-stine after the Young Frankenstein movie joke. She would always laugh just as you are right now; I loved that. I remember listening to, “Unconditional Love” repetitiously with them. Please notice the presupposition in this. Thank you for the memories. I will never forget the love I had for Melissa; she loved me and I loved her. I remember her singing the song “I Wanna Know” by Joe. The song came on the radio; I had never heard the song before so I turned the station. To this day I hear her voice echoing,” No, I like that song.” I quickly turn it back to hear her sing the words, “I wish that I could take a journey through your mind; and find emotions that you always try to hide.” I hear those words running through my mind all the time and I smile. I wait for that love again. I guess that was the Lord’s way of saying, “ You had good days before; you are in store for even greater.”
I have grown up as a very active member of my church. From teaching the children the Way, to interacting with the youth and giving understanding to the College & Career Class, my limits are God’s limits and God has no limits.
I thank God for my Christian Heritage; my great grandfather was a Baptist Minister until the day he died, my grandfather is a Baptist Minister and my family loves and serves the Lord. God is working within me as we speak.
Now to build a house, you must first have a foundation. That foundation is experience, experience from reasoning, logos; that foundation is God. Starting off, I must say God is good…and has no limit. What they have taken away from me, God has given back ten fold.
It has been [insert publishing date of book printing] since the wreck. Since there is no way to know every aspect and to put it into the words of a book of what I went through, I will just say I was in a car wreck. We were just going to see a movie; what it was, I am unsure. It could have been a series of things: Life, the Matrix, Wild, Wild West, who knows. But one thing must be said, I love those girls.
A woman, drunk and who was upset with her boyfriend was driving towards the intersection of Ruth Wall and 114; you know, right beside Grapevine Mills Mall. Tina and Melissa were going to the movies with me and driving in my car after I had a long day life guarding at the YMCA. Two friends of mine were following.
To make a long story short, we came up to the intersection of Ruth Wall and 114. My light turned green so I proceeded forward. It wasn’t half way through the intersection, the woman struck the driver’s side going 80+MPH and so the story begins.
You know, sometimes life isn’t really fair. In reflection of that night, I remember being confused of where my friends were going to go, being too trustworthy of people and thinking she was going to stop. I loved, love and will always love those girls. As I lay in Melissa’s lap, thinking this was a dream, I heard screams. “Josh, Josh, Josh!!!”, my best friend saw a girl tossed out of the rear windshield brutally breaking her back. I acknowledged him with a gargle; I was still conscious.
He told a mutual friend up at work, “Josh doesn’t have any legs; they were torn off in the wreck!” His eyes had seen too much; mortified and astonished, all they could do now is pray.
As you can see, I am fine now; like I said, God has no limit. The two girls driving in my car…they’re with Jesus now. I told them one day we were going to the top; they just got there a little quicker. The last time I saw them was in a dream of only mental cognizance, not of physical recollection about three months after the wreck when I was in a coma for three months.

I did not know what happened to me, saw blue stars and two beautiful girls in white robes take me to a dark room. “Everything will be alrightJ”, they said. I was confused; ‘What will be alright?!?’, I asked. All they could do was walk off into the distance with their beautiful blonde and brunette hair. I guess that was God’s way of saying, “I am still here even though all this is happening.’
That is odd, Tina and Melissa had blonde and brunette hair. I saw them in a dream within my mind, but they had passed. It is almost as if God is within our minds, a presupposition because He was supposed in minds way before you, an aforethought.
Angels are mentioned throughout the Bible described as being in white robes and it says in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God…” It is almost as if the Bible is speaking the truth; the Bible is God.
As I look back on the night of June 17th, 1999, I know summer time was their favorite time of year because this was when Melissa went to Galveston or Tina went to her Banquet and I would like to think this was their favorite time because this was the time they spent with me. At every season’s changing, the wind reeks of their hair; that is how vivid their memory is. “In the Arms of an Angel” was what was sung at their funeral and as you can see, that is exactly where I stood. The good Lord giveth and the good Lord taketh away; Come quickly Lord Jesus, even so, come quickly.
Now, what I have learned in the past few years is unbelievable. I did not know the extent of my injuries. My pelvis was broken in seven different places. What is the miracle in all of this?!? Number one, I am alive and cognizant enough to use words like ‘cognizant’ and write a book to share my experience. Number two, I do not have metal plates or anything foreign in my body from my pelvis being broken in seven different places which healed perfectly in only two weeks. Every organ was lacerated in my body except my heart and left lung; God is good.
The human body only holds five units of blood, but it took twenty-seven units to keep me alive that night; by the way did I mention my blood type is Type AB-, the rarest blood type?!? I thank God for each and everyone of you that gave blood the next day so that which I used could be replaced. Not a day passes that your donation is not appreciated. You allowed me to fulfill a purpose and missionJ
Also, I have learned my two frontal lobes were sheared in my skull. What does sheared mean?!? My two frontal lobes were torn from the rest of my brain and healed itself! No breaks, surgeries or permanent memory loss; God is great!!!
The next couple of years were a blur to me. I spent hundreds of hours in various hospitals, there were thousands of trips to doctors and the hospital bill was well over a million dollars and God took care of that too.
The person I am today is a little wiser, submissive and meek to name a few of my characteristics. I am a living testimony to God’s good grace. Throughout this world, I had people praying for me: in New Zealand, Africa, several Southern Pacific Isles and throughout the United States. All those precious prayers were answered; thank you.
Through that experience, God has blessed me in ways you will never be able to imagine. I was offered a job at Bell Helicopter, Textron in Forth Worth, Texas under the Chemical & Analysis Department only two years after my wreck. I was only able to lift 225 lbs. for five repetitions under four sets before my wreck. I am able to bench press well over that amount now and it only took me a year to recover the strength I had before the wreck on a constant basis. I am currently enrolled at Dallas Baptist University, world renowned and a very prestigious school, with a 3.0 GPA from my previous college and it rising with my understanding of God. You tell me God is not there, I will share at least three miracles he has bestowed upon me. As my Pastor says, “If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.” As you can see, through my cognizance, strength and mobile ness, He has brought me every step of the way.
Now, what I have learned in my life, is that there is genius in simplicity yet it takes simplicity to define genius terms coherently. This is not a new concept; Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Homer and Leibniz say this through either their hypocrisy or understanding. The Bible even says this through its own words. Jesus said, “Suffer the little children and forbid them not unto me; for such is the Kingdom of Heaven .” and “Except you become as one of these, you will not enter in.” What Jesus is saying here is ‘Blessed are the simple minded.’ If we take on faith, such as a child, we will inherit and enter into the Gates of Heaven. See, I just see things simpler now after my wreck than I did in my past. God is the Word and all the Word is telling us to do is live a simpler life. We see it as a question, but a question has two answers: right or wrong. This is our choice. The Bible is the right way; it is telling us how to live a simpler life. True life is lived full of insinuations through our mind, associations through connection, allegories through our perverseness, constancy through the One, an experience to understand, a statement not question, purposeful , has no limitations, an inner mind through understanding, mental not physical, a healing not a scar, a searching for a period but not the end of the paragraph, acknowledgement, a source, a reason, completeness, Divinely Inspired, obedience, good, outside the boundaries of time, reference, decisive not inquisitive, adaptation within the Bible of understanding, examples, parables of experience from education, implications, connection, a beginning but never an end, within our minds, reliant on the Source if lived well, how not why, choice but never a chance and never a wrong decision, understood, in prepositions from the Presupposition, anticipation, reflection, simplicity from One. Do not look at the quantity of words I use to describe life, but the quality of understanding I use throughout this book.
Since we look at the positive aspect of life, we should acknowledge the negative: what not to do in life.
What is missing in every story in the Bible? The main characters knowledge of good which is later realized, understood. We see how they fall with their knowledge of evil or succeed with their knowledge of good. It is our knowledge that is crucial. Knowledge is where God lies and believing in this knowledge is beneficial. The benefit is eternal life.
Wrong, evil, sin just is not living a simpler life. We think this is just going behind God’s back, but just as a parent instructs a child, such is the Bible. Life is just a word; what matters is the connection the word implies. We can either take it as a Gift or a Curse. This is the connection and its implications; life is what we make of it. As we live at the current moment, we make it hard on ourselves. We ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but strive towards the bad with hate of different races, sexes, religions when all they seek is understanding, acceptance, etc. Why?!? We may have ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but to know is different than to do. There is no cost to be rewarded; the cost was taken on the cross. There is not a choice, only a commandment, one way to make a decision. This is just a parent instructing a child to live simpler, that is it! Knowledge is a less intimate understanding; strive for understanding.
Also, I have learned there is no need to fight things; what will be, will be. “Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.” I will ask you to keep in mind that inheritance insinuates ‘coming’. Sure, you can fight it, but what will it achieve?!? Fighting it in anyway is just showing you do not have faith (God’s mercy to allow His sheep to understanding) in God’s Plan. The strong will lead this world, but those who turn the other cheek will inherit the world. It is better to inherit because what will last longer, this world or the inheritance?!? We must accept the reception or inheritance because it will be given to us if we follow the words in the Bible, the simpler life of meekness and not stirring up anger, and the reason for prime numbers. The Bible is a prime number. The Greek philosophers who studied these numbers understood the idea of primality and were interested in perfect and amicable numbers.
And finally, do not look at Bible Scriptures as things you have to do, unreasonable laws; look at them as advice from your Creator of how to live a simpler, but fuller life. I mean that is who created life. Why not follow the Inventor’s Directions, the Bible. Even the Commandments are just moral law, moral law- the distinction between right and wrong since we ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They are commandments because He knows the easy way out. Sure, there are still going to be people that disobey them, but what are they saying, “I do not want to live simpler!” What the Bible is truly saying is if you want to be a Christian or live simpler since that is all Christians truly are, simple livers, you must follow these commandments. Think about this; we messed up in Eden and God loved us so much He gave us His Word, Himself to live simpler lives if John 1:1 is true. God is not going to banish sinners from this earth because He loves us so much and hopes we will make the right choice, the simpler choice to follow Him.
But the one thing you must do in this life is “Ride it till the wheels fall off.” Before my wreck, I thought life was a dream; I soon found out it really isn’t and it really doesn’t hold anything back from you after an incident like mine. But, I learned the understanding in the pages of the Bible make it a simper, easier life if you follow its’ words. Fulfill your life to the fullest; do your purpose in life and try to overdo. It has been [ INSERT DATE OF PUBLISHING FROM WRECK DATE] since the wreck. I miss those girls; I will see them one day. For right now they are just two teardrops, faded pictures and a memory and have taught me so much, but the most important of these lessons is, “Heaven ain’t Hard to Find, all you got to do is look.” within your mind. I cannot wait to see them on the other side because there, they will not be a memory, but a realityJ
Since we have dissected the fine prophecies and shown through wording that Jesus is the Messiah, we will now look at the prophecies that directly point to no man other than Jesus.

Isaiah 49:6; 6 He says, “You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me. I will make you a light to the Gentiles, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.”

Gentiles are saved also, but the Jews (of the nation) think they are the “chosen people”. This is in the Old Testament, but the Jews still don’t believe?!? The Gentiles, us, used to eat raw meat from weird animals, worship pagan gods of statues, NOT LIVE SIMPLER!

This man helped them understand with the Jews. Jesus helped them realize that all have the knowledge of evil, but in this situation we are about to read about, Isaiah prophesied what was about to happen (the Pharisees were to honor them w/their lips, face value, but not understand it is simpler to honor your parents), but , yet they still did not understand. Read Matthew 15:6-9 6 Even the waters of Nimrim are dried up! The grassy banks are scorched. The tender plants are gone; nothing green remains. 7 The people grab their possessions and carry them across the Ravine of Willows. 8 A cry of distress echoes through the land of Moab from one end to the other— from Eglaim to Beer-elim. 9 The stream near Dibon[a] runs red with blood, but I am still not finished with Dibon! Lions will hunt down the survivors— both those who try to escape and those who remain behind.

…then 15:16-20. 16 “Don’t you understand yet?” Jesus asked. 17 “Anything you eat passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer. 18 But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what defiles you. 19 For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. 20 These are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands will never defile you.”

Jesus gave several arguments, discussions that all God is must be understanding. Read Matthew 15:10. 10 Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. “Listen,” he said, “and try to understand.

I believe Jesus was very emphatic w/His references to God as understanding and how to live simpler from our knowledge of evil. Highlight the exclamation point on

15:20. 20 These are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands will never defile you.”

Read Matthew 15:24-28; 24 Then Jesus said to the woman, “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the people of Israel.”
25 But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, “Lord, help me!”
26 Jesus responded, “It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.”
27 She replied, “That’s true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table.”
28 “Dear woman,” Jesus said to her, “your faith is great. Your request is granted.” And her daughter was instantly healed.
We are children of Israel if we understand, Gentiles if we eat the raw meat and not live simpler. This is also an example of faith- third hand on Jesus. Just rely, it will be instant b/c it comes from just like the little girl. I will share this story w/y’all one more timeJ (scars) Nah, probably a few more; don’t hurt. Learn this from third hand experience!

Now, back to Isaiah, the original association. Look for God to be lying in association, pneumonic devices. Isaiah 50:6; 6 I offered my back to those who beat me and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard. I did not hide my face from mockery and spitting.

Is this precisely what happened to Jesus?!? Isaiah 52:13-15; 13 See, my servant will prosper; he will be highly exalted. 14 But many were amazed when they saw him.[a] His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man. 15 And he will startle[b] many nations. Kings will stand speechless in his presence. For they will see what they had not been told; they will understand what they had not heard about.[c]

Has kings or world leaders (Franklin Roosevelt and WWII, Bush and 9/11 with resolutions) understood?!? Highlight understand. Exalted speaks of His resurrection and ‘lifted up’ speaks of His ascension.

Isaiah 53:2; 2 My servant grew up in the Lord’s presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him.
Jesus was not a king like the Jews believe He will be, but this was prophesied in the Old Testament. He didn’t have beautiful things to attract to His appearance. That is of face value; look in your minds for the attraction. There you will understand.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath awayJ

Heaven could be ages away or distant (like the blue stars I saw in my dreams) or it could be right within our minds (after all it was within my mind, my dreams.) Early on, my father was asked by a newspaper reporter what the prospects were for my recovery. He replied, “Josh’s limits are God’s limits and God has no limits.” I guess that pretty much sums it up. What you will see in writing this book, in person, as one of His sheep is the living God who was saved twice by His amazing grace. Life is precious and none of us know how many breaths we have. “Live for the now because tomorrow ain’t promised today.” God has a purpose for each and everyone of our lives. That is all the more reason that each of us should live this moment like it is our last by dedicating it all to the one who gave us life, our Lord and Savior. Come quickly Lord Jesus, even so, come quickly. I leave you with pictures of those two gorgeous girls and what I have to look forward toJ
He assures us throughout the Bible that if we follow His rules, the Bible, we will always have enough. My life is my assurance because it has always been enough.
Through that experience, I prayed to God that this was all a dream. Once again, I emphasize experience and for you to learn from my experience through the third hand because first hand hurts. Trust me, third hand experience is sufficient. We can learn this through testing chemicals, life’s experience and third hand experience that God is there.
This is another thing that could have only come from the Divine Power. One would think I was a beast of a man who was 6’0” and lifted weights his whole life. Now, granted I did played soccer my whole life allowing my lower body to strengthen, but had only started lifting upper-body weights precisely one year before my wreck, weighed 135 lbs when the wreck occurred and am 5’7” today. Why would you not believe someone who knows too much about the brain, body and all the systems of the body from first hand experience?!? This was all miraculous!!! Dios es fuerte.
We must learn that life is reference and the Source referred upon is God. If we rely on Him, we will succeed. If we do something good for God, we will always succeed. Good is succession and if we succeed, it is always from something good. The past is very important to me, thus I like to remember; in both lies God. My grandfathers words were true; I just had to remember them.
I know what everyone is thinking at the current moment and I did miss the Dallas Stars win the Stanley Cup that night, June 17th, 1999, but I had to fulfill a purpose. It would have been much simpler life if I had watched the game, but what a big purpose it must be to allow me to survive a wreck like that!
With all this talk of God being understanding, I know we need some reassurance that there is no need to worry in this life b/c everything is understood in this life.

I want y’all to highlight in these new Bible’s to see the emphasis I am trying to show.

Psalm 139:1; 1 O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.

He KNOWS everything about us; knowledge is where? I believe our knowledge of evil takes the emphasis away from what is important. He is telling us where He lies…within our mind.

Acts 17:28; 28 For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your[a] own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’
We would be dead w/o our minds.
EX: Melissa was better off than I was, but she was brain dead…or was she? I saw her in my dreams and didn’t even know they were dead. This proves to me if we believe in the Holy Spirit, we are one mind for those two girls to be in my dreams.

John 8:41-44; 41 No, you are imitating your real father.”
They replied, “We aren’t illegitimate children! God himself is our true Father.”
42 Jesus told them, “If God were your Father, you would love me [the physical], because I have come to you from God. I am not here on my own, but he sent me. 43 Why can’t you understand what I am saying? It’s because you can’t even hear me! 44 For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Those who don’t know Him see the physical, but do not see Him w/their minds eye.

1 John 4:16; 16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.
God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.
Not distant, but love is understood.

1 John 3:1; 1 See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him.
Jesus is and was the son of God and in us all if we are His children.
EX: Tyler, incentive: movie
Children of God, incentive to understand

Jeremiah 29:11; 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Hope is understood. Anticipate hope if you follow these words. The preposition ‘if’ is not a chance, but a choice. Chance was always an ignorant train of thought anyway.

Jeremiah 32:40-41…40 And I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them. I will put a desire in their hearts to worship me, and they will never leave me. 41 I will find joy doing good for them and will faithfully and wholeheartedly replant them in this land.
B/c good is understood. Establish is another word for succeed.

Exodus 19:5 “Now if you obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my special treasure from among all the nations of the earth; for all the earth belongs to me.”

Treasure is what pirates look for like Scurvy SteveJ

Jeremiah 33:3; 3 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.

Or successful things…have I succeeded? (walk, talk, coherence?) I have always kept my eyes on God. This is an example for y’all.

Deuteronomy 4:29 29 But from there you will search again for the Lord your God. And if you search for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him.

To find is anticipated. Anticipation is understood. Do not be confined by the limits of time!

Ephesians 3:20; 20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think [imagine].

Imagine (in mind).

Psalm 37:4 and Philippians 2:13; desire, want longingly…DO! Not these sporadic impulse w/ends.

Psalm 37:4: 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Luke 15:7 and 11:32; 7 In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!

Big party, great visualization; te esta esperando. Remember the root spirit.


Then, as I shared last week, Isaiah speaks of the Coming Messiah.
Please read Jeremiah 29:11 again.

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

As we are anticipating hope, so was Christ anticipated and He came! Anticipate hope.

Come quickly Lord Jesus; even so, come quickly.
There is an embedded conversation, question that is answered with the words “even so”.

Embedded Question: God: “Don’t you know you can experience me now?”
His children, John the apostle specifically who wrote this: But I don’t want to hurt from the pain, influence of this world no more.

Find Him as the reason and don’t hurt no more, simple.

Hermeneutics: Study of Reason or interpreting the Bible; the Bible is the reason…in the book we are studying, Isaiah, a reason behind a prophecy, specifically.

It says behind every prophecy, there is a double meaning.
EX: arm break- taught me where to look for understanding b/c it just sporadically came back, that God is this understanding that should be experienced through faith if we only believe, but it is human to experience. Have faith. It taught me that God is the God of the past, present and future.
Past- remember through repetition (show exercises done to correct my nerve paralysis, simplicity)
Present- Do!!! (Rehabilitation)
Future- anticipate, hope; it will work out if you follow God.

God is the association to this wisdom I teach y’all.

Over the Top
I was at a friend’s house on June 18th, 2004; keep in mind this was precisely five years after my wreck and make associations and connections. We were all having a good time, playing cards, watching the ball game and we were wrapping up a fun night. I was taking a friend home that night and before we left, she asked me if I could show her how I beat this guy in arm wrestling before we left. Now, keep in mind this man was 250 lbs, 6’0”+ and I had beaten him six times before.
I agreed and so we went to the coffee table. It was about ten seconds and I had him almost to the coffee table. He thought he was stronger than he actually was and pushed against me. I really wanted to get home and tried to slam him down.
When I did, I heard this horrific snap and thought it was one of the kids playing in the apartment who slapped my arm. The whole table turned around, unaware of what happened, and a Social Worker up at a local hospital had to get a drink of water because the sound made him nauseous. I was confused of what happened. They assured me that I had just dislocated my shoulder but I knew better, a presupposition.
When I arrived at the hospital, I was unaware of what happened because it did not hurt too bad. I had seen a few of my grade school friends who had grown up and become nurses. We chatted as they took care of me; when they gave me x-rays they could not quite see what was the problem but on the final x-ray it was clear. I had split my own humorous bone in half from my own tendon. It seems that you can break your own bone in half with your own tendon. Once again, I thought this was a dream too. So that makes me break the third biggest bone in your body in half and the first biggest bone in your body in seven different places. We have seen one miracle; wait for the next.
I had to have surgery to repair the bone; when they went to do the surgery, they had to put a sponge in between where they were working and a nerve that was very close to the incision. If you look at a nerve the wrong way, it will go dead and so my radial nerve was severely injured. I lost motion in my wrist, my hand and fingers on the radial side.
Now, initially they told me it would take fifteen months to heal if it was to heal at all! This happened recently and it has healed in six months. It is almost as if God is neuropsychological. Neurologically in the nerves because it just comes back almost as if someone is helping you, but no one is there; who cannot be in this physical world because of sin, but we all have the mental capacity within our Samadhi or super-conscious to conceive of Him?!? It must be God.
Psychologically because there are no profound thoughts and someone must be behind your every thought to initiate such. Nothing was created from nothing in this universe. If you are looking for God, look inside your neuropsychological system; it will astound you what you find.
Then I had a second arm break due to me attempting to get something accomplished and someone would not help me. From this I learned that the meek shall inherit the earth and to turn the other cheek. A nerve says God is there. Through its strength, elasticity and movement it shows this because it is dead one day and then alive and moving the next. It is almost as if someone helps you, but no one is there.
This is a wonder that has a reason, logos, God to clarify it due to the nerve sporadically coming back. Another such coincidence is the bone growth after my second break, but there are no coincidences. It grew back stronger and there was an essence around the second break that made it stronger. It is almost as if someone is helping you out, yet there is no one there. This must be God. The nervous system that controls your neuropsychology is so minute, such an insignificant part of your body, yet controls your whole body through nerves that connect to your brain. Because of the Fall and eating of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it has been proven to me that God is within your neuropsychological system. We can see Him everywhere if we choose to allow ourselves to see such magnificence. “Then we will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
He is always there for you if you choose Him to be. The doctor who viewed the bone to see if everything was alright and the bone was healing fine told me if I was anyone else, the second break would require surgery. Someone must be behind that miraculous recovery.
One may deny because of the word ‘miraculous’, but if God did or did not intervene, it was still a miraculous recovery rate. To speed up a process, there must be someone to work on the process. There was no one there though. Is my bone something different?!? It must be someone who is not in this physical world, but within the capacity of our minds.
Now, to the miracle of June 18th, 2004, the night of my arm break; you may remember my wreck was on June 17th, 1999 at approximately midnight. My arm break occurred at around 11:00 PM, precisely five years after my wreck. I was getting discouraged from a problem I had with my hand shaking for five years due to a neuropsychological injury I incurred and because of this I was prescribed to Occupational Therapy for six months. From my prescription, they helped me with my neurological problem due to my humorous fracture and helped me with my neuropsychological problem in my left arm. I had to realize that my shaking was due to a repetitious motion in my left hand due to a brain injury and teach it to stop that motion. There is genius in simplicity and it does not end here. All I had to do was apply pressure to my left hand to correct the shaking. There are no coincidences only miracles. God has a place and time for everythingJ
After my wreck, I understand the reason, logos, God; you can too, but I urge you to learn this through third hand experience, through reading this book, not first hand. Please do not confuse this with ‘doing’ though. We can learn from third hand experience, but with first hand experience we must do. We can get a degree through third hand experience from our learning, but we must apply our learning through first hand experience, doing.
My prayer is this never happens to you, but watch and look and see how God works and how the nerves sporadically come back through your neuropsychological system because it just comes back! It is as if someone is helping you, yet no one is there. God is neuropsychological. Ancient Religion even teaches us this with the thought of God as electrical; so we do acknowledge God as part of the nervous system because electricity controls the nervous system.
Age is a very dangerous thing because it subjects the old as the experienced. Did you hear that?!? Experience, so we do acknowledge the key factor in life, but dismiss the young as ‘wet behind the ears.’ Please listen to me and keep an open mind while you read.
Pure Thoughts of God
A number is just reference to a pure thought of God; if we look at just a number, the reference, then we will not get the principle we are to learn. It is not the number of the verse we are to learn, such as John 3:16, but the principle behind the verse. God loved us so much, He gave-up His son, not His cat, favorite oven mitt He cooks with on weekends or the glove He plays tennis with, but His son that all we have to do is believe in Him and we are rewarded with eternal life. If we hold onto the principle, we see that it is divinely inspired and all we must do is follow the presupposition within our mind. We give reference to this through language or an expression of experience.
The pure thought of God is simple. The basis of everything simple that we overlook is God. His expression is simple because He is simple. We see this in Pi because it is the base of mathematical equations and has a message within it if we give numerical value to the alphabet, elements because this is the simplest part and basis of chemistry and we can see God in this through our work, nerves because it just comes back and ideas because there must be an initiator. What I find amazing is we acknowledge names for words of aspects of the mind from God: premonitions, presupposition, aforethought, yet fail to acknowledge the Source, God. We see this as coming before a thought, but fail to acknowledge where it came from. You can understand numbers in any language if you rely on Him (remembrance). Thus, you can understand any equation. You will see this with a simple reflection.
Preface of our Study:

If you had a tangible person that would lead you to understanding, would you use it through its belief? That person is Jesus Christ because He is understanding.

Associate the underlined with the bracketed:

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

For God so loved the world, He gave [Himself in attempt to understand sin if “Me and My Father are one.” is in the same Bible that you and I read, this is the only thing the Son implies] that whosoever shall believe in [this understanding and see the simpler life intact because this is all the Bible implies, a simpler life and the Bible, Word is God] shall not perish [or understand there is more to this life].

Why would we not want to believe in understanding?

John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

If someone says the truth, then they understand.

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but of principalities and authorities of the unseen world.”

Where is our principals held and what did I see in my dreams? It is within our minds that we must hold principals. I saw angels, but this is because the reason behind my principals were in God’s Hands.

Proverbs 3:5-7 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight [because He is understanding.]. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.”

Evil is just not living simpler; temporary satisfaction with permanent loss. Once we understand through acknowledging Him, then simpler life.

If we had a way to understand, our knowledge of good, would we use it through His belief or be confused, our knowledge of evil?

DIRECT CHAPTER THAT STATES UNDERSTANDING: James 3: Genuine Wisdom or Understanding

Every story in the Bible, verse tells of a simpler life through understanding, God.
Beyond the Basics Ex: Abraham believed and wandered through the wilderness because He relied on God, Understanding.

How did Moses know where the Promise Land was to lead the Israelites? Why did they go? Because they understood.

In my life- pelvis- no plates
paralyzation- helped me understand how to correct through lifting weights, a preposition of faith.
brain- no surgeries yet it was sheared.
lived with transfusion of 27 units of blood; the body only holds five.

I even downplay it because I woke up one day in a hospital bed and did not know I was even in a wreck

How did I do all these things? I understood through reliance.
Every English word has its Greek root: coincidences coincide.
Chuck Missler’s SAT Statistics Declining and those from 1963. Why? Because they understood through reliance.

Math: Pure Thoughts of God through reference of number. Where did numbers come from anyway? Thought; let God help with understanding and allow them to coincide with your thoughts.

Chemistry: acid, base; we are more complex chemicals that mix with other chemicals. It is how much that changes us. EX: two girls, loved but left; a change. Choose friends wisely.

Geology: every layer of earth has an instance of His presence.

We can trust what the Bible says through:

3rd Hand Experience, Faith: we can follow the words of the Bible from God to His children of how to live a simpler life. Why would we not want to follow the inventor’s directions?
1st Hand Experience: Do, scars: not bad but bad situation that didn’t coincide with the Bible.
Understand through faith, 3rd Hand or do through 1st Hand.
Either way leads to Him, understanding- knowledge of good.

Life of contemplation is the good life- Plato, Aristotle Where do we contemplate?

He is the alpha and omega and there is no limit to understanding.

You got to Pray
After my wreck, I remember watching the Dallas Cowboys in my hospital bed after one of my surgeries asking God, “Did this really happen?” I was in so much pain and they lost, but this is still one of my fondest memories because I knew I was in store for better days.
A prayer is an idea. If we ask the Divine to help us and how we can go about doing this, He will give us an idea since an idea must come from something. Through Him giving the idea, He gives understanding if you pray and the best intentions are always in His will. The best intentions are in His will; if He does not answer it at the moment, He will answer it down the road with His best intentions in mind. For the moment, think of it as a stepping stone. He will allow gradual enlightenment to establish wisdom through asking, how.

To understand the psalms we must understand its poetry. The format is understood. The title is Psalm, not Psalms. It is singular, not plural. It is all connected; find the connection and find God. But it is also the connection the word implies. Allow your words to imply God, have a reason, logos and live simpler.

Synonymous Parallelism: the second line repeats the thought of the first. Where does God lie?!? In our every thought…do not be confused. (Read 24:1) No need to worry; we are assured here.

Antithetic Parallelism: the thought of the second line is contrasted with that of the first. (Read 1:6) Be good and understand. Find out how through reading this book, the Bible.

Synthetic Parallelism: the second line is a further development of the first as simple as conjunction or association. (Read 19:7) The soul is found in simplicity. Do not make it complex and never find it. Find out how through reading this book.

Emblematic Parallelism: the second line illustrates the thought of the first, often by simile. (Read 42:1) David was king; we can be as successful if we only read this Bible and follow His example of relying on Him. It is as simple as looking in our language in the prefix, re b/c it had to come from something. Nothing was made from nothing in this universe.

With the format comes types making a distinction to understanding. So the format is association or parallelism, but the types are distinctions to that association. DO NOT MAKE DISTINCTIONS when God is all you need!!! This is what it’s trying to tell us through these poetic devices. God is the God of poetry too, an understanding.

Lament Psalms: We see in Psalm 3 that David escaped his son Absalom who tried to kill him. Prayer is prominent in Psalm. We see behind the prayers the question, how is embedded even if David doesn’t realize it. (Read 4:2, HOW) I prayed that prayer and my radial nerve sporadically came back. This is both documented medically and here, biblically. The key to David’s success and yours is solely reliance on Him. Do this through faith or experience, but faith is better, simpler.

Thanksgiving Psalms: these are most prominently for the choir directors which tells us that God did have favor over David b/c he understood that all we must be is reliant, but we can all understand and we can all see His many blessings. (EX: 8, 18, 19)

Enthronement Psalms: (Read Psalm 47:9) 9 The rulers of the world have gathered together with the people of the God of Abraham. For all the kings of the earth belong to God.
He is highly honored everywhere. The rulers of the world praised God and were prosperous. I find it interesting that they worshipped the God of Abraham. Abraham was reliant on God, coming from a family of idol worshippers. When he was an idol worshipper, he did not understand and kept the thought of confusion in his head. It wasn’t until Abram changed his name to Abraham, he, it’s like you got a piece of popcorn stuck in your throat, did he gain the promised land.

Pilgrimage Psalms: (Read Psalm 43:3) 3 Send out your light and your truth; let them guide me. Let them lead me to your holy mountain, to the place where you live.

He is the light of the world in 1 John 1:4, 5. Have you ever seen a cartoon and a light bulb comes up every time they understand?!? Allow yourself to be happy and be filled with God. These were sung by travelers as they went to Jerusalem for the festivals. Be happy and be simple; enjoy life.

Royal Psalms: These psalms are to portray the parallelism between the earthly king and the many blessings that are recorded in history from the eternal king, God. (EX: Read 2:6 when Israel understood they were obedient to God, but when Israel were confused, they worshipped idols or turned their backs on God; 2:10, be wise and understand; footnote at end of Ch. 2; rely on God and be protected b/c protection must come from something)

Wisdom Psalms: (Read 119:9) 9 How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word.

Be smarter than this life; allow life to have the implications of God and make it easier! I would not have come out of my wreck if I wouldn’t have followed the words of this book B/C I UNDERSTOOD.

Imprecatory Psalms: Psalm 37 vividly contrasts the wicked w/the righteous. It is much simpler to be right, live simpler…these are all synonyms I’m using throughout this study than to hate, “I don’t want to rely on God even though He gives a Higher Understanding!” As Blake would say, “Whatever, dude.”

Tyler is a child in my church; every Sunday if he is good, he asks if we can go out to a movie. He needs an incentive to be good. We are all children of God. We need an incentive which is understanding. Do not complicate God. Blind faith is best; experience is human and leads to understanding given to us. Here lies God. “Don’t stick your hand out; the dog bites!” This is all the preposition “if” implies.

Now to show the connection of the Bible and how it is all associated in one book from several authors that all relied on one understanding, a Higher Understanding to “know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” The truth is that we can all understand if we are all reliant on God b/c He is our Higher Understanding! I will remind you that the psalms came before the life of Christ.

Typical Messianic: (Read Psalm 69:9 and then 4) His house was in Him, but David did not steal; neither did Christ.

9 Passion for your house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me. 4 Those who hate me without causeoutnumber the hairs on my head. Many enemies try to destroy me with lies, demanding that I give back what I didn’t steal.
Typical prophetic:
Ref in Psalm Fulfillment in NT:

Psalm 2:7 The Messiah will be God’s Son. Hebrews 1:5, 6
Psalm 16:8-10 He will rise from the dead. Is Christ’s body there today?!? Luke 24:5-7
22:1 What did Christ say on the cross?!? Matthew 27:46
22:15 He thirst on the cross. John 19:28
34:20 No bones are broken in His body. John 19:36, 37
41:9 His close friend portrays Him, Judas. Luke 22:48
69:21 He is offered vinegar for thirst on cross. Matthew 27:48
89:3, 4, 35, 36 Descendent of David Luke 1:31-33

He is the eternal priest-king and in the line of Melchizedek, a priest-king.

Indirectly Messianic: At the time of composition of Psalm it refers to a king or the house of David in general, but awaits final fulfillment in Christ. (2:12)
12 Submit to God’s royal son,[a] or he will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities—for his anger flares up in an instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in him!

But how could the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and “Me and my Father are one.” be in the same Bible? Remember, the Father understands what sin is and sees its’ illegitimacy, the Son came down to allow a better understanding of what sin is and the Holy Spirit is Understanding!

The Messiah must be Christ b/c He fulfilled all these coincidences from the time of the Psalm writing.

Purely prophetic: Refers to Christ w/o reference to any other son of David. (Read Psalm 110:2 and Luke 2:25-32)

The Prophecy of Simeon
25 At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. The Holy Spirit was upon him 26 and had revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. 27 That day the Spirit led him to the Temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required, 28 Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying,
29 “Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. 30 I have seen your salvation, 31 which you have prepared for all people. 32 He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!”
Enthronement: God helped David understand, Jesus did understand and He will come to judge the world with righteousness…or understanding b/c to be right you must first understand.

Understanding can be as simple or complex as you want it to be…this is our choice from the fruit. It all starts back at one. “It’s so incredible the way things work themselves out…and all emotional once you know what it’s all about, hey.” Better days; know God and know what it’s all about!

So, the writers of Psalm did not have words for these poetic devices, (allegories, associations) It just came…from what?!? God; here lies understanding.

He would not allow an urge to go unfulfilled. For example, we will use hate. First and foremost, hate is illegitimate and there is no reason for such. If we pray, He will relieve the hate they have for us or we will have a better understanding of the situation and why we hate. Love is another great example; we have an affection or attraction towards another if we love. Its contradiction is lust. This is physical and it has no mental stability, affection or attraction because it is physical. It is in the Laws of Physics, not of the Laws of Physics because not all atoms attract each other. He will help us to love, logos because He is the Logos, the True Love. Our love on earth is only to show us the love we must give God in Heaven. Associate logos with love because of its meaning; if we love, hay reason. Any physical feature is able to be helped by God because somehow it connects to the brain. For example, my urethra was severely damaged due to my car wreck. I compared it to a slide at one of those water parks you kids like to go toJ I prayed to God that He would help me in some fashion to give me relief. I was unable to do anything about it since I am not a urologist, so He worked through my urologist to a complete recovery. This is a prime example of how God will help you if He cannot give understanding of how to fix your problem since you do not understand the field of learning that the understanding applies to.
We know this to be true through a presupposition of innateness which means inborn, not acquired or coming from God. If it is inborn, that means it must come from something because everything comes from something in this universe. If it is not acquired, it must be acquired somewhere within this universe; this comes from God. Once we understand Him, we will understand the rest. He is confined to our minds because of the Fall, but once we open this door, He shows Himself everywhere.
If you do something for God, it will always be good because you will succeed. If we succeed, it will always be good. I have not seen succession be mentioned in bad connotations; for example, the writing of this book. I Hope we will agree that this has been enlightenment up to this point. Enlightenment is good. This has been something for God and I know there will be an outcry for its succession because you reap what you sew.
In Biblical Times, there were no concepts of brains. It was either the minds eye (believers) or our eyesight (nonbelievers). If they did know what brains were, there was no concept of what it controlled. If we see with our minds eye, we understand where God and Heaven is. It is just easier to look for Him in the aspect you need Him for. If we see with our eyesight and only our eyesight we will never understand because understanding is a function of the mind. After all, we are already chosen.
Satan puts obstacles in this world to make us wonder, “Why did God do that; is He really there?!?” If we truly look within ourselves, we will see it is ourselves that cause us pain. It is self-inflicted, but it is easier to blame a God we cannot see with our eye sight. We see this in hurt within this world. We know this through a presupposition that God brings to ideas.
Blame is illegitimate because everything happens for a reason. Why point fingers when it is easier to love. We would not have half of the problems we have within this world if we did not hate.
Now, I am a Christian, Christ-like, so I must follow the footprints of Jesus and make fishers of men because I love Him and one of His commandments is to feed His sheep. As you can see through this book, I set things up with a definition because this is the simplest way to explain, a Bible verse or fragment to show the association of what the Bible is truly saying associated with the definition, an example to help relate it to your own personal experience, an explanation to explain the importance this has towards life and then I show where God is.
Please, I beg of you to learn from my experience that there is no need for experience; it hurts.
Those who read this will understand, but those who do not will not have the opportunity to understand. Share this with your friends because sometimes you are the only Bible people read.
Ambitions are striving for an end; an end must have a beginning to be destroyed because you must first be created to be destroyed. When a baby is born, it goes from embryo, fetus to infant or a series of stages to be created. So, if it is a series of stages, it must be developed or go through a process. Ambitions are similar with process: good, better, best. Go through the process with your ambitions to strive for their end. Ambitions have an end, but you must never end your ambitions. Have no limit, never end your ambitions.
Chapter Two:

We learned in our previous lessons of the Israelites being afraid of entering the Promised Land.

This book is a book of:

success: listening to God’s plan, word will always give us success. He allowed the Israelites to succeed over the Canaanites in war. They followed His Word and succeeded. You will always have success if you follow His Word.

faith: if you notice coincidences coinciding in the past or remembering, He will allow a bright future; believe He can be trusted from reading His word. He gave the Israelites the Promised Land; He will give if you are willing to receive understanding of defeating your enemies or wars.

Faith is a two sided street b/c we must ask Him to give understanding for Him to give it to us b/c He does not know what thoughts are clouded w/our knowledge of evil since He does not have it but has a better understanding since the Son came down so we must ask for understanding to see that evil is w/o understanding.

guidance: God gave them victory in battle and He will give you victory over others knowledge of evil (drinking, smoking, sex, ignorance, etc). The knowledge of evil is all associated: ignorant.

leadership through Joshua, an incremental piece of God b/c He understood. Also it is the name for Jesus in Hebrew. Understand and allow God to bestow His blessings.

and conquest or conquering the Land of Canaan, the Promised Land. They got it b/c of faith. If you don’t believe me, take a trip to Israel and see all of this written in caves, manuscripts, etc.

This book only took 20 years to accomplish so my point is have faith- an acceptance of understanding- in God; He may not do it at first, but eventually we will get understanding. It took them 20 years to accomplish w/their disobedience; allow yourself to not fall and see the blessings.

EX: I personally have just given up and followed God’s Word b/c it’s the only way to live simply. Trust me, you want these scars, go and get caught up in a bad situation. It takes complete trust in the Lord, another definition of faith b/c you will understand if you completely trust in the Lord.

They conquered the promised land but divided it into the 12 tribes b/c of not relying on God or falling into ignorance. This is a lesson to us, rely on God for everything! If we do this we will never fall.

Interest: Valley of Aijalon- Joshua allowed the sun to stand still to conquer his enemies and Emmanuel Vilakovsky had a similar revealing in instances in China or the other side of the earth where he discovered recordings of the long night at this precise timing. This Bible is all true.

How did the Lord allow Jericho’s walls to come tumbling down? It seems as if Mars and Earth pass by each other very infrequently in 1404 BC or the precise estimated date from coincidences coinciding causing earthquakes, tsunamis, land tides, etc. Do not think this universe has a divine purpose.

We talk as if this life is inconvenient, we have better things to do than to follow or obey the Lord. Do not leave for tomorrow what can be done today. The best way to start something is to get started. We have a short time on earth in comparison to Paradise where we can relax or rest. We must do what God instructs us through His Word and within our mind because He is within if there is no profound thought.
Hey Ash, Puddin’, let’s rewind to ’99, introduce me to this life of time, before we were blind-sided. Three young nappy-haired juveniles, soon enough to have no smiles on their faces; two went to better days, one has the world to gain. When I look to the sky, I ask God why. The secrets in the rind of their eyes, but I can still cry.
Bruce Almighty

Bruce Almighty is another great example of simplicity and free-will with its hypocrisy. He gives us free-will to show how reliant we are on Him and His Simplicity. The theme of this movie is simple: Do we take God for granted?!? This shows us that prayer is our connection to God to answer the question “How can I do this or understand how to do this?!?” We tend to blame God for our problems, hate Him if He does not answer our prayer at the moment. He will answer it gradually because of His perfection in His will because He is perfect. We must remember that everything happens for a reason, for the better. Once again, better is a part of the process of our ambitions: good, better, best. We must strive for the best.
In the Old Testament, it says “Thou shalt not test the Lord thy God.”, but forget that when we ask Him to “Do this, do that!!!” in our prayers, that this is testing the Lord also! We get frustrated, angry with the Lord when He does not answer our prayers, but we test Him and there is no need for a test, but since we ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil there is. He is good, perfect. Do not test Him because He does not make life a test, the Serpent did.
This is a great lesson in our prayer, we must ask, not command since He needs no commandments because of perfection. What is best is to ask Him “how” which is an embedded question because it answers all the questions. We ask Him to do. Because of the Fall, we must ask Him, “How can I do or understand how to do…” We must do, not Him since the Fall. We must pray for the principles in the Bible, what we should care about, simplicity. We must be the miracle.

While writing to this sermon, this just came to me, examples of coincidences coinciding. Keep in mind, that all these things deal with the mind. Proverbs is the book of wisdom and what we should reflect upon.

English word: Spanish word:
reason reason
idea idea
remember recordar=to record within one’s mind

Different annunciations; here lies God b/c these words in our everyday languages and coincide w/the mind. He is telling us where He lies through these coincidences.

Not Good, More Examples: #’s are said to be pure thoughts of God…Do you know how to count to 10 in the Spanish language?!? If you go in multiples of 10 for each of these numerals, they coincide…in any language b/c God is in them and they are pure, understood, repetitive.

English Numeral: Spanish Numeral:
4 Cuatro
14 Catorce
40 Cuarenta
400 Cuatro Cientos
4000 Cuatro Mil

Thus, coincidences coincide; look for associations in the Bible.
“Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

The proverbs speak of wisdom which is really “skill” in living… especially to the youth.
Listen as I read, Proverbs 1:3-5 and 1:2, 6. DO NOT HURT!!!

3 Their purpose is to teach people to live disciplined and successful lives, to help them do what is right, just, and fair. 4 These proverbs will give insight to the simple, knowledge and discernment to the young.
5 Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser. Let those with understanding receive guidance
2 Their purpose is to teach people wisdom and discipline, to help them understand the insights of the wise.
6 by exploring the meaning in these proverbs and parables, the words of the wise and their riddles.

The purpose of the proverbs is to acquire wisdom as Proverbs 1:8-19 says.
A Father’s Exhortation: Acquire Wisdom
8 My child,[a] listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. 9 What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck.
10 My child, if sinners entice you, turn your back on them! 11 They may say, “Come and join us. Let’s hide and kill someone! Just for fun, let’s ambush the innocent! 12 Let’s swallow them alive, like the grave[b]; let’s swallow them whole, like those who go down to the pit of death. 13 Think of the great things we’ll get! We’ll fill our houses with all the stuff we take. 14 Come, throw in your lot with us; we’ll all share the loot.”
15 My child, don’t go along with them! Stay far away from their paths. 16 They rush to commit evil deeds. They hurry to commit murder. 17 If a bird sees a trap being set, it knows to stay away. 18 But these people set an ambush for themselves; they are trying to get themselves killed. 19 Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life.
Do not smoke b/c it will lead to bad lungs…drinking, bad liver. Do you know people like this? Don’t follow in their footsteps as I have said all along. These verses are advice from a father: acquire wisdom. God is our father and knows the simple way out. Wisdom is synonymous with God. Read Proverbs 2:6…then, Proverbs 3:5.

6 For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

We’re having a lot of problems up where I used to work; it seems my friends up there do not have social security cards. They understand how to speak perfect English yet do not know it is as simple as taking a test to become a citizen. We are one nation under God, the USA. They tell me that I do not know how it works, they’re confused. They go to an underground party to get Social security cards and sneak around the system b/c of this confusion. The devil does not want them to gain citizenship w/this one nation b/c of the association of God, our knowledge of good. Understand how simple this life is; take the test. Read with me Proverbs 1:29

. 29 For they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the Lord.

Follow as I read, Proverbs 10:4-5.

4 Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich.
5 A wise youth harvests in the summer, but one who sleeps during harvest is a disgrace.

As we should acquire wisdom, we should acquire God. God is the purpose of the proverbs. We can make understanding as simple or complex as we want to; the truth is God is understanding. The fool is not mentally deficient, but believes he is self-sufficient…another key to where God lies…He is mental sufficiency.

Proverbs 31 is advice to women

The lesson I taught you in Spanish at the start of class: language, numbers, everything is God b/c it was created by Him. He is saying this through allegory in Psalm [insert other books and their way of displaying Him as understanding], He is saying this directly in Proverbs, “I am understanding!” so do not think the Bible is too hard to understand.

Please listen to what I say…Listen as I read Proverbs 10:8
8 The wise are glad to be instructed, but babbling fools fall flat on their faces.
Be wise; listen to my experience. Do not experience for yourself.

The movie puts it in our shoes if we were God and shows us that there is no need to sin because sin complicates. Bruce is greedy throughout the movie; this is one of the seven deadly sins: greed. Does greed make things easier on Bruce or more difficult?!? We must live simpler, not sin and He is simple; follow Him in faith.
Our free-will cannot be messed with unless you give God the steering wheel; this is simple. Follow His Word and allow Him to have control because we choose to read. We can choose to love, hate, sin, hurt, heal, etc. Choose to love because this is easier than hate; choose to heal through understanding, not hurt from complication. A doctor would not have the credentials if he did not study and understand the body. We need to study to show thyself approved. If we study, we will understand.
It is not free-will if we are reliant on this world. Examples of this are as follows: drinking, drugs, etc. An education is in order for us to get a job one day. What are drugs for; to help us become dumber one day?!? Free-will is simply defined as such: To make a decision to think good or bad thoughts. It all starts with the mind and a decision to think is of the mind. Good leads to an end, Heaven. Bad has no end.
We keep looking up, when He is within and can control us if we allow Him to neuropsychologically, through reading the Bible or living simpler. Creation is not a choice, but we make it through rebellion. We either are created or are not. Do not rebel.
Reflection: We learned Joshua was written to show the necessity of obedience. When they were obedient, they gained the Promised Land, were victorious in battle, etc. This shows us that if we are obedient, He will show us the Promised Land.

This week, we learn about Judges; now to understand Judges we must understand who wrote it, Samuel, the last judge: Talmud. They did not rely on God and b/c of this had many bad kings: Ahab, etc b/c of this. ALWAYS RELY ON GOD!!!

The Judges or rulers:
Ruled and so does God (not a dictation but fairness of living the simple life),

were chosen by God through the signification of a simpler life (Judges 9:1-3). 1 One day Gideon’s[a] son Abimelech went to Shechem to visit his uncles—his mother’s brothers. He said to them and to the rest of his mother’s family, 2 “Ask the leading citizens of Shechem whether they want to be ruled by all seventy of Gideon’s sons or by one man. And remember that I am your own flesh and blood!”
3 So Abimelech’s uncles gave his message to all the citizens of Shechem on his behalf. And after listening to this proposal, the people of Shechem decided in favor of Abimelech because he was their relative.
Do not let heredity allow you to permit a king to rule; let God, understanding. If you go on, King Abimelech did some shady stuff or did not understand.

Judges ruled for a limited time as the annunciation of George Washington and the 4 year term of Presidency. It is funny that this is one nation under God. Do these coincidences coincide?!?

This book is broken up into periods of obedience and disobedience.
Follow obedience b/c it was so much easier to live when the Israelites were obedient

The unifying thought throughout is, “They did what was right in their own eyes.” Live simpler; do what is right in God’s eyes.

There is an on-going pattern throughout this book:
Sinning: EX Abimelech sinned by killing his brothers.
Suffering b/c of that Sin: EX: His own city rebelled, Israel captured by Moabites, Canaanites, Amonites or pagan nations b/c God will allow you to live how you want. I suggest simplicity…follow God.
Repenting and God raising up a ruler: EX: If we repent or understand our sin He will allow a Tola or the ruler after Abimelech, also a judge, do not let the title corrupt, to come in our life. He rescued Israel because He understood and we do not need rescuing if we understand sin is not living simpler.

We do not believe unless we have physical, tangible objects to grasp. He is physical (mind, nerves) because He is mental. Look for Him in the aspects of your mind. This is simple through understanding, not complex through being confused.
Finally, do not look at the context of your ideas, but the connotations of your ideas and their feeling of positive or negative. Following your positive feelings is following the Bible because simplicity is positive; simplicity is the Bible. The positive feelings that are not spoken against in the Bible are God. Sometimes Satan will interfere and say it is alright to do wrong, but we should know the subject is wrong through studying the Bible.
Repenting and God raising up a ruler: EX: If we repent or understand our sin He will allow a Tola or the ruler after Abimelech, also a judge, do not let the title corrupt, to come in our life. He rescued Israel because He understood and we do not need rescuing if we understand sin is not living simpler.

Now, Ruth; interesting that Boaz was a kinsman redeemer but came before Christ, another kinsman redeemer.

Know story, Elimelech, Mahlon and Chilion die, leaving Naomi destitute and Boaz marries Ruth to keep the land in the family since all the males had died.

Kinsman Redeemer:
1) relative
2) able
3) willing

Boaz was a kinsman redeemer b/c Boaz redeemed Naomi’s land and also had a bride to make this redemption possible.

Christ redeems us, and we are the bride that must do or redeem from this world if everything I have said up to this point is true.

We all have the knowledge of good, but fail to acknowledge this since our knowledge of evil gives us temporary solutions w/permanent results.

Read Ruth 1:16-17; 16 When the tribe of Judah left Jericho—the city of palms—the Kenites, who were descendants of Moses’ father-in-law, traveled with them into the wilderness of Judah. They settled among the people there, near the town of Arad in the Negev.
17 Then Judah joined with Simeon to fight against the Canaanites living in Zephath, and they completely destroyed[a] the town. So the town was named Hormah.[b]
We must do the same b/c she was our example of the simpler life of gaining the land back. We must have the same faith and believe in him to be redeemed. “Trust and obey” is all we must do.

It is funny that the Jewish Rabbis celebrate the feast of Pentecost, the very feast day on which the church was born. But, still they do not see the allegory of Christ.

This is the interesting part, if you see coincidences coinciding of how to live a simpler life as Naomi did w/Ruth gleaning or a form of welfare to have those get the leftovers of the field, then see that coincidence and grab it.

Ruth happened to fall on the land of Boaz and Naomi saw the coincidence of Ruth happening on Boaz’s field and grabbed it.

Ruth was a gentile, but was in the line of Christ, a type of church. Jews believe in the OT but don’t believe that Christ was Savior even though all records have been lost?!?

Our foundation is Jewish (Jewish Scripture, Jewish King, Jewish OT) so we must understand.

Where Did we go Wrong?!?
We can learn or learn how to be taught; the latter is understanding. When I was in my wreck, my memory went into a state of dormancy since I incurred a severe brain injury, yet did not have any brain surgeries. They put me on this medicine that was said to bring back memory. I noticed the mannerisms of before I was in my wreck coming back and was shown how I learned before my wreck. This is understanding; to not only see the learning process, but to learn how I taught from an instructor’s perspective.
We ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but we still have the power to understand. We were banned from Eden because God did not want us to eat from the tree of eternal life and live in sin eternally. He was just looking out for us.
We may know what good and evil, right and wrong are now but can still understand that to understand is the good life. We can still make Heaven on earth or get as close as possible with this mess we have made because Heaven is what we should strive for. We can do this on earth through our good deeds because we strive for being in Heaven, but first must make it.
I hear people talking about the thug life and how life is so hard. Life is what you make of it. Let God lead your way through faith because faith is a much easier way to understanding than experience. Then, you will have no trouble because you will be in His arms. To be in understanding of life is to have no troubles in life. If you are in His arms, you understand. He will provide if your need is of choice, He will allow you to make the right decision, ease of suffering, He will allow you to understand how to relieve the suffering or do this by His hand or conditionally, He will allow you to understand how to make the right conditions. He did with me after only a year’s time, they said I would have life long problems and relieved my suffering through His hand. He can do this with you too! You must ask Him “how”. Prayer starts with the question, “how”.
I hear society talking about “east side, “west side”; how about we talk about the way side… of the Sea of Galilee. I also hear them talking about the “east coast”, “west coast”; how about the coast by the Crystal Sea.
I hear them talk about the Nolia clap, Sippin’ on that Syzurp, Cadillac Grills and all these idle thoughts…STOP!!! Hey, I have a “G” you can hang with; instead of rappers hanging with the “d-o-double g”, hang with the “G-o-double d”. Now, I will acknowledge that the rappers have a funky beat, but talk about nonsense.
Tis’ the Season, but what season are we celebrating?!? If we are making a distinction to this season, then we must be celebrating something! Christmas, Chanukah, Quanza…why must we make things so complicated! I have an idea; how about we celebrate Jesus’ birth since we are so into our roots and lineage. Jesus is our roots and lineage! The birth of our Savior is the original reason for the season.
If we want to express something, express our thanks, not hate. Turn the other cheek, be meek and follow His feet because the other alternative is sinful behavior: hate, revenge, anger or just not living simpler. All of these examples do not have an end, but if we do as our Lord instructs us and turn the other cheek, we strive for understanding an end. I want to point out a learning procedure I use throughout this book: pneumonic devices. Look for rhyme schemes or some matter in which I associate words. This will help you understand, an end.
Associate occurrences in your life from Divine Inspiration. Look inside your mind for Divine Inspiration. It is that simple; there is genius in simplicity. Look within your mind for simplicity.

To all my people all across the World
People talk loud when they want to act good. I was once asked by a fellow classmate of where I worked. I replied to him that I worked at Bell Helicopter. I could see the anger rising in his face and then he replied, “Well, I work at Bennigan’s and I make hell of money!” We need not get angry with someone who is just answering a question asked of him. Do not be nosy if you are not ready for the reply; question, there is no need for inspection. This is a good lesson in reflection that we all should ask ourselves because all have fallen short of the glory of God. Fulfill your life to the fullest. Smile, do not critique.
People who are good at something are reliant on something. That ‘something’ is God. Examples are throughout this world. We see this in singing because we must rely on something to create the right tone, note, pitch, rhythm, expression and beat. There are so many other aspects of singing I am not mentioning, but to simplify and perfect we must rely on perfection to see the emphasis through expression in rhyme, the one Perfection. This is God and how we better our singing in reliance. Try to sing bad and then good, and feel the connection; this is God. We also see this in chemistry, math and sports. If we are reliant on God to understand these subjects, it just simplifies things in reference to reliance on our mind because He is within.
If we want to know what sin is, understand it, we must define it. Sin is not living a simpler life. We think that sin is illegitimate or an irrational commandment given by an omnipotent God. This is just Satan working in your mind; where did you get that thought of sin being irrational, anyway?!? The Bible, God’s Word, is just looking out for you. An example for this is gambling. He knows you will loose your money. Even if you are good, you were not always like that. To be good, you must find a form of practicing because practice makes perfect. In the end, we will probably break even anyway. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:23-24, “Everything is permissible.”, but not everything is beneficial. We can even hate God if we want to, but do not strive for the end. This only proves idleness and illegitimacy are nothing without the Reason, logos, God. Why would you want to hate God?!? If you hate Him, then you are acknowledging His existence, but just filling yourself with illegitimacy by not following Someone who is omniscient and omnipotent. For the sake of this discussion, why don’t we call Him Bob, not God. Remember, what matters is the connection the word implies. If you know He exists, why would you not want to praise someone who created you?!? (Who created your father, his father, etc.?!? He is the first Father.) Now, I know your life may be hard, but refer to my life every time you think that thought. You will not reap your rewards in Heaven. A good life is devoted to Him because in a soccer game, you remember the end, what it results in, the final score and that is what you strive for through playing it. We should strive for by believing in God by playing for the final score, the end, Heaven. We may get hurt throughout the game, but all we remember is the final score. Through playing, we believe in the game, we want to do our best for it and can see the final score if we are good at it. We should apply this same belief system to God. Believe in Him as we believe in the game. Do not just say I believe in Him and sleep in on Sunday Morning. We are dishonoring the bride of Christ if we do this.
Who Gives Thought?!?
Idea and Thought will be used synonymously throughout this discussion.
Be reliant on your mind, God’s tool to talk to us. If it is either profound or a general idea, there must be an initiator. We do not realize for the first time, but remember through a presupposition. The prefix “re” from either remember, realize, recall or remind must have a Source it came from; this is God. To rewind is to play again or have the intentions of playing again so the tape had to have a source it came from to play from. To remember is to come from God because He is the Source of the mind. Where did your thought of remembrance first come from?!? If you answered this, then you can hear God working through your mind. If the word realize does not come from a Source it does not make sense (Realize with the re subtracted is alize?!?) and this word and several others are used in our daily conversation, yet we do not acknowledge the Source, God.
There are meaningless thoughts if you follow this world (drugs, alcohol, etc) He is confined to our minds because it was lost in Eden. Follow your first thought if you follow Him, not succumb to this world, go with the crowd, because Satan is of this world. Do not succumb to women in lust, drugs, hate, greed, gluttony because your cholesterol will rise until you die or any of the Seven Deadly Sins. He is just trying to look out for you. They have no end, do not strive for anything!
God is neuropsychological; He gives us ideas within our mind directly because they came from something. He works with nerves because they just come back as if someone is helping you. If we understand this concept, then we can understand the rest. If we can understand where He is, then that is psychological (Who created Ideas?!?) and if we can understand that He has control of the universe, then we understand He has control of us, our nerves, an aspect of this universe because nerves control our movement.
I have had severe nerve damage within my life. The first time I suffered from nerve damage, I remember an electric shock ran through my left arm after a surgery. Who created that spark?!? It is as if God works within your mind when you are working within your mind, the Samadhi or given an anesthetic. The electric shock is God. If you have ever had a surgery, you know God heals you. It is His correction that allows your body to heal to whatever extent, not the doctor who treats you because he just removes an imperfection. I pray you do not experience this for yourselves; just go from my experience.
Nerves control all in our bodies; if we follow Him, there is no pain because pain is a product of this world on our sensory nerves. There is no pain in death and if we do not understand that life is superficial, nerves will start pain. The only thing to fear in death is the anticipation. He is those answers (knowledge of good) in your mind that allow for expansion, but we must get to those answers through posing a question (knowledge of evil; what can I expand on?!? How can I expand?!?), the basis that we use to solve mathematical problems, the realization of a Bible Verse’s principles, and the understanding of any reason, logos, God for any question. We just gave those problems reference and called them ‘mathematical’ problems, not pure thoughts of God. Otherwise, we would just call mathematical problems, Divinely Inspired Solutions because with God, they are already solved.
At examination time, tests in life because we ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which is a test now that we know evil with our good intentions or simple intentions after our first sin of not obeying Simplicity, it is typical for students or people to look for enlightenment, but forget the source of it. If you do something for God and you hear that little voice in the back of your head saying, “No, this will fail or is stupid.” that is Satan trying to convince you to deter works for Christ. As I was writing this book I had some of these. Pray this prayer only if you are ready for understanding, “Lord, just as you give faith to understanding, give me to understanding.” Now, watch God work because He is within your mind. But if you do pray this prayer, please be ready for hurt and pain because we only know hurt and pain through our sensory nerves. Sensory nerves are of this world. I will remind you, I did not know my humorous bone was broken in half until five hours later. Do not be intimately involved with this world.
One of our only connections to Christ is the church. If you do not go to church, He will not give enlightenment to succeed because succession is defined as living the final result which should be the simple life. We succeed by living the simple life. He is just trying to help you live the simple life through His Word. If you do not read His Word, you will struggle in life. All of us need a place to congregate to help us understand from other people’s perspectives the full meaning of the Bible which never ends, be full in life. We are no one if we do not help someone understand. This is the Church.
Many people say “I’m just a kid, I have no experience; I do not understand.”
First off, to uncover the ‘re’ association and its origin of ‘coming from’ God (reason, realize, remember, etc) is astounding and has not been discovered or associated yet-ask my father. He tried to look it up on the internet.

My point is: There is no distinction between church and school- church leads to school!
You can learn from books, 3rd hand experience or 1st hand experience, doing.

Microbiology- the simplest cell is complex beyond our imagining b/c its’ origin is unexplainable yet we know the cell exists.

1st Law of Thermodynamics- conservation of matter and energy; we can conserve it but not create it. Where does it originate from?!?

- Example from matter- My brain healed itself
- Example from energy- I ran the fastest 40- I understood how to and realized through reflection that this only comes from God.
–good-40, energy
Matter is conserved throughout the Bible ex: rest on the 7th day, Hebrews 4 speaks of rest and Nehemiah 9

2nd Law of Thermodynamics- Entropy or “bondage to decay” or if you transfer energy, you will always lose a little.

This transfer is throughout scripture:
Isaiah 51:6- The earth will grow old as a garment
Matthew 24:35- Heaven and earth will pass away
Romans 8:21

Put your faith in the Bible and you will understand w/o hurt

Each day, specifically the first 7 days- especially the 7th Day-is our example for Entropy - sort of a synonym for randomness- (erev- evening and chaotic, boker- morning and orderly)

If you think my teaching of simplicity and saying the knowledge of good is understanding and the knowledge of evil is confusion should be more complex then go ahead and be confused; simplicity is what our knowledge of evil runs from but it is the root of our knowledge of good.

We will have a void in our life which maybe stress because we do not understand the reason, logos, how to make things simpler or that God gives enlightenment through our minds, thus not living a simpler life.
Satan is within the grammar because grammar is a restriction to language and language is a way to express ourselves. It is good for uniform structure, not of the way to express ourselves through uniform wording ( ex of uniform wording: first, third pluralistic or singular person must be same throughout a paper. Why?!?). I have taken several classes in language and have communicated with several people of different ethnic decent. It is not the way they word it, but if I understand its meaning, get the gist or see what they are saying that truly matters. If it gets the point across, I understand the reason for saying it. It should be uniform in structure throughout a paper, not in wording throughout a paper.
If we truly believe in something, we apply ourselves to do our best for it. We should believe in Christ the same way. If we do this, He will help us with an understanding of our job down here. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Sports are a great example; if we believe in the sport we are playing, then we believe we will win and give our effort towards it. I have never seen a winner say, “I just gave it 75 percent of my effort.” This is true of either playing or commentating the sport. If we commentate to our fullest extent, then we are sure of our team and bet for them. If we sing, then we psyche our self out to believe in the song we sing and the emotions that go with it. I have never seen a singer who does not give it their fullest stress on every note who is in a concert and shows their expression through dancing. Believe in God this same way because He believes in you and shows this if you truly believe in Him by going to church, studying to show thyself approved and obeying His commandments of how to live simpler.
But steadfast and write your thoughts down because Satan can manipulate your every thought if we are weak-minded and are subject to manipulation. We are all subject to manipulation because we are human!
Strive to be your best and learn from your mistakes because mistakes are inevitable since we are not God.
The lesson to be learned here is to look for God as the answer, the reason to every question in your mind because He is within; try it out and see where God is. But, it is best if you have a question that you do not know the answer to, but have knowledge of the material in question such as math. We know the steps from our teacher (Who was the first Teacher?!?), but He gives enlightenment to solve the specific problem and any tricks attached. He is the answer to the tricks. Either way, He gives recollection and enlightenment because enlightenment in past connotations is recalled.

My Reflection on Life
My eyes have seen too much; I have seen the good days with the bad days and have learned so much from both. I have worked at Bell Helicopter which was a learning experience, went to school at Dallas Baptist University that gives learning experience, and have had work experience and academic before that has given me much to reflect upon.
I Samuel:
Isaiah 40:30, 31- wait; 30 Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion
Talks directly to youth.
The Bible is all integrated- from I Samuel to Isaiah

I Samuel- notice the transition from Judges to I Samuel.
“Did what was right in their own eyes.”

Or did not understand in either book; why?
In both cases, it led to a life of hurt, not living simpler and the reminisce was no blessing from God b/c of not living simpler. Live simpler; here lies God.

Unifying member (Saul, David, Samuel) b/c they were associated w/God and led to a great kingdom b/c of this association.

If not, then another 9/11 where Clinton neglected and pleased temporary; did not wait.

If we do not need a unifying member, but rely on God directly, we understand.

- the only king that will ever reign is God. Saul and David only were tools of God.

David & Goliath

- 5 stones b/c 4 brothers and Goliath he understood that each stone would kill them and we see this throughout his reign.
- Sense of humor- Philistines stole the Ark and God gave them a case of mice and hemorrhoids.

Establishment of Davidic Covenant

God said, “Would I lie to David?”

We all came from one man. We can all understand. Nephilim is what we need to look out for, deceive us. You have experienced some of these: drugs, alcohol, sex.

Do what is right in God’s eyes. Your eyes should be God’s eyes. Understand and let God be your Unifying Member.

How could Bible, 2 languages be Integrated w/no God, no alpha and omega, beginning and end?

Look at Israel as a nation; it was always simpler as they held feasts, festivals, etc.

At Bell Helicopter, I worked on titrations more prominently than I did the rest. Now, doing a titration involves mixing or titrating an acid with a base with an indicator to show when there is enough of the substance you are titrating with, where the end point is. We have indications in our life of when something will happen, but we must anticipate from these indications. Since we are humans after God’s own heart and all He wants us to do is love Him through believing, I believe He gives us control of such examinations as titrations because He has control of us. I took samples every morning after I arrived at work and every afternoon before I left work. From the knowledge of the previous titration, I could see what the next titration was going to give me in milliliters. The same goes with God; He can see what is going to happen through indication of previous experience. He has control of life, or at least the final result if we obey Him through following His Word or disobey Him through sinning, as we have control of titrations. He knows we will sin or not through indication and is ready for it ahead of time. We are chemicals as what is used in titrations. He is just doing a broader, more general and elaborate experiment with us.
Language must have a creator because it was not from gradual adaptation, but had to be enlightened to have geniuses as the pre-Socratic philosophers because language was before writing as we see in examples as the pre-Socratic philosophers as well as knowledge of people before writing in history and after writing to make reference to language. It is humorous how languages coincide with each other, yet are different. For example, I have taken several classes in Spanish at a local college. I see words in Spanish that coincide directly with the English meaning: recorder- meaning to remember in Spanish or to record within one’s mind in English. Wow; there must be someone behind the creation of such a language that can translate and associate with our language directly. It must be God.
Also, I see people focusing on the unimportance in life. We read a book and do not understand the material because we focus on the unimportant words, smoking because this does not accomplish anything, drinking because all this is for is for drinking, etc. We need to focus on the context of what people do, not content. Instead of them throwing those stones at me, why does someone not pray for me?!? Do not critique someone else when you need reflection; reflect on the idle things you do in life that accomplishes nothing and fix this. Remember what our Lord says, “Judge not lest ye be judged and the reminisce of that may God place on you.” Do not prejudge the person’s deeds unless you can define it in context.
Thoughts initiate actions; some thoughts are ambiguous, not idle. If my intentions are good, then they mean something. This is associated to three words in the Greek language that define love. We define love in one word. The Greeks have three: ethos, love for a friend, pathos, love for a family member and logos, the reason, the answer to a question, the true love, God. God is ambiguous; He does the question for several reasons. Throughout my wreck, my arm break specifically, but He has no limits, I have seen the Lord work directly through Himself and there could be no one else who could do such miracles, indirectly through others, with ambiguous intentions, with His grace, without limit, spiritually, mentally, physically through every system in my body, through showing me glimpses of Him, linguistically, chemically, mathematically, geologically, Biblically and I pray I have shared this throughout this book. It is all reliant on one. I have seen the Lord do so much because of these instances. It is His Feet I seek. Strive to be like God, Christ-like, a Christian, ambiguous.
He is the reason , the beginning and the end; He initiates the question by beginning it in your head as well as answers it by ending it. There is no verse without reasoning because He is the Word, the Reason.
In English, God is outline; let Him broaden the subject through ideas. He is the Reason behind every question. Write your thoughts down because they are Divinely Inspired if you seek Him.
Lessons in Language
There is no need for the words: difference or likeness. Because we ate from the tree, there is now, but for the sake of this discussion, we will use the word positive. We can all be good at different things because we are different people occupationally and it takes different people to make up this different world. We have the power to be educated, but we do not practice this; this fact is statistical in the number of college drop-outs. Be different in understanding education and its different aspects, but do not be different in understanding Christianity because we all have one source to be reliant on and understand; this is the Bible. Our work down here does not need to be segregated from our work above; both are concepts of understanding the Reason. We do not need to be uniform robots doing the same thing another does to be considered smart. We should focus on God and understand the Reason that helps us through enlightenment. Then, we are smart in what the Lord wills us. This is the definition of positive.
As Christians, Christ is our example not to replicate because we are human, but to be like Him; Christians are Christ-like.
All is reference in association with idleness, specifically. We can do for the Lord or for Satan. When you do something, ask yourself, “What is this for?!?” If it accomplishes something, then it is for the Lord. Accomplish means to do something with meaning. If it does not, then it is for Satan (drinking, smoking, etc) All these examples are not to better your health so it is for nothing because it does not help us succeed. Why would we want ourselves to fail?!? He will help emphasize words in sentence structure to help with understanding if you follow His Feet.
We see idleness and its alternative through such third hand examples as language, specifically Spanish. First, we will discuss its alternative, the positive, the context of the language. It is a DIFFERENT language and should be treated as such. Do not associate it with English. Spanish does not have to be uniform as English does not. We understand it better if we use bad grammar first, then focus on the structure of the language through our learning process. As a child, we do not initially start off seeing the second person or past tense as informal in technical writing; this is idle. We use it as another word because it is another word; study to show thyself approved. He will help you understand if you study and is just telling you to live simpler because it is a fact that educated people get better jobs. He is telling us this allegorically through studying to have Him help us realize principles in the Bible and if we realize this, then we realize the rest, occupationally, physically, mentally because He is within our minds and spiritual principles. We can see the simplicity in this if we read, study, etc. He is allowing me to reap a lot of benefits because what I do is for Him, truly for Him.
Also, notice the different usage of pronunciation, sentence structure and its brevity. If you ever talk a foreigner’s native tongue, we do not understand what they are saying because we have become accustomed to our own and speak their language according to our rules. It is never a good combination to associate ours with theirs; these are two different words with different context. The vowels within Spanish are pronounced differently because IT IS A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE!!!
Another example is prepositional phrases within the language of Spanish.
Examples of Prepositional Phrases
Bold is prepositional phrase
Spanish: Quiero trabajarte
English Equivalent: I want you to work or I want for you to work.
If we do not understand this principle, it is idle to us.
We can see God in prepositions, especially in the Spanish language. It does not convert in English because the prepositional phrase comes from God or is understood.
English: Where is the movie?
Spanish: ¿Donde la [the movie is understood with the Spanish pronoun la] está?
The connection is understood. The translation from Spanish to English is ambiguous, but reversed from English to Spanish it is associated. Our example is the association in Spanish of hacer, but the ambiguity in English of hacer meaning to make or to do. Also, it is made to mean several things in English (to look or to watch) when it is combined with the simple Spanish word, mirar. There must be a Creator to be associated with ambiguity or understood in Spanish what is often segregated in English that means the same thing. Since no man lived for the entire history of this world, what allows languages to coincide?!? An example is in need here. The word in English is memory, but in Spanish it is simply memoria. Who allowed it to Coincide?!? It must be God.
The prefix, re means coming from. Re must be understood where its coming from. Coming is a present progressive verb. If you are active or move you must have a source. A car did not start itself, a driver did. This English word has been here for centuries; it is prominent and used throughout western civilization. The source and what it must come from is God because it did not come from man that has a beginning, a birth. It certainly did not come from nothing! There is nothing in this universe that was made from nothing. It must come from God, the alpha and omega. The mind is where we understand or find our reason, realize and remember. The mind is our connection to God. To learn, we must remember or lose the information given, the definition of to forget; use it or lose it. There lies God. A remembrance is reliant on a reason.
The key between these two and all languages is prepositions, the connection of the word. They differ in structure, but we can understand them if we understand the prepositional phrasing in a sentence. We must understand the verbs through memorization. If we remember, there lies God if we acknowledge Him or not. He will allow you to see the truth or be engulfed in ignorance because He wants your will. After all, He allowed the Israelites that complained after He bestowed so much grace on them to die out in the desert. If we want to die in the desert, He is a just God and will allow your will. What He wants is for you to acknowledge Him and live simpler, to be in His Will. Then, there comes the ingenious association of all Western Civilization languages in nouns, specifically. The association comes in the root, but we must first understand the root to see the association. In-spir-ation means a breathing in; inhaling or the association underlined is the root, spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ used to breathe on people to allow them to understand, an acknowledgement of my thought of the Holy Spirit and the practice of faith in the Catholic religion. We must only have faith to live simply or breathe in because all who live must breathe in.
In the 1st day, we learn of time; all relative to first day b/c absolute not relative in grammar of Hebrew, yom echad.

Genesis 1:2- “became” and Isaiah 45:18- comes after Genesis yet says it was primarily established “not in vain”- implies Gap Theory- connection; haya, Spanish and Hebrew verb, interesting how western languages coincide, meaning became not was without void b/c of rebellion of Satan, angel of earth.. Focus on the point, “became”

2nd Day, learn of space…firmament, distinction, implies 3-dimensional in Latin; coincides with discovery recently: Einstein, coincidence?!? Genesis 1:2 and now discovered in the 20th Century.

More prophecy:
Job 9:8: 8 He alone has spread out the heavens and marches on the waves of the sea.
Isaiah 40:22: 22 God sits above the circle of the earth. The people below seem like grasshoppers to him. He spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes his tent from them.
Psalm 104:2 2 You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens;
Jeremiah 10:12: 12 But God made the earth by his power, and he preserves it by his wisdom. With his own understanding he stretched out the heavens.
Zechariah 12:1: 1 This[a] message concerning the fate of Israel came from the Lord: “This message is from the Lord, who stretched out the heavens, laid the foundations of the earth, and formed the human spirit.
Zechariah 12:1 Hebrew An Oracle: This.
From Doppler Effect, the Hubble telescope discovered recently, we know space is literally being extended or stretched out, but told in Genesis 1:2: 2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
Make the association.

Space can be:

Isaiah 64:1 torn
Psalm 102: 4 & 26 worn
Hebrews 12:26
Haggai 2:6 shaken
Isaiah 13:13
2 Peter 3:12 burnt up
Revelation 6:14 split apart
Hebrews 1:12 rolled up

What we know from particle physics today: CUBE EXAMPLE
What is proven today has been told to us for years.
“The just shall live by faith.” If you are justified, you are right.


Jamie Foxx was on the “Oprah Winfrey Show” in the year of 2005. He is our example in this word from the life he leads. He stated, “I don’t chase money; I chase inspiration.” or a breathing in. We all breathe in and this is what Jamie Foxx allows to lead his life. Imply this to mean hope, which it should, and “Heaven will Never be the Same.” It can be standing right beside you or wherever your heart desires.
He is where he is today because he does; do and have the world to gain. Do not say, “It’s too hard!” or “I can’t!” This is our knowledge of evil. We can because we breathe in. It is as simple as looking in our language to find God because there must be a Creator to help us understand.
With language comes writing; we must write because of Satan’s interference. God created writing so we would not have to rely on our memory because if we are engulfed in this world, we rely on Satan and our thoughts are after the one we follow. What we follow is our thoughts. We see the example in Genesis and how quickly the world went towards corruption with Sodom and Gomorrah. Rely on paper because this is reference and tangible. Language is Divinely inspired. Who created the structure behind language? Who came before language? It must be God. We use Him in our everyday language and may not even acknowledge this.
II Samuel:
2 Samuel tells us that we can make it through this life…and successfully!

We must put faith solely on God.
Do we rely on God alone since this is the connection the prefix implies?

We see this in the rise of David.

A Shepherd boy who defeated a giant. We can defeat problems, no matter how big they are, in our life, if we rely on God. EX: Look at me!
The shepherd boy became king! Another insinuation of the greatness we hold. We can be great and rise to greatness if we only believe.
Throughout 2 Samuel, it speaks of the lineage of one man, Jesus coming from David, Jacob, Abraham, etc and He did is the amazing part! If we are after “God’s own heart” then we will always succeed. There is no need to worry b/c this is only our knowledge of evil. We have seen those people who aren’t after God’s own heart (drugs, etc). It is that simple of a distinction!

David was accepted as king for three reasons:
his human kinship
his merit over battle
his recognition that the Lord had received him as captain over Israel.

2 Samuel 12:10) If we follow this example then we will never fall. God hoped that David was the perfect man b/c He was “a man after God’s own heart”, but He fell due to his knowledge of evil. We will fall (Jesus, the son of God, was tempted, slain, but He rose on the third day)…1) associating: it is how we get back up that makes us strong, if we rise. We are the descendents of David and this knowledge will never depart from us.

This is the amazing part along with the thought of David, an aforethought associated with the story of David, but came centuries before 1) associated. Job was the first book written in the Bible, yet it goes along with a story (Bible) centuries after b/c Bible written. It is almost as if there is a higher understanding that will help us understand and to allow Job to go along precisely with a story written down centuries later, but it was the first book written…a precursor.
kinship- Be kind to your neighbor.
merit- In Beyond Basic, “You come with a sword, but I come in the name of the Lord.” It seems as if David was a rapper too…or poet. Come only with God, understanding which has its roots in knowledge. The merit in battle is not fighting at all, but having words (knowledge leading to understanding) fight your battles, sarcasm is at the root of this. It leads to greatness.
recognition-We must look at the root of the word re-cognize meaning to cognizantly come from…but what?!? God is the root of your mind (cognizance) if you allow Him to be so and this is who it comes from. This is why He was so frustrated of us eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. He is the climax of knowledge, understanding, if we allow ourselves to see it.

What we learned:
God may have consequences for sin, thus not living simpler in hand, but it was Bathsheba who gave birth to Solomon allowing God’s long term goal to be fulfilled in Christ. We need a savior due to our knowledge of evil and we see this necessity here.

Allow God’s long term goals to be achieved in your life and follow the Bible.

It is not the number, but the principle; we just give reference through the mathematical language of numbers to the Divinely Inspired thought or number. We can experience the principle through third hand faith (We just believe language is correct by using it when we are young, cannot understand another language at an old-age, but do we acknowledge the Source of language?!? Language is faith.) or first hand understanding (Life’s Experience which hurts.) It is not how many birthdays you have celebrated, but what you have experienced; chalk it up to experience. Life is experience and age is experience; first hand experience hurts.
There must be someone to have languages coincide with one another. Not only are words similar fragmentally, contextually and in content, but the alphabets of Western Civilizations are similar if not identical. Civilizations did not encounter each other for thousands of years. There must be a Designer behind this because this is not just a coincidence; coincidences coincide, but who allows them to do such?!? There must be an initiator behind an action and coincidences are an action. If they do not have the same reference it is conjoined: an example in the Spanish language is the letter ch. We have the same sound in English, but do not give this reference. Remember, God is the God of the past, present and future. He is the beginning and the end. This is the true definition of difference.
I believe God has a sense of humor because of the different words we use that rhyme with similar context; we see this in rap songs. I was also reminded of a humorous story in my “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” study; Dr. Chuck Missler is a genius. It seems the Philistines had stolen the Arc of the Covenant from the Israelites. Because of this, God gave the Philistines a scorching case of hemorrhoids. Now, what many are unaware of is that the Philistines practiced homosexualityJ So, do not think God does not have a place and time for everything.

In the OT, they were too primitive to think up these ideas, poetic devices: allegories.

It must come from God, understanding.

In Genesis, it says that from Adam and Eve would come the Messiah.

In Genesis 3, they replaced the fig leaves with skins signifying the shedding of innocent blood on the cross.

Jewish thought: If they believe in the OT that specifies they would pluck out his beard and even this passage, the Passover Lamb and blood on the door in association with the crucifixion of Jesus, why is it not Jesus the son?

We know this book of Moses to be thousands of years old and know in history books of the crucifixion.

1st Prophecy: Methuselah means “his death shall bring” the flood because after his death came the flood, but also has future connotations of the second coming in a hidden message from the first 10 descendants of Adam to Noah, a connection between the person who survived the flood and his previous lineage ENDING THE SENTENCE WITH NOAH. The hidden message and lineage is in one chapter, Genesis 5.

Adam: man
Seth: appointed
Enosh: mortal
Kenan: sorrow
Mahalal’el: the blessed God
Jared: shall come down
Enoch: teaching
Methuselah: “his death shall bring” both the flood and the end of time.
Lamech: despairing
Noah: rest

Together it says, “Man is appointed mortal sorrow, but the blessed God shall come down teaching [that His] death shall bring the despairing rest.” pointing to Jesus from the Pentateuch, a part of the Old Testament.

He is in prepositions; that is our connection linguistically. Do not give up on that connection. Through my life, I have been compared to Job; Job had it all. Satan said to God that Job would not be so faithful if he did not have all those things in his life: many sheep, a large family and a nice house. God assures us throughout His Word that He will never test us so He allowed Satan to do so through His own choice because God knows His Followers. Job was suddenly stricken with leprosy, did not understand this and praised God nevertheless. After a year’s time, he was rewarded for his deeds. We must do to be rewarded; do not just think God will help us if we do nothing. God will help us if we do nothing and we should see the miracle of this from us doing nothing, but do for Him and you will reap what you sew. Do not ask Him for materialistic, pleasure-seeking or sinful things but ask Him for understanding. Pleasure does not accomplish anything, but for the individual who wants it, but satisfaction is from Someone for reward; look for satisfaction and to be satisfied.
I Kings:
1 Kings, Judges: every title is allegoric or on the flipside and symbolic of one word that sums up the book b/c it all starts back at one; do not complicate. So, the title symbolizes the book either allegorically or directly. Look to allegories to complicate the situation (and they do, through twisting) and books that directly speak to us to lead to a reason, logos, God that is its final destination.

1 Kings could be called “discontinuance through disobedience” of King Solomon.

What this book is saying through its allegory is God will allow greatness to grow if we see, believe and understand. He allowed the nation of Israel to be full and understand when they relied on Him, but fall when they took their eyes off Him and worshipped pagan gods with Solomon’s wives.

Their understanding was shown through having all work and happy:

183,000 workforce
10,000 at a time with 1) two months off
70,000 carriers
80,000 hewers
33,000 supervisors

This led to a 1) simpler life.
Lesson is, we can grow if we understand as Israel did with attractions (bronze, gold, pretty things, a temple and a nation that was great even by today’s standards.)

“If we build it, they will come.” And this is as simple as reflecting on 1 Kings.

Clinton- made nation but failed to notice other nations and made more taxation than any president in my life time.

Bush- rebuilt what Clinton failed to acknowledge b/c Bush relied on God and still goes along with this thought of God. (There is no president in this nation’s history that has faced so much turmoil, yet somehow succumb through it. Why?!? There must be a higher understanding Bush relies on.)


EX from Bible: David was father and predecessor to Solomon and David failed to punish Joab for murdering Abner. Solomon was commanded by David on his deathbed to “clean house”. It seems as this instance was foretold by the Bible of Bush’s predecessor Clinton through Solomon’s predecessor David and him failing to punish. Clinton failed to punish Sadaam Hussein and Al’Qaida leading to 9/11. All we must do is rely and reflect on God to fix these simple problems and be lead to greatness. Read John 1:1; we have the key. USE IT!

We see this today in Clinton’s faith on an intern (leading to 9/11) and Bush’s remarkable faith in relying on God. Who denies his faith?!?
Clinton satisfied the temporary with gas that pleased the consumers; we all buy gas.
Bush has redone the economy. He relied on God and this is evident through his actions.
Who is greater?!?

Reflect on past and see coincidences coincide of biblical reference b/c it all starts back at one.

You have heard “Your body is a temple.” and “You are the temple of God.” It is amazing this is spoken of 7 times in the NT. As we revolve around 10 (decade, 10 decades = 1 century) the Jewish calendar and way of thinking revolves around 7. Now, in the book of Daniel I learned it gives the precise hour of Christ’s return. You can believe what you want to believe, but I will share this in the book of Daniel.

Now back to symbolism of “Your body is a temple.” and the temple of Solomon. Jesus commanded us to love the Lord with all our “heart, strength, soul and mind.” But, what discerns between these things (heart, strength, soul and mind.’?)


This is both biblical and historical of the temple’s blueprints. Hebrews 4:12; “Only the Word of God can discern between the heart, soul strength and mind.”

The spirit is found above our hearts, where our mind lies or The Holy of Holies was only allowed by the priest to enter into on the Day of Atonement. Let God reside there all the time and be blessed.

The Holy Place is where your heart lies; let your decisions be led by God.

I found it interesting that the outside of the temple before you entered were bronze lavers representing fire and inside the entrance was gold, pure; let your body be as pure as gold. Allow God to reside there.

You have heard me say several times, it is all associated:

Revelation 13:18- 18 Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] His number is 666.

This symbol of Satan is mentioned twice in 1 Kings of Solomon’s salary. We saw Satan in Solomon’s deeds, self-indulgence. Do you see the association?!? It is all associated. How could primitive people (EX: Adam and Eve) understand w/o relying on a HIGHER UNDERSTANDING and write a book focusing on understanding if they did not rely?

The realization of Solomon is seen in Ecclesiastes: In the end, He will reveal Himself. All is Vanity.

I have lost two beautiful girls in this life, that hurts. It would kill me to have one of my friends not acknowledge Him and not find eternity; find Him.

Rehoboam was Solomon’s son.

1 Kings 11:12 12 But for the sake of your father, David, I will not do this while you are still alive. I will take the kingdom away from your son [Rehoboam].
Another reference to Him being understanding b/c Rehoboam raised taxes; confusion.

Understand; “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

It took approximately one year to fix (through understanding) most of my problems and God is not finished with my understanding yet. God asks us to get angry with Him, but if we get angry then we are acknowledging His existence. We all know His existence through presupposition, but many try to forget, deny or hate Him. Denial and hate are both acknowledgements. To forget is also an acknowledgement because we all have heard of God, but choose to deny or hate Him; this is our scapegoat for studying to show ourselves approved. We usually get angry with Him over something we did. It is easier to put the blame on someone who is not visible through our eyesight. It is easier to blame others than yourself because it takes yourself out of the equation.
I see my friends settling down now; some with intelligent, beautiful, spiritual women and others with crack fiends, drug addicts and horrible mothers. Look for women who simplify the equation of life because it is all math, a matrix. The key factor to math is to simplify. Math and Philosophy are not complex, hard to understand, but experienced through first hand problems in our life or third hand problems in math. To be mean is a sin and unnecessary, but to be good is to simplify, not complicate.
Now, if God gave understanding of the reason and He is the Reason, logos which entails understanding…why not believe the Reason?!? We believe the reason behind everything else; why not believe the first Reason?!?

Smile for Me
So quick to critique, yet cannot reflect. Why do we critique people when it is easier to smile?!? Laugh at this life and the One who founded it; do not be snobbish and critique one another’s looks, behavior, jokes, etc. Why do we critique people when we would not have a thing wrong with us if we reflect?!? If we laugh at life, then we are saying “Satan failed.” because He is our knowledge of evil that contrasts the good that brings joy to us. Remember, we know now from eating the forbidden fruit, but can fix our knowledge through following the Bible. We know what evil is but can never understand its hypocrisy, idiosyncrasy.
We want to look better, but point out, laugh at other’s imperfections. This is precisely what Satan wants, idle thoughts without end, the knowledge of evil. Evil is idle because we cannot understand its hypocrisy. Why critique on others when the solution is reflection on ourselves?!?
II Kings:
All He is, is understanding; we saw this in God promising He would not take away the nation from Solomon, but His son and His son, Rehoboam raised taxes causing a civil war and eventually the destruction of the nation, taking it away because of not understanding.

He arrogantly listened to his younger friends instead of listening to His wiser advisors. Listen to your parents, your wise advisors! They have experienced more and therefore have a better idea of…”how to live the simpler life.” We must put faith in the Bible to see that this is the only message it is trying to get across. “Honor thy father and mother.” But still Rehoboam listened to his friends. Do you listen to your friends?!? (You ain’t cool…) I did one day, June 17, 1999, and it would have saved a lot of heartache to just watch the game. If your friends do not coincide with the Bible, they are not your friends because of not striving for simpler life.

The split for it to be civil was: Judah and Israel. Elijah was the prophet that we focus on now and I found it interesting that He was translated into Heaven as a word is translated. Find Heaven as a realization, remember the Greek I taught y’all and the translation of ambiguity of some words (EX: Love is either ethos, pathos, logos).

This is all the Bible is trying to reveal to us. If we translate it the way it is supposed to, the simple way and not allow our knowledge of evil, confusion to interfere, then we understand the translation. Understand the Bible and find Heaven, simple as that. He is the alpha and omega and there is no limit to understanding.

2 Kings focuses on the judgment on both Israel and Judah. Babylonia takes Judah and Israel worshipped Baal. We will see there judgment in the northern kingdom’s (Israel) captivity by the Assyrians.

Remember we have seen the structure of the Bible go from judgment of a people to realization, the turning point, and restoration to greatness; God is great. If we put our faith in the Bible, on God then we will be great. I find it interesting that the preposition ‘on’ implies reliance. And so we go with the circle.

Hegel said, “History teaches us that man learns nothing from history.” Ben Franklin once said, “If we do not study history, we are doomed to repeat it.” Judah and Israel did not realize and had bad kings because of this confusion! All we must do is see; “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” This Bible has a Higher Understanding that is its’ author!

He will put us through judgment because of our knowledge of evil, but this is to help us realize He is the only one to worship and He will allow you to understand…ANYTHING! (stress that again)

Example from today: It is amazing I was put through judgment, a lot of confusion but once I reflected, relied and realized on what I knew all along from childhood (Suffer the little children b/c they are not yet confused by world and this is Heaven) I was much better off.

He is the he in Abraham and still lives. EX: pelvis, brain, who denies Him?!?

If we reflect enough, there will be no need for critique because there will be no imperfections. We will see perfection because “Heaven ain’t Hard to Find”. It is within our minds. We will strive for Heaven.
Change imperfections, not perfection; in this world, people will ask another to change, the other may not like the change, then make fun of you for changing. Why critique?!? Just smile and laugh at life to show the person who founded this world that this is not the simple life.
Be a servant for God. Let Him lead your way and see that it is much simpler than the way you were living. If you do something for God, He assures us through His Word that you will reap what you sew. He will reward you somewhere down the road whether it be financially, through happiness, through kindness, but we must look for it. He will associate what you reap and the benefits within our minds…then you will know He is there. All these benefits are simple, ascetic and its simplicity should be pointed out.
Chapter Three:
I & II Chronicles:
1 & 2 Chronicles goes along with my thought precisely that He is understanding and all can understand.

The emphasis of this book is on the Southern Kingdom, Judah, not Israel, the Northern Kingdom. All Jews are of the line of Jacob or Israel, but how can this be if Jews are God’s chosen people and it emphasizes Judah, not Israel?!? The emphasis of this book tells us that all are Jews who believe in Christ. The only distinction is the Nephilim, fallen angels who deceive us.

The first nine chapters in 1 Chronicles goes on to preserve the lineage of David which tells us that the focus is on mankind, not just Jews. We came from one man, Adam, and this book preserves the line of David from Adam.

The writer wants to preserve the true King and the Son of God must come from the line of David, Jesus.

The only man that could be called the Son of God and be in the Davidic Line is Christ b/c all is lost today. David killed Goliath through something, Solomon built the temple because he understood, but how could Christ calm a storm, turn water into wine?!? Mary had the answer when He performed this miracle at a wedding. “Do what He says.” This is all we must do, rely on God.

This book reiterates the building of the temple 1) and its’ glory.

To sum up the book, everything can be 1) good or bad because it all starts with our knowledge. Make it good and live simpler. “Love the Lord with all your heart, body, soul and mind.” If we love Him, then we understand and this is all this verse is saying. Trust me, He will.

It wasn’t until Solomon’s extreme polygamy did the temple fall; do these coincidences coincide?!? I believe this is what it’s telling us.

Our example from today:
I relied on God before through faith and after my wreck through understanding. Okay, now with that being said my pelvis was broken in 7 places. It healed perfectly! No plates. I believe I am the only man alive who has broken his pelvis in 7 places and survived w/o plates. God is good.

I know I am the only man to survive a brain shearing w/o any surgeries and I am still normal, well I’m not as cool as y’all hip-hop kidsJ

For these things to happen to me and heal perfectly w/o any surgery on my brain or any plates in my pelvis, there must be someone to help me b/c it takes a surgery to heal a sheared brain , but I had no surgeries on my brain . It must be God. A pelvis broken in 7 places takes plates to correct it. It must be God to correct.

So would you rather be confused or understand?!? That is our choice.

God is represented as big b/c He is general and has control of the situation; find Him. Look for Him; if not, just have faith.

Now, this is my two cents, but it is what the Bible truly says. The Bible is not factual, but based on principle; facts are knowledge, but principles are understanding. Facts are question such as, “Who is Jesus’ cousin?” which are good to know, but idle to our realization of understanding due to its’ end. A principle is understanding the Bible and its purpose to allow us to live simpler. Take it from my experience which lead to realization or leave it, but to take is to live simpler, the good life. Please, trust me from my first hand experience. If you rebel, then you will have first hand experience of your own and understand that this Book bleeds, but never dies and never stops being written.
A question is, “Why did God not make Satan’s confusion understandable?!?” A better question is, “Why did Satan complicate God’s understanding?!?” God created Satan and this world first in perfection, not vice versa.
Job…put in presuppositions chapter b/c this is a presupposition to be written first in the Bible, but be inserted in the middle of the Bible and centuries later

To understand the book of Job, we must first understand the time period it was written:

1st book of the Bible b/c:

1) Absence of references to Israelite history or biblical law
2) Job’s long life of over 100 years; God allowed the 1st people to live longer but shortened our lives due to our knowledge of evil and being confused of what reference we should have, God. Then we can understand.
3) Job acting as a priest to His family which was prohibited by Mosaic Law, but this may have come before Moses
4) We also learn this from Job’s friends thought of the good being blessed and the bad being punished.


So we learn from Job’s friends limited understanding of thinking the good are blessed and the bad are punished, that there is a Higher Understanding that we should all rely upon to gain ten fold the blessings. Job was blessed and is our example in this story.

We were created through someone, therefore coming from someone. Remember what I taught y’all about prepositions: from, through. Here lies God. We all have minds; use them to see God.

We all know the story:
1) Job’s leprosy; Dilemma
2) Debates with the Lord b/c of limited understanding. Be part of the alpha and omega and have no limit to understanding!
3) Deliverance because of faithfulness; be faithful or rely on Him and be blessed.

It is amazing that this book was the first book written in the Bible, yet it goes along with a story that was written down 1)centuries later, the Bible. God is the God of the 1)past, present and future. Let Him have control of yours also. All He is asking is to understand and not be confused since we ate from the tree.

Be great; be associated with God! All we must do is be good and we learn how to through reading the Bible.

I have been compared to Job. As you can see, I am alright. Believe in God in Dilemma or in everyday life and make it better than living in confusion.

Ten Commandments
God is explanation without explanation. He does not tell us directly through the Bible because He is the reason and reasons are exclamation points to the end of a sentence, they simply state a reason for a reason, but do not explain because the Lord does not understand why we would not want to live simpler; therefore, why would He need to explain?!? If we seek enlightenment, He will show us what He means through our faith which is simpler than our understanding through experience. Choose faith, please.
He is the reason; the ‘because’ in a sentence, but He only tells us the statement because there is no need for an explanation since He is the Reason. The Ten Commandments are a great example. God is just telling us to not sin because it will hurt you which is not simple; hurt complexes things.
God does not understand sin and why anyone would not want to live simpler. If we have a great idea and somewhere in the back of your head something tells you it will fail, that is Satan. That something is Someone, Satan; if there is a Reason of it working and for it to work, that is God. Remember, God is in prepositions; He is the Reason behind every preposition.
He tells us in the Ten Commandments, we shall not make graven images because to make an idol is illegitimate. An idol should already be an idol. There is no need to make because the Idol is already within our mind; we should epitomize God because He initiates the everything that is of worth. We should put no gods before God because there was no one before Him. He was the first. Nothing is before the first except zero which symbolizes nothing.
We also should not take the Lord’s name in vain. Now, what does vain mean?!? Vain is defined as having no real value or significance, so illegitimate anger. Why would we hate someone who helps us through understanding either in faith or experience. Sure, we can rebel against God, worship Satan, but this is just to know Him through experience which hurts that every reason He gives has an explanation. If we follow Him through faith, this will not hurt us.
We shall not break the Sabbath because this is a significant part of Christians lives. Whether the Sabbath is on a Sunday, Saturday or Friday does not matter as long as long as we praise Him for the understanding He has bestowed on us for the rest of the week, past and ahead. Is Sunday repeated in the New Testament?!? We should rest on the Sabbath or give and get peace of mind from Him. He is telling us that we need to give and get a little understanding from the Reason. (Colossians 2:16-17)
My eyes have seen too much belligerence for one life time or war which is illegitimate. Why should we honor our father and mother?!? Because they probably have more experience than kids and know how things are by now. He just wants us to live simpler. Look at the Bible that way, as a Parent instructing a child. A parent punishes a child without explanation. Such is the Bible; “Don’t touch that stove”… it does not inform us that it is hot because the Reason is self-explanatory through experience of touching it or faith of your parents. Such are the commandments. “Don’t sin!!” You can explain the consequences through faith of the Parent or experience through seeing it; either is just not living simpler.
Why should we not kill?!? Because there is probably emotional attachment to that person who was killed and somewhere down the line someone is going to punish or hurt you, either judicially or physically. Why should we not commit adultery?!? Because there will never be a gain. You will only be hurt or hurt someone, your spouse; proof is in an episode of the Real World. He does not want you to hurt. Why should you not steal?!? Because the rest of His Word tells us we will understand how to get a job that will allow us money and there is no need to steal. The result is we will either get convicted of stealing or get a little pleasure out of the thing we stole because we know it must be small in this 21st Technological Century with Security Cameras, Detectors, etc. to get around these devices. Why should we not commit perjury; Why should we not lie?!? Because it just complicates things somewhere down the line and this is idle anyways; it does not benefit or punish you. It may help you evade trouble, but to get in trouble is idle. The definition of trouble is negative. Finally, why should we not covet?!? Because this is another’s belongings anyways. It contrasts the other commandments in someway: through having another god before God or coveting, wanting pleasure fully to have him before God, making a graven image and to make you must first want or covet, wanting to say something so emphatic you must say God’s name in vain ( Why hate when there is love?!? Another downfall of our knowledge), wanting to dishonor your parents, to murder, to commit adultery, steal and commit perjury. He is just looking out for you and wants us to live simpler.

Exodus – Deuteronomy

Themes and Structures:

Reflection: Genesis is an account of beginnings: the universe, the earth and Israel, God’s chosen kingdom.

Israel started with Abraham. “From you, I will make a great nation.”

But if Abraham was called out of a family of idol worshipers, how can he be the father of the kingdom of Israel if it is his ancestors that specify his race?!? It must be because he understood and so does his descendents because there is no distinction between humans, race, only their knowledge: good or evil. Be a child of the kingdom of Israel, of God because we all came from one man.

What I learned in OT: the emphasis and reiteration of my thought, re
Look to every verse to be about these words I speak in context or specifically.

Exodus is a record of redemption.

Numbers is a description of wanderings.
God provides even through his judgment.

In Exodus 16:9-14 9 Then Moses said to Aaron, “Announce this to the entire community of Israel: ‘Present yourselves before the Lord, for he has heard your complaining.’” 10 And as Aaron spoke to the whole community of Israel, they looked out toward the wilderness. There they could see the awesome glory of the Lord in the cloud.
11 Then the Lord said to Moses, 12 “I have heard the Israelites’ complaints. Now tell them, ‘In the evening you will have meat to eat, and in the morning you will have all the bread you want. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’”
13 That evening vast numbers of quail flew in and covered the camp. And the next morning the area around the camp was wet with dew. 14 When the dew evaporated, a flaky substance as fine as frost blanketed the ground.
He gives quail and manna from the sky to the Israelites. Now I can understand a Ms Baird’s Bread factory blowing bread from nearby, but who killed quail and then mysteriously made it fall from the sky?!? I know, spaceshipsJ

Deuteronomy is a plea for remembrance (What leads to remembrance?!? This is our way to God.) leading to renewal of the Mosaic Covenant, God’s Law; the simpler way to live life.

The emphasis of Leviticus, the holiness of God: Prophecy
Holiness- defined not only as pure but precise.


Read Acts 3:21: “the time of the restitution of all things.” or entropy, a law of science. Do not segregate church and school from one another. 7 is symbolic throughout science and the Bible.

Our Focus today:
Leviticus, 7 feasts of Israel: the first 3 were prophetic of Christ’s first coming.

Passover- know story, they painted a symbol like a 4 on their door with the blood of a lamb to have the angel of death Passover: 10th day of Nisan or the precise day that Jesus, another lamb, rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, prophecy from Moses of Jesus. The Passover lamb was not to have a bone broken in their body. The Roman soldier broke his orders to break Jesus’ legs, another lamb, on the cross to see if he was dead, an unknowingly fulfilled Old Testament prophecy.

Unleavened bread- it is unleavened because the leaven puffs up as a symbol of our sin. The root of all sin is pride which expands b/c we think we are going behind someone’s back, but really we lose in the long run.

First Fruits- cool; one morning long ago when this was being celebrated some women discovered an empty tomb and our first fruits- Jesus Christ, God, because it all comes from one or the first fruit.

Pentecost- 50 days after the feast of first fruits. This was the only time leavened bread was used and it was prophetic of the birth of the church, the same day that Enoch was born and also translated into Heaven prior to the flood. ( which raises the question, ‘Is Enoch a pure type of church; did he understand to be translated into Heaven? Yes; Will the Jewish clock restart on that same day it was stopped?’)

The last three were symbolic of Christ’s Second Coming:

Trumpets: the same day as Rosh Hashanah, the civil new year. I personally look for the trumpets to blow on this day because first fruits was when the women found Christ’s body, our first fruit and Passover was when Christ rode into Jerusalem, our Passover lamb. It is all prophecy, right?

Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur: This is when the priest gets 2 goats, sacrifices one and put its’ blood on the live goat to symbolically put the sins on another- a substitution. Is this what Christ did for us? Remember the Jewish thought.

Tabernacles: Reminding of the wilderness wanderings but predictive of the Kingdom promised to us in the future.

The first three happened with Christ’s first coming; it looks like the last three feasts are symbolic of his second coming. Steadfast!

The Exodus is a record of remembrance which is indicative of what God is on a subconscious level. We see the unbelief of Israel throughout this book when enough is given to them in every case. I find it interesting what Satan will try to tempt us with to incrementally take us away from God. This is shown in Exodus from the Pharaoh (Satan) and Egypt (this world) and the reply of Moses (the representation of God) and Israel (followers of God). Pharaoh does not want Israel to leave Egypt, so he makes four Satanic compromises with them after the 10 miraculous plagues were poured out on Egypt (an indication of God’s power and picture of God’s swift and decisive victory over his enemies spoken in Joel) that are applicable to us today.
In Exodus 8:25 25 Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron. “All right! Go ahead and offer sacrifices to your God,” he said. “But do it here in this land.”
The Pharaoh compromises with Israel and says he will allow them to Sacrifice to their God, but they must not leave Egypt. Is that not what Satan does with us sometimes? He says, “You can worship God, but do not let Him interfere with your work, school, keep Him and your social life separate, etc. Do not let it leave from here!” God is understanding; if we do not acknowledge Him as such, only through faith are we saved. It is if we acknowledge faith as third-hand experience or in idle worship, never reading the Bible, going to church every once in a while if at all, loving God but never seeing the blessing in giving, etc. Moses refused the offer.
In Exodus 8:28 28 “All right, go ahead,” Pharaoh replied. “I will let you go into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord your God. But don’t go too far away. Now hurry and pray for me.”
Pharaoh again compromises saying, “Leave, but don’t go too far.” Don’t get too serious about your faith. Believe in God that created all, but don’t believe He has control over everything that He created and you therefore cannot hide from us. Moses again refuses.
In Exodus 10:8-11 8 So Moses and Aaron were brought back to Pharaoh. “All right,” he told them, “go and worship the Lord your God. But who exactly will be going with you?”
9 Moses replied, “We will all go—young and old, our sons and daughters, and our flocks and herds. We must all join together in celebrating a festival to the Lord.”
10 Pharaoh retorted, “The Lord will certainly need to be with you if I let you take your little ones! I can see through your evil plan. 11 Never! Only the men may go and worship the Lord, since that is what you requested.” And Pharaoh threw them out of the palace.
Pharaoh makes his third compromise. They may leave, but not take their families with them. “Keep your religion private and don’t impose it on your families or others.” Moses again refuses.
In Exodus 10:24 24 Finally, Pharaoh called for Moses. “Go and worship the Lord,” he said. “But leave your flocks and herds here. You may even take your little ones with you.”
Pharaoh’s final compromise is heard. “Leave, but don’t take your flocks and herds.” Don’t involve your livelihood, religion, job, career or possessions. He will bless these items if you bring them to Him in prayer or in obedience through reading the Bible. Moses refuses all of his proposals.
When Moses crossed the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s armies tried to capture the Israelites, archaeology confirms the destruction of Egypt’s army under Amenhotep II, the Pharaoh at that time. He was a great conqueror during his early reign and became very weak and never launched another military campaign as if his entire army was entirely wiped out or had drowned.
I understand that the translation interpreted says the Sea of Reeds, a sea of knee-deep water, but do we not serve a great God who can drown an entire army in knee-deep water?!? We did not live in that time. Who are we to say how deep, or wide the Sea of Reeds was or if that is even the sea they speak of? Let God’s Word be true and every man a liar. It has been thus far.
Reflection of what learned in language but thought of OT Survey. Deuteronomy is a plea for remembrance (What leads to remembrance, what organ?!? This is our way to God.) leading to renewal of the Mosaic Covenant or the Ten Commandments, God’s Law; the simpler way to live life.

Language reflection:
Re means coming from so it is present progressive, but anything that is progressive must have a progressor. EX: A car did not just start itself. It had to have a driver to start it. We see this prefix in words like remember, recall, reason, etc throughout the Bible and in our everyday language. What is the source of these words? Our minds; here lies God and simplicity is what God implies. We must read the Bible to understand and not be confused, hurt.

Read Deuteronomy 6:2 2 and you and your children and grandchildren must fear the Lord your God as long as you live. If you obey all his decrees and commands, you will enjoy a long life.

Live a long life in reference to commandments. Do not covet your neighbors wife b/c you will get killed. Do not steal; the penalty back then was to get your hand chopped off. Do you know how hard it is to live with one hand? Do not kill; the philosophy back then was “an eye for an eye.” Do we live the same way today?!? I know two girls that would have loved for Tara Fowler to pick up a Bible and see that drinking is not simpler. Because of this, they know this first hand. It don’t make sense to not follow the Bible.

4 “Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.[a]
Deuteronomy 6:4 Or The Lord our God is one Lord; or The Lord our God, the Lord is one; or The Lord is our God, the Lord is one.

Central to Deuteronomy is the Shema meaning “hear” found in 6:4. Please read Deuteronomy 6:4. If you remember this through reading it or “hearing”, you will live simpler or be renewed from our knowledge of evil. Now read 6:5; this is the greatest summation of the Bible in general. We should love one God, see all He can do, but love Him, not Them. Know it came from one source, not many.

The word for one means a plural unity in Hebrew, did you notice how the words “Lord or “God” are used three times throughout 6:4? Interesting as is the insinuation of the 12 tribes of Israel grouping in four in the cardinal directions, allowing the precise direction and formation of a cross, another unknowingly fulfilled prophecy of the New Testament..

Moses writes history in advance; he states that Israel will fall but blessed b/c nation of Israel; but how could Moses know of this falling in the near future (blessings and curses, we will study these in another lesson), but Moses died and the distant with their dispersion among the nations and eventual return, but this happened in 1948?!? He predicted it a little before 641 BC.
That’s pretty cool!

My pt is, The Lord is pretty cool.

Deuteronomy 34: Why was Moses so vibrant, strong at 120 years?!? B/C He understood. Run, workout, get into sports, cross the nation of Israel…don’t say, I’m too old, I got in a wreck, etc, I hate sweating…

Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins will not kill you instantly, but somewhere down the line will lead to sure death if you keep it up. He is just warning us to not become engulfed in these sins when there is a simpler solution to the problem of life.
Sin creates an inclination to sin; if we start the practice of the Seven Deadly Sins, it will lead to sure death. It has bad connotations because it will kill you, eventually! Do not find rationality in sin because it is confusing and there is no need for it when there is a simpler life.
The first one we will discuss is pride; if we have pride, an exaggerated self-esteem, we do not rely on others for anything. We must do the task ourselves. Of course the downfall to this is we cannot do it alone. If we rely on solely ourselves, then we will die of exhaustion. God wants us to enjoy life down here; that is why He made earth, for enjoyment. We must have a sense of humility to ourselves by turning the other cheek and having meekness. I am trying to associate what the Bible says with the contrast to pride, humility. So, the Bible does just want us to live simpler.
I have the same problem w/liking people. It has saved me a lot of problems b/c i see what my consequences would be if i got angry. "The meek shall inherit the earth." That's good advice; i just go w/it b/c i know theres a Higher Understanding:)

The second warning it tells us not to get engulfed in to save our lives is avarice/greed. Greed is defined as having a desire, a covet for acquiring. This is good and allows us to fulfill our ambitions, but to have in excess is dangerous. The want of money is good and allows us to live life, but if we want money in excess, we revolve ourselves around it such that it is our sole purpose in life. This is no way to live such that we might as well die. God only has the best intentions in life for us because He is the Best, what we should epitomize. The contrast to this is generosity; we just have words for these subjects because we know the knowledge of good and evil, but we still know good; doing good is just living simpler. Why would we not want to live simpler?!?
Third is envy; envy is defined as a desire for another’s possessions, advantages. Why would we want in excess to what God gives us?!? If we want in excess what someone has, we might as well die because that possession or characteristic is theirs, not ours. Remember, it is never a good combination to associate ours with theirs because they are two different words with two different meanings. Stick with what God gives us, not them. He will supply enough and assures us that we will reap what we sew in His Word. These are not the way to live life, with envy.
Fourth is wrath or anger which is self-explanatory. If we get angry in excess, then we will die. Proof is in the number of heart attack victims due to stressful situations in which anger is their first emotion. Do not be engulfed in such. It only causes excessive stress which is not needed. We should be kind which simplifies life, not angry which only complicates.
Fifth is lust which only strives for sex. We have love for their bodies if we lust them which is superficial because the mind is where God is and God is love. Love the One who truly matters, God. We need not focus on the other features. Allow them to give us pleasure, but not excessive pleasure. Allow the features to speak for themselves, but do not focus solely on them. We should love, marry and then have sex with them. The example here is those who go to a club. What for, love or lust?!? True love is not found in clubs, but above and within our minds.
How do we know how much pleasure is enough?!? When the pleasure is what you focus on and not the Biblical principle; we should not lust, but love. The pleasure should be sufficient, not excessive. We should try to overdo, but we will never achieve more than we can understand because He helps us with understanding. He is the Reason from understanding.
The sixth and seventh go together and are self-explanatory because they are direct with their consequences which will eventually lead to death; we will discuss gluttony first. Gluttony is defined as eating too much. Why should we not eat in excess?!? Because it will clog our arteries! God wants us to live a long, happy life. Then, there is sloth. Slothfulness is laziness. Why put off for tomorrow what can be done today?!? This also leads to a heart attack if we do nothing. Why do nothing when there is something to do?!? The Devil is idle, His Fall was for no reason and everything He stands for is nothing. Do not be associated with Satan in slothful activity.
It also tells us that our body is a temple. It is just telling us that we should work out because the temple was the most holy place to the Jews, not be slothful. We should keep our bodies clean, fit and in-shape because it is a temple. This will help us to strive to be most holy, perfect. He just wants us to be happy by living simpler.
These are just a few principles (the Ten Commandments, the Seven Deadly Sins) within the Bible, but apply this way of thinking to every principle of the Bible: all it tells us is what to do and what not to do. Why should we not do these things, sin?!? The Reason will soon follow and these are the only intentions of the Bible, to help us live the simple life. The theme of the whole Bible is briefly to just live simpler because He is the Reason for everything.
What God COMMANDS us if we want to live simpler because He is the Reason
After my wreck, I just see things how they truly are, simple, the way God intends them to be if we understand. It is easy to understand because He is the only Reason and God is within our minds, where understanding comes from. I see my friends struggle and it hurts me; I want to help them, they ignore me, but first they must understand. When they realize from their first hand experience that my third hand experience that I told them from my first hand experience was much simpler, the easy way out, they see the truth that came from my experience. Once again, I urge you to please listen to my experience that there is no need to have experience of your own; it hurts.
The Bible instructs us to not have sex before marriage. Why?!? He is only trying to look out for you and odds are slim to none that you will stay with a girl who succumbs themselves to sex before marriage. You do not want a relationship based on vanity because this is a dead end road; vanity satisfies vanity! Nothing more because it is nothing at all. Our main focus should be God, logos, the true love which is within our minds. Not to dismiss the physical attraction which should only bring us pleasure, not to be engulfed in only their bodies. It is just easier to not be engulfed into a sexual relationship because all it shows for satisfaction is sex. We should not be focused solely on their bodies, but all God is telling us is that bodies are not something to focus on because they change. Minds will never change because God is within, the only Constant. An urge is a driving force; let God be your driving force. Let your urge focus on what truly makes you happy. A body does not make you happy. We see manikins all the time, but do we find attraction to them?!? No, because we need attraction of their minds, but do not acknowledge such. See the truth; see that the verse, “God is love.” is not lying because God is found within our minds, where we should truly love. This is the Reason why we should not have sex…because He cares. Look at every Bible verse this way; He cares and to follow what He says is the good life, the simple life.
Why does God only answer the question why in the Bible and not state each situation it is applicable to?!? Because He is the Reason, logos and the reason answers the question. It is redundant to Him to not sin and expresses through statement throughout the Bible. In the beginning, they had no distinction between eyesight and the minds eye so those who could see through the minds eye knew there was a God because God is within our minds. That is why David told the Jews, “We know there is a God!” God is the Reason behind every statement, question, etc; that is why we must look within our minds…because the reason is within our minds.
In the Bible, it also says that we should not get married after a divorce. Why should we not get married after a divorce?!? Because the Lord knows it will just complicate things with your children (Why would we want to put innocent children through such a thing and just confuse them when living simpler and not getting divorced is much easier, simpler?!?), with future relationships and in general by not having to pay alimony, taking your children to another’s house and having to explain why; this causes confusion and is far too complex than how the Bible tells us to live life with its simplicity. These are only the reasons for not doing such things as marriage after divorce, sex before marriage, the Ten Commandments, the Seven Deadly Sins, etc. and the Reason is God.
The Bible also says that we should not drink in excess. Why should we not drink in excess?!? Jesus turned water into wine telling us it was alright to drink, just do not get drunk. We loose brain cells, get fatter and in return we will not receive the admirable job we wanted or the spouse we want because we turn into slobs if we drink too much. I see these people at a football game drinking, having a good time, but is this really how we want to live life (Is it stereotyped as a good time or really a good time?!?) or do we want to do something with life because all drinking strives for is drinking more?!? It does not allow us to become valedictorians of our school or help us in life, but hurts us. This is statistical and medically found in the amount of lost brain cells in excessive drinkers. Why would we drink?!? So we could become run-way models on the cover of Vogue or just be caught up in idleness?!? Why would we smoke?!? To write a profound book on your experiences in life or be caught up in idleness, nothingness?!?
When we think of the Bible, we should not think of it as only a holy book because holy is extentual in all our minds, but look at it as God trying to help us live a simpler life. This is true understanding and should be understood in all our minds. After all, it is just a word, Bible, and what matters is the connection the word implies. Minute Bol was a famous basketball player on the Golden State Warriors. He lived in a third world country before this and felt the pain with his people. He played to help his people with relief of struggling that was conditional. He was an outstanding player to start with, but then realized through understanding how he could shoot three pointers. Once he realized the Source, he made plenty of money to help his country. So it is understanding that allows us to succeed, yet we fail to acknowledge the Source; interesting.
So, we have been given a basic understanding of God with nerves and its spontaneous recovery (Where did that spontaneity come from?!? Spontaneous is God’s hand at work. Where else would it come from to be considered spontaneous?!? It must be from something to be a part of this universe.), language and its root where the reason comes from, the Angels I saw in my dreams and where they were (my mind), the first Cause for there to be a universe with its perfection in alignment, distance and sequence in congruence with other heavenly bodies, in mathematics because if God is X in representation and we can conceive of X since it is a concept within our minds, then X must exist due to its conception and He must exist due to His conception.
As John says about this world and its understanding, do not be a viper. Those who do not study to show their selves approved, the uneducated or those who are associated with how this world lives, not the simple Bible are considered vipers due to their foolish responses striking at our feet without reason from not being educated. If we are educated then we understand the reason and understand to pray for the reason we must give effort and the Holy Spirit is Christian effort not if, but because we understand since it is understanding. I am trying to associate prayer with understanding the reason. God loved us so much that all we must do is believe or be effortful toward and in Him. Give your effort towards God; He will allow you to understand the reason because He is within our minds, the Reason, as is understanding. Understanding is within us all if we accept the presupposition.
Jesus said, “Believe only, and she shall be made whole.” when He raised Jarius’ daughter from the dead. The miracles He performed were only pictures that pointed to understanding (Luke 8:49-50, Matthew 5:35-36).

The amazing part about these scriptures I’m about to share w/y’all is that it happened 70 years before the life of Christ, yet it describes Christ and only Christ vividly.

Isaiah 53:4-6; 4 Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows[a] that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! 5 But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. 6 All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all.

70 years before and the Jews expect royalty, not the characteristics that made up the man called Jesus (Jews expect authority through command, not meekness). They expect a man of this world, not the display of how a man should live, an example. (Bill Graham, another very disciplined man)

Notice the pronoun usage in these verses (We, our, 1st person plural). Isaiah was a Jew speaking to the Jewish nation in this book. The Jews believe that God is speaking to the nation Israel, not about an individual. Read Isaiah 53:4 again; 4 Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows[a] that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins!
HIS!!! A nation is usually referred to with the pronoun her or she. Read all of this chapter and apply the understanding I have just shared with y’all to the pronouns. Remember, He is this understanding.

Isaiah 53:7-9; 7 He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. 8 Unjustly condemned, he was led away.[a] No one cared that he died without descendants, that his life was cut short in midstream.[b] But he was struck down for the rebellion of my people. 9 He had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man’s grave.
Remember, is this the treatment fit for a king? A king would be like, “What y’all doing; trying to kill me? Off with your heads!” Now, read the anticipated in Matthew 26:63 and 27:12-14, Luke 23:9.

63 But Jesus remained silent. Then the high priest said to him, “I demand in the name of the living God—tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”
God is anticipation and so much more! Follow Him and reap the benefits b/c this is understood.

Matthew 27:57-60; The Burial of Jesus
57 As evening approached, Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea who had become a follower of Jesus, 58 went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. And Pilate issued an order to release it to him. 59 Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a long sheet of clean linen cloth. 60 He placed it in his own new tomb, which had been carved out of the rock. Then he rolled a great stone across the entrance and left.

This describes His burial. This was prophesied, recorded in Isaiah 53:9.

Isaiah 53:10-12; “yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him.” Why would a king of royal inclination be bruised and it please the Lord if the Lord is a King of royal status? It must be for our sins and not to rule over us, but to show us how to live. Again, through example, meekness, not commanding authority, an illegitimate thought to start out with.

In these scriptures, the Messiah died, yet God would prolong His days. This is only possible by a resurrection. The Sadducees did not believe in a resurrection. This verse proves there must be a resurrection. Remember, I saw angels within my mind.

In summary of these chapters, Israel was never tried and executed. Israel was reestablished in 1948.

The pronouns in this passage (we, our, 1st person plural) are very distinct from the 3rd person pronouns (He, Him, His). It cannot speak of a nation, but an individual. Also, maybe in services today, I want y’all to notice that it is almost as if Isaiah is speaking in 1st person about himself through the prophecy and through this Jewish train of thought(the nation, not the individual). Remember, thoughts are where God lies, in comparison or in this case, contrast.
In Isaiah 53:9, the servant’s sufferings were voluntary, willing and silent which was never true of Israel.

Find the Lord, in these scriptures, through faith, but never through experience. I could cry all the time b/c they were gorgeous! But that’s not constructive. Instead, I talk about better days and how you can reach them. Remember, even though Tina tried to tick me off, she still made me smileJ

Live simpler through finding Christ.

Then, we will understand that the Trinity is only a distinction of One and what He does in difference through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three mentioned in the Trinity are only one of His many faces. The Holy Spirit is understanding as opposed to knowledge which is a less intimate understanding. Knowledge is only factual, but does not acknowledge the principle of the subject. The principle is where God lies. We can either know the steps behind a mathematical problem or understand the principle behind a mathematical problem; the latter is understanding. The Father and Son mentioned in the Trinity is only our way of making a distinction of the staging of perfection of God.
Since we are human, we are prone to making error due to our knowledge of good and evil because we know evil, but we should strive not to make error; the Bible is our source of not making error and we can always be reliant on our inner mind since He is within. Do not succumb to this world because our minds will follow the pattern of this world. If we drink, we become addicted; if we smoke, we become addicted, etc. Addiction is a pattern of this world. If we understand this, then we understand life. We know now, but can understand the truth. Strive to understand the truth.
You do not understand how beautiful those two girls were. If they were with us today, they would know the simpler path which is simplicity. I am trying to help you not make the same mistakes that we did because it is a dead-end road! The Bible is just trying to help us understand this principle, also. We need experience to understand this. Learn from my first hand experience through third hand experience in writing that first hand experience hurts.
Those two girls were beautiful: physically, mentally and spiritually. A week before our wreck, Tina asked the Lord into her heart. I guess that was God’s presupposition to not let one of His sheep fall.
I stumbled across an “Interview with God” that assures us that God understands that we do not understand and is with us always; we just must understand or realize this principle since there are no coincidences or profound ideas.
Interview with God

“God is love”; allow Him to show His love. Allow yourself to understand.
Mystical States are only God speaking to Us Directly, Nothing More.
William James once concluded that a mystical state is authoritative for those who experience it, but need not be authoritative for others. However, he also says that nonmystical (rationally cognitive or basic knowledge) states are not the sole mediators of reality. The Reason, God is what we seek found in principles, not a bunch of memorization which only leads us to a dead-end without knowing how we got the answer. Sure, we can learn or be taught how to learn; the latter is understanding. Pray this prayer for whatever troubles you, “How can I fix this?!?” He will give us understanding because He is the Reason, logos. If we understand this, then we are one step closer to our true reality, Heaven.
The two Angels I saw in my dreams are examples of mystical states. James says that the roots of religion are feelings. So, finally someone does acknowledge God as neuropsychological because the root of feeling is our nerves connected to our brains. We understand because we feel; the nerves that allow us to feel are connected to our minds which allow us to understand. Please learn from my mystical states the true definition of God which is infinite, but never changes.
Mystical States allow us to write automatically because God is within our minds as outline (it only took me a few months to write this novel), but we can only see for a moment or two, transient (I only saw those two girls for a breath, but it has allowed me to see the significance of God) because we see and are in abeyance to the Superior Power, God. Please see Him through single words, prepositions and conjunctions such as understanding, realize, remember, reason and remind. See Him through the connections of conjunctions and prepositions because language is our only way to express ourselves, and He is connected to us through conjunctions and prepositions if we believe. The next time Satan tests your faith, just look at the word realize and see His magnificence.
In Matthew 9:27-29, Jesus asks the two blind men if they only believe and then heals them according to their faith.

As Christians, I believe we stereotype Eastern Religion as immoral when all they have are different words for a thought that sometimes better explains it than our string of words. For example, yoga is defined as the experimental union of the individual with the divine. The practice has Biblical principles that coincide with our train of thought: exercise, diet because if we do not do such, our arteries will clog, posture and breathing because our body is a temple, we must understand this, intellectual concentration because God is within our minds and moral discipline or simplicity. Then, we enter into the Samadhi, the super conscious or the part of our minds where God lies, and we understand. There is no longer a feeling of I, no longer a choice, but a reason of reason because He is the Reason and a feeling of us since God is within our mind. The mind then works: free from all restlessness, objectless, bodiless. The Samadhi lies potential in us all; we must acknowledge it, first. “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
Buddhists and Hindus use this same train of thought, but use dhyana to describe higher states of contemplation. It excludes desire, but not discernment or judgment; it is intellectual because He is our intellect. I believe they acknowledge God, but worship another god (Buddha); this is a tool of the Devil and God simply tells us that, “Thou shalt not worship no other gods before me.” This is telling us to look within our minds, not to worship a figure in history. God is outside of the dimensions of time and does not need history to define Him. What is outside the dimensions of time with the thought that we are invincible and is not within historical records; what initiates thought and has aspects and dimensions unknown to us?!? The answer is the mind. Have you ever wanted to cherish this world or wanted to live forever?!?
Understanding Jesus
Do not critique other religions; God does not want hate. Why would He want you to sin and hate other religions?!? Religion is to the deity, not a human. Our fight is against Satan; see how these religions are derived from truth, the Bible. It is historically and literally correct in fact and poetic devices. If you do not do this, then critique, hate. This is what He wants in the first place.
Many religions acknowledge Christ through knowledge, one of His many faces or characteristics, but fail to believe in Him which comes from understanding. If we believe in Him, then we understand who He is; belief entails some understanding. He is understanding!
The Jew, Catholics, Buddhists and Hindus are some examples. The Jews acknowledge Him in the Old Testament and sporadically throughout the Talmud, but do not believe in Him or understand who He is. In the Old Testament, we see the lineage of the Savior coming from King David’s family which was foretold in 2 Samuel 7:12-13 and then tells us after the birth of Christ in Matthew 1:1 that Christ did in fact come from the roots of David. A Savior must come from King David’s lineage, but the records have been lost now?!? It is almost as if Christ is who He said He was. There is no other who could be the Savior since the records have been lost. It was foretold in Isaiah 7:14 that the Savior was to be born of a virgin and after Christ’s birth in Matthew 1:23 it tells us that He was born of a virgin. In Micah 5:2 it foretells us that the Savior is to be born in Bethlehem and later in Matthew 2:6 it tells us that Christ was born in Bethlehem.
2 [a]But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past.
It foretells in Hosea 11:1 that the Savior would sojourn or live temporarily in Egypt and later says in Matthew 2:15 that Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt because King Herod would surely kill Jesus due to jealousy.
Hosea 11:1 “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and I called my son out of Egypt.
Matthew 2:15 and they stayed there until Herod’s death. This fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: “I called my Son out of Egypt.”[a]

It foretells in Isaiah 9:1-2 that the Savior would minister to Galilee and Nazareth and then tells us in Matthew 4:12-17 that Christ did minister to Galilee in Nazareth. It foretells us in Isaiah 40:3-5 and Malachi 3:1 that the Savior would be announced in an Elijah-type herald or taken to Heaven on a chariot of flames. It tells us in Mark 1:2-3 that Christ did in fact resurrect, preach to thousands and rose into the sky as Elijah did. It foretells us that His mission would include Gentiles in Isaiah 42:6 and to that day it was thought that only Jews could enter into the gates of Heaven and were God’s chosen people. This is true, but remember that words are only distinctions and connections to describe things. 6 “I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will take you by the hand and guard you, and I will give you to my people, Israel, as a symbol of my covenant with them. And you will be a light to guide the nations.
Jewish people understand that God is understanding. This is not a word to say that God is racist, but we must understand who and what He truly is to be considered Jewish; this is the only definition that fits Jewish people behind every verse it refers to Jews as God’s chosen people. He is the Reason behind every idea and if we understand this, we have the world to gain. It foretells us that the Savior would teach through the use of parables in Ezekiel 20:49. 49 Then I said, “O Sovereign Lord, they are saying of me, ‘He only talks in riddles!’”
It tells us that Christ did preach in the form of parables in Matthew 13:3. It foretells us that the Savior would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver in Zechariah 11:12.
12 And I said to them, “If you like, give me my wages, whatever I am worth; but only if you want to.” So they counted out for my wages thirty pieces of silver.
It tells us in Matthew 26:15 that Jesus was betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver. Do you know how many people were betrayed for thirty pieces of silver?!? That is candy money to us today! The probability is slim to none that someone would be betrayed for that amount of money, precisely. It foretells in Exodus 12:46 and Psalm 34:20 that not a bone would be broken in the Savior’s body.
Exodus 12:46 Each Passover lamb must be eaten in one house. Do not carry any of its meat outside, and do not break any of its bones.
Psalm 34:20 For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken!
It tells us in John 19:33, 36 that there were no bones broken in Christ’s body. It foretells in Psalm 16:10 and Jonah 1:17 that the Savior would rise on the third day. It tells us in Luke 24:6-7 that Christ rose on the third day.
17 [a]Now the Lord had arranged for a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights.
His body has not yet been found; we would think we would find Him now because we know He died and history records this. It is almost as if His body rose or is no longer on earth or else the tracking devices we have in this 21st Century world would be able to track Him and where He habituated during His life. It foretells in Daniel 9:26 that His resurrection would be followed by the destruction of Jerusalem.
26 “After this period of sixty-two sets of seven,[a] the Anointed One will be killed, appearing to have accomplished nothing, and a ruler will arise whose armies will destroy the city and the Temple. The end will come with a flood, and war and its miseries are decreed from that time to the very end.
In history and in Matthew 24:2 we have seen that Israel was not an established state for thousands of years and the Jews were scattered to the four corners of the earth until 1948. There are several other verses that come from the Old Testament that coincide with what history, the New Testament and several other documents tell us about the Savior, but the point I am trying to make is the Jews do not believe the Savior has come and the words of the New Testament when simple reflection on the Old Testament will allow them to see that Christ was the Lord He said He was. He is the only one who could fulfill all these prophesies in the Old Testament.
We see Him in such documents, paintings, etc. as Marcus Borg’s painting, Burton Mack’s description, John Meier, EP Sander’s and Crossan’s pictures of words. He exists; we must understand Him by studying to show ourselves approved. If we study, then we know and gradually understand the principle. The Son was just our distinction to say the Lord was trying to have the knowledge of sinning by coming to earth, gradually understanding it, but knew He would never understand it being the Father. As children, we look for understanding by knowing the steps of an English essay (Introduction, First, Furthermore, Finally and Conclusion), steps in a mathematical problem, sports, etc. As adults, we understand the principles from our experience, which can be a presupposition, behind the knowledge. So He was looking for experience of sinning from others, gave the understanding to others since He is understanding and wrote the Bible because He will never understand sin, but He expressed it in terms of positive and negative: what to do and what not to do in the Ten Commandments, Seven Deadly Sins, etc. “Study to show thyself approved.” Look to Him for understanding.
“It is possible to have historical truth [in anything] without always resorting to explicit citation.” We need to focus on what the Bible says behind its words, not only to have each word and verse memorized because these tools are only reference; language is reference to a thought and verses are reference to the content of the Bible. Read the Bible’s content, but understand the Bible’s context.
I believe why people sin is because it gives immediate results, pleasure. Live life for the long run; you are going to be here for a while. See if it is not for the better. It is always for the better because we understand.
From this book, we can see that I have experienced some disappointment. Through all my disappointments, I just turn the other cheek. Let them answer it for themselves; they will know through a presupposition if they are Christian or not. I see people getting angry with me who are not followers and when I give a reason that they cannot rebut a reason to, they see the presupposition from my reason and turn their shoulders in anger or start a fight with me. This is unnecessary; there is no need for such illegitimate anger. What does it succeed?!? Nothing, helping is much easier than hurting. Always have a reason for everything you do.
Pray to God for everything; He will allow you to understand in testing to understand the answer because He is the reason behind every answer and in sports; He will help you understand how to strengthen your body to an athlete’s status and help you understand the sport: what to do, what not to do, what to look out for, etc. For example, playing soccer was enlightenment to me. I understood that the easiest way to pursue a goal was to cross the ball right in front of the goal having the least amount of people’s feet touch the ball. They used to call me Cross’n’Fall Brack because of this. This is true of hockey with the example of the 1999 Dallas Stars, also. The simplest way to live life is to follow the words of the Bible.
I thought the subject of sports deserved a little of our attention because sports teach us general lessons of life and shortens the generality of the lesson. It puts the generality into perspective of a quarter, period, inning, etc, but we do not realize this or make this connection. I understood the easiest way to pursue a goal in life through pursuing the goal in soccer by having the least amount of defenders and crossing the ball. We should understand this by not drinking, smoking or putting our emphasis on idle things because these are defenders in soccer or obstacles in life. Then, we can pursue the goal we are striving for in the simplest way, what the Bible is trying to help us do.
He will teach us physical lessons as well as emotional and what to look out for with both; we must learn them. I am intentionally making this discussion ambiguous. Apply this to your life and how to deal with such. See if it does not apply in some perspective to some aspect.
During the writing of this book, the Cowboys were not doing too well. I watched some of their games and the solution was so easy to see from a commentator’s perspective. Life is anticipation and in sports in general we can see the brevity of the lesson through body motion and mannerisms that coincide with previous mannerisms; we must anticipate. Anticipate the future from instances that coincide with present instances.
In football, we see that they are going to go to one receiver and there are going to be the same number of people on defense as offense. Stop the intentions of the play before it even happens. George Bush said, “We must attack now before it grows bigger [in the future.]” Stop this world from their intentions before it grows because in the future it will be that much harder, anticipate.
In defense, we must throw off their center of gravity when tackling them. We must not follow the man, but the ball or the ultimate goal, what we should strive for. Follow the ultimate goal.
In offense, slow down the ball before you catch it by volleying it. This is the easiest way to catch it and if we slow down life, this is the easiest way to live it. I mean by slowing down the pace of life for anticipation of others’ actions. Have a beat, rhythmic, but anticipatory of other reference (notes associated with others’ actions) to life.
In both offense and defense, refrain from pressure. In life, refrain from pressure. Do not put yourself in situations you are not comfortable with. Look for Him with the small anticipations you understand. He is the understanding.
In basketball and all other sports, it is easier to stop a pass before it starts. In order to do this, we must anticipate through body motion and where you perceive they are going. It is easier to stop evil before it starts. Do not just throw up your hands and have a chance of stopping the ball; this is idle. Do something that comes from a presupposition, anticipate. Anticipation brings patience and this is all the Bible is saying; we need to have patience to see or understand anticipation.
Furthermore, we need to look out for ourselves both physically and if we are in foul trouble, but do the best for the team. In life, we need to look out for ourselves both physically and correct our sinful nature since we know evil, but do the best for those who want it or appreciate it.
And, this is what God is truly saying through His Word. Acknowledge these lessons; acknowledgement is an aspect of belief. Acknowledge God through faith, not experience and He will help you understand anything.
Chapter Four:



Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet

Throughout the Bible we have seen prophets with a fire for the Lord (Moses and the literal burning bush and Elijah being literally taken into heaven by a chariot of fire) b/c they understood coincidences coincide. So, there is a fire for the Lord to see His prophecy. “DO as He says!” Mary said b/c He is understanding. Why would you not want to understand?!? Have that fire to intimately know Him through faith, never experience this. Do not hurt is all I’m asking y’all to do. Can you do that for me?

Jeremiah understood; Jeremiah 1:6-7…6 “O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!”
7 The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you.
He will be with you if you only understand and not be confused; this is our choice. Do not say I am too young; we can all understand!

Here is a great example of coincidences coinciding: Jeremiah 1:13-14…13 Then the Lord spoke to me again and asked, “What do you see now?”
And I replied, “I see a pot of boiling water, spilling from the north.”
14 “Yes,” the Lord said, “for terror from the north [Lebanon] will boil out on the people of this land.
If the Lord helps you understand a coincidence that coincides w/another coincidence (the future is usually where this other coincidence lies), then see it and believe b/c Heaven is one of these prophecies.

Babylon was to the north of Judah or what is now Israel…just the direction the pot was tipping.

And as God always does, He restored them. The lesson in language is that all must come from something. Look to God as the source is the only definition of understanding. This is historic if you do not believe me!

Jeremiah 31:31-37; 31 “The day is coming,” says the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah. 32 This covenant will not be like the one I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and brought them out of the land of Egypt. They broke that covenant, though I loved them as a husband loves his wife,” says the Lord.
33 “But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,” says the Lord. “I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the Lord.’ For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already,” says the Lord. “And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”
35 It is the Lord who provides the sun to light the day and the moon and stars to light the night, and who stirs the sea into roaring waves. His name is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, and this is what he says: 36 “I am as likely to reject my people Israel as I am to abolish the laws of nature!” 37 This is what the Lord says: “Just as the heavens cannot be measured and the foundations of the earth cannot be explored, so I will not consider casting them away for the evil they have done. I, the Lord, have spoken!
The new covenant was promised in the old covenant. “Put laws in their minds…”, or understand. The Lord likes structure is why they are laws. Ζωή or the prefix zoo- in Greek language, and bios-our life. In a zoo, do animals have to feed themselves or rely on their masters to feed them? Rely on God…all is understood.

Read Hebrews 8:6-13; 6 But now Jesus, our High Priest, has been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for he is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises.
7 If the first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no need for a second covenant to replace it. 8 But when God found fault with the people, he said:
“The day is coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah. 9 This covenant will not be like the one I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and led them out of the land of Egypt. They did not remain faithful to my covenant, so I turned my back on them, says the Lord. 10 But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,[a] says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 11 And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives,[b] saying, ‘You should know the Lord.’ For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already. 12 And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”[c]
13 When God speaks of a “new” covenant, it means he has made the first one obsolete. It is now out of date and will soon disappear.
thus, coincidences coincide b/c the Old Testament is a reflection of the New Testament.

8 When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he divided up the human race, he established the boundaries of the peoples according to the number in his heavenly court.[a]
9 “For the people of Israel belong to the Lord; Jacob is his special possession. 10 He found them in a desert land, in an empty, howling wasteland. He surrounded them and watched over them; he guarded them as he would guard his own eyes.[b]
Deuteronomy 32:8 As in Dead Sea Scrolls, which read the number of the sons of God, and Greek version, which reads the number of the angels of God; Masoretic Text reads the number of the sons of Israel.
Deuteronomy 32:10 Hebrew as the pupil of his eye.

Read Deuteronomy 32:8-10; 8 When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he divided up the human race, he established the boundaries of the peoples according to the number in his heavenly court.[a]
9 “For the people of Israel belong to the Lord; Jacob is his special possession. 10 He found them in a desert land, in an empty, howling wasteland. He surrounded them and watched over them; he guarded them as he would guard his own eyes.[b]
Deuteronomy 32:8 As in Dead Sea Scrolls, which read the number of the sons of God, and Greek version, which reads the number of the angels of God; Masoretic Text reads the number of the sons of Israel.
Deuteronomy 32:10 Hebrew as the pupil of his eye.
According to the number of angelic beings. Understand to be a part of Israel. If we understand, there are angels to guard usJ Do not cross these boundaries and be confused.

Now read Jeremiah 30:11; 11 For I am with you and will save you,” says the Lord. “I will completely destroy the nations where I have scattered you, but I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you, but with justice; I cannot let you go unpunished.”

Y’all, I’ve been hit in the head to many times. This book is telling the truth!

What I am trying to emphasize is that there is genius in simplicity, yet it takes simplicity to define genius coherently. All we must do is live simpler as the Bible instructs and this is the Bible’s only motive. This is what God wants us to do also if John 1:1 is true because He is the Word. Tina and Melissa are my examples of how to live a simpler life; they found it:J
To this day, I still find it amazing how the Jews do not believe in Christ, but they believe in the Old Testament, right?!? Is 2 Samuel 2:7 in the Old Testament?!? It is amazing that this passage speaks of the Savior and His throne, a political throne that has not yet come. He was appointed King of the Jews and will be again because the Jews understand. Then, within the words of the Old Testament it speaks of the Savior’s beard being plucked out. Jesus’ beard was plucked out. The Jews must understand this connection to understand the Bible, God and their connection which is only understanding. God is understanding and the Bible gives understanding. He is the Ultimate Source and the Bible leads to the Ultimate Source. If we understand the principles of the Bible, we understand the Ultimate Source, God. The Bible leads to the Ultimate Source and God is the Ultimate Source, what we all should strive to understand. Principles are defined as the ultimate source. Look for God within the Bible because He is the Reason behind every principle.
Why focus on format when it gets the point across?!? This is idle because words are only reference to a thought. If we follow the crowd, this world, then we are formatted. If we understand the truth about words being reference, then we are free. If we understand the truth, we are free. We know if they are formatted; we understand that there is no uniformity of words if it gets the point across. An example is first and third person being uniform throughout a paper or contractions within a technical paper. If you can remember why this is unnecessary, this is an example of a presupposition. You will only go as far as your restrictions allow you; understand this. If we understand, it must come from a source. Sure, one may say their mind, but who is the initiator of thought which defines and allows the mind to run?!? There is God.
Understanding is defined: to supply mentally. Someone must be behind that supplication. Someone is behind every supplication because this is defined as giving. To give there must be a giver. To get a present, it must come from someone. To understand, it must come from someone. There is God.
There is no preposition that connects the covenants (new and old) together as states replacement theology, but a repetition that it comes from. The Jewish train of thought is that a king will rule them and be called Lord of royal status when the OT screams and points to Jesus, meekness.

The son came down to get a better understanding of sin and tell us how to live w/it since we now have the knowledge of evil. This was the same wisdom told to us in Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and the Song of Songs. He loved us so much He came down to suffer from the influence of sin to show us how to live w/sin and live simpler, the train of thought in the garden.

Now, read Hebrews 8:6-13 reflected in Jeremiah 31:31-37; the new covenant was promised in the old covenant. “Put laws in their minds…”; He told us He would have made us a new covenant in the Old Testament, but Jews still do not believe. HIGHLIGHT THE WORD WILL, FUTURE TENSE. It was Jesus, not a king of royal status. This is an ignorant thought to begin with, our knowledge of evil.

Do you want to hear God’s reply to the Jews denying Him?!? ALL Romans 11:1-18; God’s Mercy on Israel
1 I ask, then, has God rejected his own people, the nation of Israel? Of course not! I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham and a member of the tribe of Benjamin.
2 No, God has not rejected his own people, whom he chose from the very beginning. Do you realize what the Scriptures say about this? Elijah the prophet complained to God about the people of Israel and said, 3 “Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.”[a]
4 And do you remember God’s reply? He said, “No, I have 7,000 others who have never bowed down to Baal!”[b]
5 It is the same today, for a few of the people of Israel[c] have remained faithful because of God’s grace—his undeserved kindness in choosing them. 6 And since it is through God’s kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God’s grace would not be what it really is—free and undeserved.
7 So this is the situation: Most of the people of Israel have not found the favor of God they are looking for so earnestly. A few have—the ones God has chosen—but the hearts of the rest were hardened. 8 As the Scriptures say,
“God has put them into a deep sleep. To this day he has shut their eyes so they do not see, and closed their ears so they do not hear.”[d]
9 Likewise, David said,
“Let their bountiful table become a snare, a trap that makes them think all is well. Let their blessings cause them to stumble, and let them get what they deserve. 10 Let their eyes go blind so they cannot see, and let their backs be bent forever.”[e]
11 Did God’s people stumble and fall beyond recovery? Of course not! They were disobedient, so God made salvation available to the Gentiles. But he wanted his own people to become jealous and claim it for themselves. 12 Now if the Gentiles were enriched because the people of Israel turned down God’s offer of salvation, think how much greater a blessing the world will share when they finally accept it.
13 I am saying all this especially for you Gentiles. God has appointed me as the apostle to the Gentiles. I stress this, 14 for I want somehow to make the people of Israel jealous of what you Gentiles have, so I might save some of them. 15 For since their rejection meant that God offered salvation to the rest of the world, their acceptance will be even more wonderful. It will be life for those who were dead! 16 And since Abraham and the other patriarchs were holy, their descendants will also be holy—just as the entire batch of dough is holy because the portion given as an offering is holy. For if the roots of the tree are holy, the branches will be, too.
17 But some of these branches from Abraham’s tree—some of the people of Israel—have been broken off. And you Gentiles, who were branches from a wild olive tree, have been grafted in. So now you also receive the blessing God has promised Abraham and his children, sharing in the rich nourishment from the root of God’s special olive tree. 18 But you must not brag about being grafted in to replace the branches that were broken off. You are just a branch, not the root.
Stop after v1 and this is the explanation of a Jew b/c God understands b/c He is understanding!

HIGHLIGHT good works b/c understanding leads to good works but this is not how you should enter in; we shouldn’t critique everyone else (we all will fall b/c human). Only through believing in God must you enter into the gates. Do not be a robot, but follow God and understand. Also, HIGHLIGHT earnestly- serious and intense. HIGHLIGHT chosen; do you want to be chosen?!? Follow Him through belief and UNDERSTAND.

All we must do is enjoy this life through faith as Romans points to faith- believing the words of this Bible. Remember, belief leads to understanding. Romans 11:25-36; 25 I want you to understand this mystery, dear brothers and sisters,[a] so that you will not feel proud about yourselves. Some of the people of Israel have hard hearts, but this will last only until the full number of Gentiles comes to Christ. 26 And so all Israel will be saved. As the Scriptures say,
“The one who rescues will come from Jerusalem,[b] and he will turn Israel[c] away from ungodliness. 27 And this is my covenant with them, that I will take away their sins.”[d]
28 Many of the people of Israel are now enemies of the Good News, and this benefits you Gentiles. Yet they are still the people he loves because he chose their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 29 For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn. 30 Once, you Gentiles were rebels against God, but when the people of Israel rebelled against him, God was merciful to you instead. 31 Now they are the rebels, and God’s mercy has come to you so that they, too, will share[e] in God’s mercy. 32 For God has imprisoned everyone in disobedience so he could have mercy on everyone.
33 Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!
34 For who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice?[f] 35 And who has given him so much that he needs to pay it back?[g]
36 For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.
HIGHLIGHT all references to knowledge in v33, understanding in v33, decisions in v33, know in v34, think in v34 or just have faith and believe.

22 In fact, according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

Finally, read Hebrews 9:22 reflected in the law of Moses in Leviticus 17:11.

22 In fact, according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

Do you notice how sometimes I will put a reflection in the NT and from the OT. I am trying to prove to y’all that HE is the alpha and omega, that it is circular, threaded, as that verse I wrote on the picture frames.

Read a question in Acts 1:6-8; The Ascension of Jesus
6 So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?”
7 He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
He does not suggest a replacement of a spiritual kingdom w/the promised physical/political kingdom.

We need to study to show ourselves approved; if we study, we will eventually understand and understanding is God, the Ultimate Source. Approved is past tense so it is telling us that if we study, He will show understanding because He is understanding or approve because studying opens so many innuendos and implications of the mind because He is within, an understanding. We understand the Reason, logos and God shows this understanding through living a simpler life. Learning is a never-ending cycle; never stop the learning process. There lies God.
Ask yourself, “What was the reason for that being said?” If it has bad connotations or is idle, then it was unnecessary to say. If it does not benefit the person said to, then why say it at all?!? ‘To’ should be positive. It is a preposition which is our only way to express our connection to others. Be good, live simpler; do not be bad and complicate. What does anger prove; what does jealousy prove; what does greed prove?!? These are all dead end roads, idle. Greed satisfies greed. There is no outside source that benefits from this. “I want more money!” Okay, but what does it satisfy?!? The want of money; if you want, it is excessive of need. Do not be excessive is what the Bible warns us, but strive for your goals. Let Him lead your way, not yourself. If we acknowledge Him, then we understand and are on our way to succession. I have not seen a person who did not succeed and understood their purpose. If we study, we are that much closer to understanding, what God truly is. Our purpose lies with God. Look, acknowledge and understand that purpose is from God. Purpose is defined as something one intends to do, get or aim. An aim is straight; make it straight by not sinning. These are the only intentions of the Bible. To get there must be a Giver. We must do because He gives us the opportunity. An example is this book; God gave me the opportunity to understand, I will get the rewards and aim at Heaven because I understand this is my goal. This should be all of our goals because it is within our minds. You do not realize how close I was to death; through that experience, I slipped into an aspect of my mind, saw two girls in white robes. The mind never dies, but these physical bodies do. It is almost as if this instance coincides with exactly what the Bible says. Look for Him within your mind. Signs are defined as facts of understanding. Look for understanding because He is Understanding. We must look within our mind to understand.
In reply to an instance where there is no reason to back their view up, do as our Savior Jesus did and reply with sarcasm, but truth because it will help them to understand the truth if we reply with sarcasm, allow them to see their error and if they are wise and study to show their selves approved, they will understand and this is the only intentions of the Bible, to help us understand the Reason for all we do.
Fourteenth Parable: Matthew 11:16-19; Luke 7:31-35- A Generation of Gripers

A Comparison of His generation to a bunch of foolish and fickle children playing wedding and funeral.

Children mimicked adult celebrations where mourning or celebration was paid because no one wanted a funeral where nobody mourned or a wedding where nobody celebrated, saying “You won’t play with me!”. Christ lived a normal lifestyle, eating and drinking normally, never excessively. He personified the wedding. John was an ascetic. Because of His Nazarene vow, he could not eat fruit from the vine. He was the other extent or “dead”.

Jesus remarks to these accusations of the Pharisees farther in Luke 7:35 and Matthew 11:9. Those who want to criticize the messenger of God in whatever he does will criticize his message. The wise will accept the truth when they hear it. They criticized Jesus and John for the extent they lived life. Do not critique on the extent or at all, but reflect on the excess of the sin.

Eleventh Recorded Miracle: Matthew 8:18, 23-24; Mark 4:35-5:20; Luke 8:22-39- Calming the Storm

He calmed a real storm, but He will calm the storms in your life. He offers us peace in the midst of a storm.

Look for more examples throughout His parables and miracles. Apply sarcasm and it makes more sense in wording and shows His true mercy in its’ full effulgence.

He says directly concerning sarcasm in Luke 7:35 and Matthew 11:19 that those who reject the message of God will criticize the messenger of God no matter what He does. The wise, however will accept the truth when they hear it. We see that Jesus was sarcastic throughout His life and this is His response to the Pharisees: how to live simpler.

Now, if we are of understanding, it comes from the Samadhi. These are the only intentions of philosophy: to study the output of the brain. Psychology is the study of the brain which is good and leads to understanding, but is based on knowledge. Psychology cannot find basis without philosophy since He is within. In Exodus 16:15, Manna translated really means, “What is it?” Output must come from within something. Out must come from in to be considered out because all is reference: nouns with their description of people, places and things in reference to how they look, verbs in reference to movement or action and adjectives with their reference of description. Psychology and philosophy are reference with their description of their study on aspects of the brain: The physical brain or the mental brain. If God is telling us that He is within our minds throughout the Bible, from my experience, etc, why not believe Him?!? If God is telling us what not to do in everyday life, we see the problems with these things He asks us not to do, why not believe in the Bible, God’s lessons?!? Would we believe another book if it told us to do things we could see that the consequences were true in everyday life?!? Popular in the world today are “How to” books: How to be a Millionaire, How to Find Your Way, How to Start a Relationship. Funny how the Bible sums up these three examples within its pages; understand that the Bible leads to understanding.
DO NOT DISMISS PRINCIPLES YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND AS UNEXPLAINABLE. He will supply thought within your mind, an understanding, and allow expansion. Strive to explain them; this is a step in our understanding of the subject. He is the Subject (Who was the first Father, Creator, etc?!?). We start wars because we do not understand each other. Understanding must have a reason. If it has no Reason, then why do we feel so strongly as to start a war for it?!? The Muslims hate us…why?!? We did not offend them, but only defended ourselves. They hate our religious ties…why?!? They have no reason to the question why when we are tolerant of thousands of Islamic families living in our country.
But God is a jealous and angry God, so He sins; this is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard. He tells us this to put these characteristics into terms we can understand and it shows the excessive amount He feels in the description of these words because He is confused. But, with jealousy and anger comes caring. You cannot be jealous of someone if you do not care for them or some characteristic of theirs. You cannot be angry with someone if you do not care or are hurt by others. If you do feel this emotion and no connection, then it is idle. Why do we start gang wars?!? Do not be angry for no reason; there is no reason. Sure, we can get angry, but what will the alternative accomplish, turning the other cheek?!? This will allow them to understand through becoming angrier (Why do they become angrier?!? The only reason is because we have reason.) or realizing that they were in the wrong by apologizing. There is no such thing as the preposition ‘if’; it either is or is not. We must not understand Him; He must understand us because of sin and its illegitimacy, no reason. The Greeks referred to Him as the logos, the Reason. Look to Him within your mind or His Words for understanding which entails a Reason. He was frustrated, confused because of Sodom and Gomorrah so He brought those one step closer to inevitability by burning the cities.
We ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Once again, He was only looking out for us, as He is in the Bible, by not wanting us to eat from the tree of eternal life. He does not want us to sin, but to live simpler.
It has been thought that prophecy is of mystics. Prophecy is defined as anticipation throughout the Bible. Divination was outlawed in the Torah, the days of Moses, written from inspiration of God, unless it came from the Scriptures themselves. So prophecy is of previous events or previous Scripture with the reference of writing. Anticipation is of previous events or people’s previous actions. Words are just actions written down in the form of verbs. So therefore, prophecy and anticipation must coincide.
The thought of innateness does not make any sense without God. If these thoughts are inborn, where do they come from?!? We only notice profound thought, but where does thought itself come from?!? Jesus and Socrates are our historical examples for relying on innateness; they did not write anything down as history tells us. They understood that if you write, you are reliant on the pencil you use and not God. They understood that the pencil was unnecessary and to rely on God for all your needs. Be reliant on your mind, where God lies. Learn from reflection, what God has shown us. This will help correspond for your present which leads to a better future. The time to plan for a better future is now. Reflection will help with understanding because God did not write the Bible for confusion, but help to His children. We only realize this through experience. He is the Reason behind every statement, question, example, parable, etc in the Bible. Trust this from my experience.
We are so engulfed in complication, that we must have complication to succeed. Math is tricky so there must be some trick to it. Soccer is tricky, so we must trick our opponent with our moves. There is genius in simplicity. Anticipation is simple; reliance is simple. Be reliant on God for anticipation, your mind, because the future is coming: distant or immediate. Understand this concept and have the world to gain.
Write; He will help with wording and coherence of thought. Understand of why you had to write this down and He will help since He is the Reason. He will answer the question for you because He is the Reason. Where did thought come from anyhow?!? Some thoughts of mine just connected in the writing of this book. God speaks to us through thought. God is presupposed within our minds; look at ‘how’ through understanding.
Ezekiel’s Temple:
Read Ezekiel 43:1-12; 1 After this, the man brought me back around to the east gateway. 2 Suddenly, the glory of the God of Israel appeared from the east. The sound of his coming was like the roar of rushing waters, and the whole landscape shone with his glory. 3 This vision was just like the others I had seen, first by the Kebar River and then when he came to destroy Jerusalem. I fell face down on the ground. 4 And the glory of the Lord came into the Temple through the east gateway.
5 Then the Spirit took me up and brought me into the inner courtyard, and the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. 6 And I heard someone speaking to me from within the Temple, while the man who had been measuring stood beside me. 7 The Lord said to me, “Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place where I will rest my feet. I will live here forever among the people of Israel. They and their kings will not defile my holy name any longer by their adulterous worship of other gods or by honoring the relics of their kings who have died. 8 They put their idol altars right next to mine with only a wall between them and me. They defiled my holy name by such detestable sin, so I consumed them in my anger. 9 Now let them stop worshiping other gods and honoring the relics of their kings, and I will live among them forever.
10 “Son of man, describe to the people of Israel the Temple I have shown you, so they will be ashamed of all their sins. Let them study its plan, 11 and they will be ashamed[a] of what they have done. Describe to them all the specifications of the Temple—including its entrances and exits—and everything else about it. Tell them about its decrees and laws. Write down all these specifications and decrees as they watch so they will be sure to remember and follow them. 12 And this is the basic law of the Temple: absolute holiness! The entire top of the mountain where the Temple is built is holy. Yes, this is the basic law of the Temple.
From the east, but Ezekiel’s temple was never built saying that E. religion is on the right train of thought w/Samadhi, but fail to acknowledge the tangible Jesus. It is funny in W. religion b/c we tend to grasp the tangible person, but fail to see Him in thought of understanding.
Read Ezekiel 36:24-27 and John 15:3; 3 You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you.
Interesting, I only wanted to learn more about the laver b/c remember in 1 Kings it tells the precise number for pi in a circumference of a laver centuries before pi was even known, only a fraction to Egyptians..
I know y’all think I’m crazy, but it all makes sense after all this hurt is placed on you or judgment. I know He has great things in store for me; He assures me in the Bible w/a thought.
We learn more about lamp stands here with missing lamp stands in the Ezekiel’s temple but in previous temples and we will learn more in Revelation of the 7 lamp stands…

Overview of Daniel before we get deep into this study; this book tells us the precise time of Christ’s return to earth.

1. Apocalyptic literature which means what is hidden is revealed, unveiling.
2. Bridges the gap between Israel’s historical books and the NT.
3. To fully understand God’s program in Revelation, John revealed, you must understand His program in Daniel (EX: coincidences coincide, a lesson in language)
5. Read Daniel 1:8-16; refusal of king’s food and Daniel 6:4-24; Daniel didn’t bow to king
6. This showed an uncompromising faith that Daniel had for the self-endearing term itself; faith
7. First great example of apocalyptic literature
8.It is Symbolic; poetic in wording but what this life is truly about in reality b/c life is reality
9. Written in two languages: Aramaic and Hebrew
Hebrew was the language of God’s chosen people and Aramaic the language of the Gentile world…but didn’t a guy by the name of Jesus speak Aramaic?!?
Tells historical stories of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego and the fiery furnace, handwriting on Belshazzar’s wall, lion’s den…2 Peter 1:16; this is not a bunch of well mused fables
16 For we were not making up clever stories when we told you about the powerful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We saw his majestic splendor with our own eyes.

Chapter Five:
“In the beginning, God created man.” Then, we see the snake come into the picture. The snake tempts Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. When this happened, the snake started to do a dance in celebration of the first sin. Is not dancing associated with music?!? Now, in the Bible it insinuates and my pastor believes that there will be a first rising in power of the Anti-Christ lasting three and a half years, the Bible’s insinuation of a death and another rising lasting three and a half years and finally another rising of three and a half years from the Anti-Christ. I realize the Scriptures say days instead of years, but the Greeks who wrote Revelation and the New Testament did not have a word to make a distinction between days, months and years allowing the context to be confused by the English Translators of the Bible. They did not have a distinction for days, months and years as we do not for love, but they do: ethos, pathos and logos.
What was prophesied, has already happened. Israel did live under these successive nations. (Nation represented by animal, just as a mascot represents a team) Why would we not believe the prophesies that are to come?

Read Daniel 9:22 & 25; understand!
22 He explained to me, “Daniel, I have come here to give you insight and understanding.
25 Now listen and understand! Seven sets of seven plus sixty-two sets of seven[a] will pass from the time the command is given to rebuild Jerusalem until a ruler—the Anointed One[b]—comes. Jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defenses,[c] despite the perilous times.
A reminder that all must be understood and understanding must come from something as the Greek prefix implies.
Read Zechariah 9:9; 9 Rejoice, O people of Zion![a] Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious,[b] yet he is humble, riding on a donkey— riding on a donkey’s colt.
Jesus’ triumphal entry on a donkey. This was prophesied in the OT and went along w/Daniel’s extreme perplexity in the math of seven. Keep in mind the interval between the 69th seven and the 70th seven.
Matthew 16:18; Peter is rock that established the church, not necessarily saying that Catholicism is the correct religion, but a division to the right train of thought. Peter was a very uneducated individual, but followed the Lord. I have been to a catholic wedding and they show the basic principle of faith, by repeating with the priest the scripture…they just believe as Peter must have believed. The church must also only believe as Peter did b/c He is the foundation.
Daniel 9:26; 26 “After this period of sixty-two sets of seven,[a] the Anointed One will be killed, appearing to have accomplished nothing, and a ruler will arise whose armies will destroy the city and the Temple. The end will come with a flood, and war and its miseries are decreed from that time to the very end.
The current church age is between the 69th seven and 70th seven…steadfast!
Matthew 12:24, 31-32; Beelzebub, no forgiveness…do not follow this world to any extent! (scars)
There is a program in the sevens which will occur in this present age. That program is God. If you do not understand this, this is a great example of faith to just believe!
If you still do not believe, from 445 BC to 396 BC or from Decree of Artaxerxes to Malachi was the seven sevens(49 years) spoken in Daniel and from Malachi to the opening of NT or the life of Christ were the 62 sevens, 434 years…62+7=69
Where am I talking from, read Daniel 9:27.
The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven,[a] but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds,[b] he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration,[c] until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.”
Complex math; just believe b/c the rest of the Bible’s prophecies have come true
EX: 1948, nation of Israel established
Now, I warn you that laughter in this context is an idle thing because it leads to nothing and ignores the statement as illegitimate. If it coincides with what the Bible teaches us in Revelation, then it is legitimate. Sarah laughed at Abraham when he told her she was to have another child because of her age. They did and called him Isaac or “laughing” in Hebrew. They were reliant on God for this prophecy of having a child and I am reliant on the Bible, God’s Word, for this information.
Machiavelli was a very famous man of Europe who wrote the novel, “The Prince”, speaking of a man who was to fake his death to evade his enemies and rise in power.
Tupac Shakur has risen to fame in three and a half years (1993-1996) of icon status, died on September 13, 1996, rose in power from 1999 to 2002 because He came out with new songs in that period of time and his CD’s tell us of him coming back a third time, a “resurrection”. It is scary that this coincides with exactly what the Bible says in Revelation of the Anti-Christ and the only people to rise from the dead by themselves are Jesus (The tomb is empty and we know He lived.) and the Anti-Christ. It is almost as if He is alive because his CD in 2003 was “Resurrection”, a hint to us of what to anticipate. His alias was Makaveli, a derivation of Machiavelli; steadfast!

Decree of Artaxerxes End of OT
to rebuild Jerusalem (Silent years of God)
under Nehemiah
(Daniel 9:25)

396BCß--------------62x7=434 years-----------------
445-396BC=7 x 7=49 years Jerusalem Complete

Messiah’s Ministry
-àshown on a donkey NT to 1948, the kingdom of Israel will be restored
entering Jerusalem before Christ’s return …WWII+49 years or 7 x 7
(Prophesied in = 1997…volcanos erupt, tsunamis, hurricanes,
Zechariah 9:9) earthquakes rise at this time

32AD Matthew 21:42-43 (prediction of the above)


3 and ½, 3 1/2 , 31/2…Tupac

These events are happening now!!

We are again taught through the simple yet genius tool of reiteration through repetition in
Daniel 9:20-27 20 I went on praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people, pleading with the Lord my God for Jerusalem, his holy mountain. 21 As I was praying, Gabriel, whom I had seen in the earlier vision, came swiftly to me at the time of the evening sacrifice. 22 He explained to me, “Daniel, I have come here to give you insight and understanding. 23 The moment you began praying, a command was given. And now I am here to tell you what it was, for you are very precious to God. Listen carefully so that you can understand the meaning of your vision.
24 “A period of seventy sets of seven[a] has been decreed for your people and your holy city to finish their rebellion, to put an end to their sin, to atone for their guilt, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to confirm the prophetic vision, and to anoint the Most Holy Place.[b] 25 Now listen and understand! Seven sets of seven plus sixty-two sets of seven[c] will pass from the time the command is given to rebuild Jerusalem until a ruler—the Anointed One[d]—comes. Jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defenses,[e] despite the perilous times.
26 “After this period of sixty-two sets of seven,[f] the Anointed One will be killed, appearing to have accomplished nothing, and a ruler will arise whose armies will destroy the city and the Temple. The end will come with a flood, and war and its miseries are decreed from that time to the very end. 27 The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven,[g] but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds,[h] he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration,[i] until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.”
in the message of Gabriel the angel or pure one. He brings insight and understanding that is seen throughout this message of a Messiah coming in 434 years or 62 sevens as the scriptures say in
Daniel 9:25 25 Now listen and understand! Seven sets of seven plus sixty-two sets of seven[a] will pass from the time the command is given to rebuild Jerusalem until a ruler—the Anointed One[b]—comes. Jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defenses,[c] despite the perilous times.
After the completion of Jerusalem decreed by Artaxerxes in 445BC, issued on March 5, 444 BC to 396 BC or 7 sevens or 49 years. The summation (434+49) totals 483 years from March 5, 444 BC to March 30, AD 33. It is rather interesting how March 13th lies between these two dates.
The present Church Age is the interval between the 69th and 70th seven. There is a program in these 70 sevens that must come from the Creator of time to control time. This is a signification that there must be a God to program time.
“I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed to be wounded beyond recovery—but the fatal wound was healed!” – Revelation 13:3

Revelation 13:14 And with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast [false prophet], he deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life.
Revelation 13:14 speaks of the false prophet or the Beast out of the Earth as opposed from the Beast out of the Sea. Remember, coincidences coincide and to be a prophet, you must first speak…or rhyme. Another characteristic of a prophet is he must anticipate. “Run quick sea…” Could this indicate through anticipation present characters in the Revelation of John the Apostle with other context clues?!?
I realize he started his career in 1989, but this was seven years before he died. Is not three and a half, seven divided by two?!? It is almost as if he is telling us something. Coincidences coincide; it is almost as if he is saying one part of the coincidence (“…expect me like you expect Jesus to come back!”), the Bible has not had a prophecy that was unfulfilled and coincides with what he says and tells us; steadfast!
Now, an autopsy photo has been released on the Internet so he must be dead! A closer look at this will show us more. If we look at the picture, we see he is looking directly at the camera. Most individuals who are dead look straight forward or down because their optical muscles have relaxed, but he is looking up. It is almost as if this is a fake.

Now, I realize this photo is facing away from us, but Cathy Scott had published a book, “The Killing of Tupac Shakur” that found copyright to the photo since I have last visited the website. Do you notice the clear cut around his sternum that allows someone to digitally manipulate the photo, specifically his face and the way it is facing. I also found it interesting that Tupac had been in the hospital for a week, yet he is clean shaven. I was never shaven in the hospital while in a coma. They were too afraid of moving me and breaking something or opening one of my wounds that were stapled at the time because your body is in a relaxed state when in a coma. It looks like Tupac was in the same shape so he could not have been shaven. They would not have taken the risk! Plus, I do not think they would have much concern of his vanity being in a hospital bed and would have definitely shaved off his goatee and mustache if they would have shaved him at all.
Now, Snoop Dogg went platinum after his alleged shooting and is part of the East Coast Allegiance at the moment, but was part of the West Coast at the time on Death Row Records with Shakur. Tupac was asked by Christopher Wallace, Biggie Smalls, why he was starting all this East Coast versus West Coast hate. He said”…I’m just trying to get me some money!” This is all a publicity stunt; he knew from Snoop’s shooting that he would rise in fame if he got shot by allegedly evading His enemies, just as Machiavelli stated in “the Prince”. In the song “Skandalouz” he states, “This is my prophecy, I got to get paid!” He is telling us that in the future, his prophecy, he is in search for money. Given, Tupac was a religious man, but the Bible tells us that the Anti-Christ will be a religious man before his conversion and possession of Satan; steadfast!
In his autobiography, “Resurrection” it starts with the words, “Staring at the world through my rear-view.” It is almost as if he is telling us he will die before he actually does. Is this idle or another coincidence?!? I will remind you of the events before his death that coincide directly with the Bible’s prophecy.
After September 13, 2003, his resurrection, and his CD that came out after that date, he makes direct reference to occurrences and publicity in this world today with his reference to G-unit and the year 2005 in his record: “Loyal to the Game”. If it was publicity and he even exclaims it is, then why did two die, Biggie and Tupac?!? They did not; publicity is defined as anything that brings notice from the public. They were just trying to make money. The question now is, “Did we notice or did it make impact on your life?!?” I will let you answer this for yourselves, but keep in mind that he has sold more CD’s in his death than life. Selling is the result of publicity.
“I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed to be wounded beyond recovery—but the fatal wound was healed!” – Revelation 13:3
Another hypocrisy of his death is his interview in Vibe magazine. “This is my last interview.” Then, not to long after he says this, he gets “shot” in the streets of Las Vegas. How would you know it is your last interview before you die, a presupposition?!?
When he was first shot in New York, he got shot in the head twice and when he was carried out on the stretcher, he looks directly at the camera. If I was shot twice in the head, I would have a brain injury because my brain injury was a closed wound brain injury. If it was open, I would have been in worse of shape than I was. I will remind you I was unconscious for three months due to the amount of morphine they gave me, not because I was weak-minded. If you ever have or ever get the chance to meet me, you know I have one of the strongest wills known to man. Not because I am stubborn, but because I have a set of rules I must abide by to live simpler, the Bible. If you do not abide by or ask me to not abide by the Bible, I will tell you about it. If I am wrong, I realize it and will apologize for it; after all, I am human and subject to error. Tupac’s was an open wound brain injury. He would have been unconscious directly after his shooting, if not dead because the hallway he got shot in was not twenty five yards long so he got shot at close range. He also mentions of his hate for the East Coast in all of his songs directly, “Ain’t no love for the other side” yet denies a war between the East and West. If you lived in America during that time, you know it was very scary and we did not know if we were to be shot; it is all publicity.
Also, I found it very interesting of what they did not mention in “Resurrection” as if they are trying to cover something up. They make mention of several books Tupac read in jail, but not “The Prince” by Machiavelli. This is one of the most influential books in Tupac’s life because he came out in 1997 with a CD named “Don Killuminati: Seven Day Theory” speaking of Machiavelli or Makaveli with inferences and insinuations of his book throughout the CD. They do not speak of the hate Tupac had at his death for Snoop and Dre in the video, but his records do after his death. Everything was a publicity stunt because it was not mentioned in the video what was previously mentioned by several members of Death Row Records. “I’m just trying to make me some money!” He claims in his 1995 Deposition that he was just trying to sale records. He got into the rap game because it was a way to express himself poetically. Is his hate for Biggie, LL Cool J, the Junior Mafia, Jay-z, Nas, the Fugees whom were a neutral group from the east and west coast hate, and several others poetic or publicity?!? Dr. Dre, once a member of Death Row Records, has been in the rap game longer than any of the other members. He has started controversy with the police which was statistical in the amount of crimes and police brutality before his appearance and it’s rising afterwards. Soon before the East Coast versus the West Coast, he saw the rising in record sales due to his previous controversy with the police and wondered, “What can we do next?” Soon to follow was the East Coast versus West Coast hate. It is as if this is all a publicity stunt because it is statistical that controversy sales. Of course Tupac speaks a disclaimer of why he died, a reason and explanation of his death. What is peculiar about this is that he had not died yet when he spoke of his death…
He speaks in past tense of his life when he is alive as if he is dead. “I was on Death Row…”, “I had a prophecy of my death.” But, in the Old Testament it was outlawed to prophesy anything unless it came from the Torah. This is another connection to Biblical prophecy.
“I was there for the whole thing.” He speaks as if he is to die in past tense, but says he had no problems with the police and others before he rose in fame. He is so quick to document his death after he is on Death Row, never before he rose to fame, and always says, “I prophesy”. Prophecy is forbidden unless it comes from the Torah, from presupposition of God.
All Eyez on Me
In 1996, before his death, Tupac came out with the record, “All Eyez on Me” saying lyrically “Look at me, I am about to do something big!” He must be talking about his death because he died soon after this record’s release. Throughout this record, he gives general hints of what was to come and is now at hand in the titles of songs: “Can’t C Me, Ain’t Hard to Find, All Eyez on Me”. There are several other song title’s and lyrics that give reference to his prophecy, but exceed the information needed in this discussion and takes away its’ credibility.
Now in the song “Scandalouz” or Scandalous it speaks of the definition of this word. Scandalous is defined as spreading slander or lies about a person. Is this what Tupac is doing at the moment about himself; lying about his death?!? “Currency Motivated” or “This is my prophecy, I got to be paid!” This song is all embedded first person foretelling of what he is about to do.
In the song, “Tradin’ War Stories” he states, “Makaveli was my…my father figure.” He must be the son if Machiavelli was his father figure. A son follows the example of his father and listens to his father. Did he listen to Machiavelli by “evading his enemies and rising in power”?!? He must have followed in the footsteps of his father.
He speaks of his “death” in every song, but remember, he did not have a problem with the police or others before his rising to fame. Here are a few more examples from the CD, “All Eyez on Me”.
“The blind stares of a million pairs of eyes looking hard, but won’t realize that they will never see…the P!” We must be going blind because this is going on in front of our eyes, but we do not realize this. We still think he is dead even though he told us this before his death. If he told us this before his death, telling us he was going to die, then he died, would we not see that his shooting and these lyrics coincide?!? Tupac even directly says in first person “[Sinners] can’t C Me!” If he is not talking of himself, then he dies, who is he speaking of?!? He talks within this song about him getting more money (He has gotten more money in his death than when he was alive.) and about how we should not have put him with Dre. Keep in mind that Dr. Dre saw controversy selling with his rhymes of police brutality. Is this another attempt at selling controversy, through the controversial murder of Tupac Shakur and the question if he is dead or alive?!? At the end of this song, he states, “Don’t believe everything you read!” This statement does not make any sense in the context if he is not speaking of his death. We have read several documents on his death. Is this what we should not believe?!?
Big Psyche even speaks of this conspiracy in the song, “When We Ride.” This song speaks of the names of the Outlawz: Kadafi, Napoleon, Kastro, Castro, Hussein, Mussolini, etc. These are all people who attempted to take over the world. Is this another prophecy saying that Makaveli or Tupac will be the next to attempt to take over the world since Machiavelli said in the novel, “The Prince” the main character faked his death to rise in power?!?
Furthermore, in the song, “All Eyez on Me” he claims he has “been known to disappear.” No he has not; he must be talking about the future when he “died” or disappeared. Once again, he alludes to wanting money in this song. He has made more money in his death than when he was alive. He must have known this would be something big by faking his death as Machiavelli suggested in his book, “the Prince”, what Tupac read before getting out of jail and signing to Death Row Records.
Finally, in the song, “Ain’t Hard to Find” Tupac speaks of him being “addicted to currency” and about him dying, in the present progressive tense as if he is in the process of dying, but claims this is only fiction. If he tells us this is fiction or fake, then why would we not believe him?!?
Still I Rise
Then, Tupac gets sneaky with his “death” and if he is dead or alive from 1997-2002.; there is a suspicion, a rising in power. There is a sense of ambiguity to his lyrics about his death in this time. Afterwards there are direct references to things in this world today, never before this time period (2005, G-Unit; was G-Unit even heard of in 1996?!?), but beforehand we only saw the ambiguity of reference in his rhymes thinking this was only a man with a beat, but never heard the embedded meaning behind the words.
In 1999, Tupac Shakur came out with the CD, “Still I Rise” as if he is in the process of rising from the dead since he “died” in 1996, but this record came out in 1999, the beginning of his second rising of three and a half years, and came out with the record “Resurrection” in 2003, the end of his second rising of three and a half years concluding seven years since his death. It is very interesting that this coincidence coincides with exactly what the Bible tells us about the Anti-Christ’s rising in Revelation. This record makes the question ambiguous of him being dead or alive; at this point we are unsure. Lyrically he rose from 1999 to 2002, three and a half years, but literally he rose from the dead from 1996 to 2003, seven years with three and a half within. Seven is the number of God and also an insinuation of the end times; perhaps the number of years that God will allow Satan to try his hypocrisy.
Throughout this record, he gives breaths of rhymes in chorus, but why would you give a segment of the chorus and not a partial rhyme within the body of the rhyme?!? He would know that there are words before and after the chorus. “It is because he died and did not have time to make a partial rhyme before his death.” Okay, that is a good argumentJ But, why would he have time to make the chorus and not a partial rhyme?!? I would think since he had enough time to make records after his death with full rhymes (Until the End of Time, Better Dayz, Resurrection and Loyal to the Game…) he would certainly have time to add a little addition to the Outlawz rhymes. I understand that he wanted them to rise in fame, but do you not think Tupac’s addition would quicken the process?!? Tupac’s choruses even allude to his death!
Until the End of Time
In the year of 2001, He came out with the record, “Until the End of Time”. In the first song of the record, Tupac speaks of the “Ballad of a Dead Soldja” as if he is the dead soldier, speaking in first person of himself, not third person as other artists do with their songs of “Big Pimpin’” and what society should do in general. Tupac is the dead soldier! He goes on to say, “Nothing is colder than hearing the ballad of a dead soldja.” Then, he says directly after this, “This is the ballad of a dead soldja!” Keep in mind, he is “dead” in 2001, but talks of himself as the dead soldier. They claim he did this soon before his death, he talks of death before dying, but did not have any trouble with the police even after he kicked an “enemy” soon before his “shooting” at a Tyson fight in Vegas; coincidences coincide. Keep it simple.
Then, in the song, “Let’s be Friends” he speaks of hate for Dre, but they did not speak of this in the video: Resurrection. Is this a cover-up?!? Keep in mind that Tupac spoke of the West Side and his hate for the East Side first, not the press. He lied about that with a straight face; could he be lying about his death?!?
“There’s more than one way to skin a cat; there’s more than one way to shoot a gat; there’s more than one way to die…” Interesting how he states this after his death and makes it ambiguous on who is dying, how they are dying if there is more than one way and makes no sense in context…unless he is trying to make himself some money since Biggie and Tupac did not hate one another.
Throughout this CD, he speaks of him dying and coming back as if he is rising in this period from 1999 to 2002; a presupposition. After this period, he makes direct reference to occurrences in this world (G-Unit, 2005) and before he makes his statements of death ambiguous and we wonder if he is speaking in first or third person. Keep in mind, this period is three and a half years; steadfast!
“I’m in Jamaica sippin’ daiquiris!” This statement makes no sense in the context if he is not making direct reference to his death and the pronoun is speaking of himself. He makes more direct reference in 2004; is this a process of rising from the dead lyrically that will lead to literal resurrection?!?
Finally, in both the video and song, “World Wide Mob Figures” he alludes to his death. At the very end of the video, we see Tupac behind a palm tree leaf as if he is hiding from something while laughing at his conspiracy. In the song, he says, “I’ve been known to do scandalous deeds!” Keep in mind that scandalous means to spread slander or lies. Tupac was a very educated man; is this a result of his education?!? “They think I died!”
Better Dayz
His conspiracy goes deeper in 2002 with his record, “Better Dayz” when Tupac himself makes reference to an artist who had not come out in 1996 when he died, Trick Daddy. You hear the two rhyme and then Tupac makes direct reference to Trick Daddy by saying, “Cause Trick don’t give [some love].” This makes no sense if he is not using the word ‘Trick’ as a name of a person. Trick Daddy did not come out in 1996. You cannot rap when dead because you are dead; Tupac did and said Trick Daddy’s name. Trick Daddy had no CD’s out in 1996. This was released before 1996 and Trick Daddy did not come out in 1996, but after. How is it possible to acknowledge a person you do not know?!? It must have come out after his death.
“The one thing we all adore; something worth dying for. Nothing but pain; stuck in this game, searching for fortune and fame.” What is the one thing that Tupac adores and says is worth dying for?!? “Addicted to Currency!” Did he fake his death to get money?!? It seems as such since he spoke these words. He says this indirectly, but what is “the one thing” or “something” he speaks of with these pronouns?!? He must be speaking of the noun, fortune and fame.
“Expect me like you expect Jesus to come back; I’m coming!” Make the association with what is underlined. In this CD, he speaks of “Better Dayz” and asks “Who do you believe In?” He says that he puts his faith in God and speaks of Better Dayz in the future, Heaven; they are not worse days but better days than these we see presently. So, we would agree he is a religious man. I will remind you that the Anti-Christ is a religious man as the religious men who killed Jesus. Does Tupac’s hypocrisy (lies attempting to better himself and rise in power) coincide with the hypocrisy of the religious men who killed Jesus (lies attempting to better themselves and eventually crucifying our Savior), a characteristic of the Anti-Christ; steadfast!
“The only way for me to come back is like Makaveli.”, he starts out the record, “Resurrection”. How did Machiavelli write of coming back in the novel, “the Prince”?!? Make the connection with the underlined.
In the following song, “One Day at a Time” one of the Outlawz say, “Rappers are just people searching for fortune and fame…” Is this what Tupac is searching for through his “death”?!? “I see Death Around the Corner.” This is the title that directly follows the song, “One Day at a Time”, so it is a direct reference. The song does not start out with the pronoun he, we, they, but I see death around the corner. Through the songs following each other we can see the process he is going with and in.
“I’m seeing nothing but my dreams coming true while I’m staring at the world through my rear-view.” What are his dreams or ambitions?!? Is it money (The earthly wants the Anti-Christ cherishes.) or Heaven (What his soul cherishes.) or perhaps money through finding Heaven?!? Is this a possessed man we are seeing?!? “Money rule the world.” We see his possession escalate in his rising in power and becoming addicted to currency with it. The Anti-Christ is incrementally taking over his body, a process.
Loyal to the Game
“I’ll think up an alias so these [sinners] can’t find me.” He is telling us exactly what he did, does and will do. Since he was Makaveli, he has been “dead” so we have not been looking to find him. In 1996, within the record “All Eyez on Me” of the song, “When We Ride”, he states, “Plus, my alias is Makaveli.” He made all these insinuations of the allusion that he is alive, but we have not made the connection or, in other words, found him. Also, please notice the bracketed and see the ambiguity; it is all connected. Remember our conversation of ambiguity.
In this CD, he makes direct reference to things unheard of in 1996; is this part of his process of rising?!? This proves he must have come out with these songs after he died to speak of such things. Is this his final rising of three and a half years?!? To rise you must lift up to find a final destination. What is his final destination; could it be his rule of the world?!? Look at where he went in 1996 and the fame he achieved in a short period of time. Could this be extended?!?
His direct reference to things in this world today is the year 2005 that he speaks of in the song, “A Soldier Like Me”. This was never even thought of in the year, 1996 because we were unsure if we were to make it past the year, 2000. This proves he must have thought of this after his “death”. Why would he specifically choose the year of 2005 where most artists still speak of the year 2000 because it is lyrical. This is after September, 13 2003; is this him rising again?!? It is funny that this coincides with exactly what the Bible prophecies of the Anti-Christ’s third rising.
“I’m loyal to the game!” Loyal insinuates being in the game. You must be in the game to be loyal to it. The game is this world, this life and it only makes sense as such in the context of the song. He predicted his death in most of his songs. Is this another prediction if he says “I’ll think up an alias so these ****** can’t find me.” Which he did, speaks of G-Unit in this song, another prediction because it came before the creation of G-Unit if he is speaking in the year, 1996 when he died.
“…in 1999” he speaks of this like he did something in the year 1999 within the song, “True [Sinners]”; he was dead in the year, 1999. How can you talk of doing something in 1999 when you “die” in 1996?!? He is either a prophet or a liar, both characteristics of the Anti-Christ.
Mos Def, Pharaoh Monch and Nate Dogg came out in 2000 with a song, “Oh No!” In the chorus Nate Dogg says, “It’s been seven days since they rose.” The question now is, what does the pronoun “they” refer to?!? It is scary that seven days are referred to in the majority of Tupac’s songs and the year of this song’s release was precisely the time when the whole world thought the Anti-Christ was to come back and the world was to end, 2000. Also, Nate Dogg was on Death Row Records with Tupac, an insinuation of the conspiracy embedded in his rhyme.
Furthermore, in the video, “My Block” by Scarface it shows us at the conclusion a billboard with the words,”What is in the beginning is in the end.” I will remind you that the snake started dancing after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, initiating the beginning of sin, the knowledge of evil and the life it establishes. Is not dancing associated with music?!? He also rapped with Tupac, a connection; the billboard is an insinuation of the conspiracy embedded within the words printed on it. It makes no sense in the context of the video, otherwise.
The question at hand now is, “When will he come back?” Through out the Bible, it speaks of a 360 day year from Genesis to Revelation. This is odd, our calendar is 365 days; this is because of a sudden change in 701 BCE from the Chinese that was illegitimate and did not coincide with the Biblical year, a derivation. We have allowed the reference of time to be totally derived so this explains why we will not know when. But, we must be on Satan’s timeline because we have been in the past with Tupac’s rising to power, death, rising to power again with new songs, having his CD out after September 13, 2003, precisely seven years after his death that was called “Resurrection” and several other of his songs coincide with what the Bible tells us about the Anti-Christ’s return.
Perhaps the start of the millennium is September 13, 1996, Tupac’s death, because Jesus Christ was born in either 4 or 3 BC, so the “millennial reign” must be 4 years behind the year 2000 or approximately, 1996. The millennium started with Christ’s birth. We may be confused of the timing of the millennium, but know when Christ was born. What event allowed BC to change to AD anyway?!?
There are several other coincidences with the number seven as the ultimate source that coincide with what Tupac has done in that specific amount of time, but are not worth mentioning and does not support this discussion, but rather exceeds the information needed. Because I am human, I am subject to error and could be wrong of the date he will return, March 13, 2007, but I am sure of his return. This is precisely seven years after his death (September 13, 1996 plus September 13, 2003 equals seven years) with the addition of three and a half years because the Bible tells us the Anti-Christ must rise again in this timing, resurrect. I will remind you the Bible tells us the Anti-Christ will rise in three and a half years (Tupac rose in fame from 1993-1996), die and rise again in three and a half years (He came out with new songs from 1999-2002.) and finally rise after his resurrection in three and a half years(He came out with “Resurrection” after September, 13 2003 and three and a half years after this is March 13, 2007.); steadfast!
Revelation 13:5- And there was given unto Him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies (Tupac was given a mouth speaking rhythmically, a great understanding with a lifestyle that followed the devil) And power was given unto Him to continue for forty and two months (Tupac was given power to change the hero in their children’s minds, a type of power for 3 1/2years for three times as the Bible directs towards the Anti-Christ).
Coincidences coincide; if he is saying one part of the coincidence and the other part the Bible is foretelling, then steadfast! All these coincidences of him speaking of his death cannot be idle, but is telling us of events to come because the connection has not yet been seen; he is telling us to get ready for these events.
Now, Tupac is predicting his death; presuppositions come from God, but Tupac made a presupposition or prediction of his resurrection (“…expect me like you expect Jesus to come back!”). He makes direct references of his death as if he is dead, past tense, predictions of what has happened since 1996, and perhaps what will happen and speaks of Heaven in his songs and videos as a presupposition. “Cause I’m lookin’ for lyrics y’all…” Please anticipate this occurrence and plan for it because it is coming; steadfast!
It tells us in Revelation we will see the rising of technology. What better way to see than through a movie?!? We saw in Star Wars: Episode IV-VI that the technology to create some of the scenes were primitive and could only be displayed through the making of miniature ships to be visualized through a camera screen, but with the help of computers, we saw a rising in technology only decades away and their digital help of Computer-Aided Images in the prequel to Star Wars; steadfast!
These are anticipations from recordings of Tupac’s that came from a recording long ago, the Bible. Keep in mind, the only people to rise from the dead by themselves are Christ and the Anti-Christ. The Scripture’s say, the Anti-Christ will be who we least expect. Are you laughing?!?
What will Lead to the End
Birthdays are one way to display understanding because of the experience you have had since your birth. A child has knowledge because of his inexperience due to his age, not being accustomed to the reference of wording that would allow him to express himself in this world. Examples of this are teaching him the alphabet, numbers and other uniform knowledge of this world. Before the reference of word was thought, where God is. When we become older, we understand how to express ourselves in this world and are able to express our thoughts. This is the true definition of adulthood. Jesus said, “Suffer the little children and forbid them not unto me; for such is the kingdom of Heaven.” Because they understand the ways of Heaven, not this world. Do not subject the young as the uneducated. They know more than you think; understand this.
First Hand experience is harder, but we understand more through First Hand experience. Why would it not have you understand more?!? If you are within the situation, you understand more. Did Tom Brady understand to be the quarterback he is through running the plays with the other players, gradually understanding how the others were to react, where to place the ball and understanding what to do in certain defensive pressure situations or from a spectator’s view, knowledge of the game?!?
The Bible warns us of things not to do, sin; this will lead to the end. This is what we do today! Fifty years ago, it would be unheard of to allow the practice of homosexuality in our society because of its idleness and harm to those who practice it, uncleanliness. Fifty years ago, it would have been unheard of to have the phrase, “In God we Trust.” Stricken from any monument, document or decree. This is happening today and we wonder if there are going to be any consequences; steadfast because it is coming! Keep cherishing this world; see where it gets you. I hear people saying that I am in some sense morbid because I talk of death so freely. Cherish this world, not Heaven; see where it gets you. The fact of the matter is that if you have gotten as close to death as I have, you would understand that Heaven is a reality, the true reality. Understand that Heaven is an understanding within our minds.
We will see perversion in the end times, sin. We see this today! They are kind at first, then when you become comfortable with them, the real person comes out. There is no need to put a mask on for the person you want to be. You can be that person through reading, studying and understanding the Bible. It is a process due to our humanness and becoming accustomed to this world. We understand when we are born, but become accustomed to this world, where Satan steps in due to our knowledge of good and evil. In the end, God’s Will will be done through understanding. If we have a reason then we understand. All reason answers the question, why?!? Your spouse will be the answer, not perversion or people with perversion. We must strive for a spouse if we acknowledge the word, perversion. Why would we strive to complicate through having multiple partners, a perversion?!? Live simpler; seek God for all your needs. He will not fail you if you acknowledge Him as the source of understanding.
In the End Times, we will see deceit, sin; for it has been with us all along. Deceit has bad connotations within our mind, where the truth lies. We understand truth before deceit within our mind. We do not understand deceit because it cannot be understood, but we have the knowledge of evil that allows temporary solution with permanent result (Do we smoke to get smarter, drink, etc?!? Is this a result?!?). We complicate with deceit due to our knowledge of evil in this world, but can simplify the equation. We see deceit from the beginning; Cane and Abel were brothers. Cane killed Abel and was banished with his family from association with the others, Adam and Eve. Was this the start of Eastern Religion?!? We see Eastern Religion follow the same basic principles Christianity does, but goes astray with the understanding of these principles and where they come from. Is this a distraction of deceit brought forth by Satan?!?
If you focus on idleness, you will get nothing in return. Do not exceed; you are already promised enough; He will help you understand this. Both of these behaviors are sinful, not living simpler. Why do we get drunk?!? Is it to score with or impress the girl we saw at the party or to just get drunk?!? Is this excessive to get drunk or to score with a girl that will satisfy us for the moment, idle?!? Sin brings temporary solutions that have permanent results. Do we become smarter when we drink in excess; do we know everything there is to know about that girl we scored with at the party?!? This is why the Bible tells us to not to not drink in excess and to wait until marriage to become intimate with a woman. Then, we will know our spouse for an extended period of time and understand what true love is through seeing Christ in them.
Biggie said he was poor when his mother told us he always had more than enough after his death. Tupac lied about the drama between him and Biggie when he was truly just trying to get some money and they were friends before this “supposed” drama. Could this be the reminisce of his lie?!? My mother told me to never trust liars.
I realize that at the conclusion of the Bible it states, “Anyone who adds to or takes away from the Words of this Book shall have their name stricken from the Book of Eternal Life.” I see coincidences of what the Bible tells us about the End Times that coincide with exactly what is happening currently. It also says, “There will be many false prophets in the End Times…”, but if I see instances that coincide with precisely what the Bible tells us of the End Times am I a false prophet or are the others that have no reason and refute all I say, false prophets?!? I give a reason from the Bible that these are the End Times; they give no reason behind their argument. If they refute what I say, then they are saying themselves and are therefore, prophetic. Steadfast; these are the mannerisms that will bring the End Times.
INSERT A PICTURE OF BIG PUN, TUPAC, BIGGIE, LISA LEFT EYE, ETC THAT SAYS “They’ll never knowJ” and sub caption that says, ”Is this the dead that will rise?!?”

Outline of the End-Time Events: Look for coincidences to coincide throughout this outline. It is amazing that these coincidences are not only found once in the Bible, but several times from different authors of different continents several centuries between as if there is a unification. Where did this unified thought come from to understand as the authors did of this Bible, yet had no connection to the other authors?!? The understanding must be God. The coincidences are occurring today. We have seen God’s program throughout history. Follow and anticipate these happenings. Associate that which is in bold.

Events immediately before the seven year period:

John 14:1-3: Rapture- understanding that what is understood comes from a man, not reading copiously. That man is Jesus Christ, a single source. Be a part of His church and understand. (Church will be defined throughout.)
2 Thessalonians 2:7- Restrainer, the man of lawlessness, Satan removed…are you confused?!?
Daniel 7:20, 24 and Revelation 13:1- 1 Then I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. It had seven heads and ten horns, with ten crowns on its horns. And written on each head were names that blasphemed God.
Anti-Christ rises to power over Roman Confederacy
Roman Confederacy- ten horns and crowns (Europe has ten nations.)

1989-1993-3 ½ years “Rewind to ’89; introduce me to this life of crime…”

Events at the beginning of the seven year period:

Daniel 9:26-27: 26 “After this period of sixty-two sets of seven,[a] the Anointed One will be killed, appearing to have accomplished nothing, and a ruler will arise whose armies will destroy the city and the Temple. The end will come with a flood, and war and its miseries are decreed from that time to the very end. 27 The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven,[b] but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds,[c] he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration,[d] until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.”Christ was killed; could this be the “Anointed One” they speak of?!? The Anti-Christ makes a deal with Israel. Titus Vespasian who destroyed the last Temple of Israel has already died. Could these verses be an insinuation of the Anti-Christ as a thought of confusion as Christ is a thought of understanding if the Anti-Christ was with Titus, Hitler, Napoleon and the others who tried to rule the world throughout history…Tupac?!?
INSINUATION OF THE ANTI-CHRIST: 1993-1996- 3 ½ years Tupac rises to power. RIP Tupac Shakur…”Expect me; expect me like you expect Jesus to come pack…I’m comin’!” –Tupac Shakur The underlined is the insinuation.
Events in the first half of the seven year period:
Ezekiel 38:8- 8 A long time from now you will be called into action. In the distant future you will swoop down on the land of Israel, which will be enjoying peace after recovering from war and after its people have returned from many lands to the mountains of Israel.
Israel at peace in the land and reunited. This happened in 1948. 49 years after is 1997.
Revelation 11:1-2- 1 Then I was given a measuring stick, and I was told, “Go and measure the Temple of God and the altar, and count the number of worshipers. 2 But do not measure the outer courtyard, for it has been turned over to the nations. They will trample the holy city for 42 months.
Temple sacrifices instituted. The Dome on the Rock is where the Temple lied in the past. Could this be an insinuation of worldliness since the world church dominates religion and the Anti-Christ in Revelation 17?!? In the beginning…then we see the snake dance at the first sin. Is the Dome of this world if the Anti-Christ must be to have such a name?!?
1996-1999-3 ½ years Tupac releases old songs after his death. He starts making new CD’s with new songs in 1999.

Events perhaps just before the middle of the seven year period:
Ezekiel 38:2,5-6,22- 2 “Son of man, turn and face Gog of the land of Magog, the prince who rules over the nations of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him.
Gog ands his allies invade Palestine from the North (Islamic Invasion, Lebanon is North of Israel or Palestine…connect the coincidence and realize the turmoil that is happening with Lebanon and Israel currently, before the middle of the seven years.)

INSINUATION OF ANTI-CHRIST: 2000- Pauses to have poetry rhymed from other rappers.

Events at the middle of the seven year period:
Revelation 12:12-17- 12 Therefore, rejoice, O heavens! And you who live in the heavens, rejoice! But terror will come on the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you in great anger, knowing that he has little time.”
13 When the dragon realized that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 But she was given two wings like those of a great eagle so she could fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness. There she would be cared for and protected from the dragon[a] for a time, times, and half a time.
15 Then the dragon tried to drown the woman with a flood of water that flowed from his mouth. 16 But the earth helped her by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that gushed out from the mouth of the dragon. 17 And the dragon was angry at the woman and declared war against the rest of her children—all who keep God’s commandments and maintain their testimony for Jesus.
Satan cast down from Heaven and energizes the Anti-Christ. The prepositional phrase “from Heaven” implies that the Anti-Christ understands to make confusion. “became a sinner, then to outcast un forgiven…Who do you believe in? I put my faith in God.” –Tupac Shakur

Revelation 17:16-18- 16 The scarlet beast and his ten horns all hate the prostitute. They will strip her naked, eat her flesh, and burn her remains with fire. 17 For God has put a plan into their minds, a plan that will carry out his purposes. They will agree to give their authority to the scarlet beast, and so the words of God will be fulfilled. 18 And this woman you saw in your vision represents the great city that rules over the kings of the world.”
10 kings under the Anti-Christ destroy the world church…associate with music.

Revelation 7:1-8- God’s People Will Be Preserved
1 Then I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds so they did not blow on the earth or the sea, or even on any tree. 2 And I saw another angel coming up from the east, carrying the seal of the living God. And he shouted to those four angels, who had been given power to harm land and sea, 3 “Wait! Don’t harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the seal of God on the foreheads of his servants.”
4 And I heard how many were marked with the seal of God—144,000 were sealed from all the tribes of Israel: 5 from Judah — 12,000 from Reuben — 12,000 from Gad — 12,000 6 from Asher — 12,000 from Naphtali — 12,000 from Manasseh — 12,000 7 from Simeon — 12,000 from Levi — 12,000 from Issachar — 12,000 8 from Zebulun — 12,000 from Joseph — 12,000 from Benjamin — 12,000
144,000 Israelites (those of the country) saved and sealed.

From Matthew 8:11-12- “I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, while the sons of the kingdom (Israel) will be thrown into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
2000-2003- Tupac makes new CD’s after his death. It is almost if he understands to make record sales through confusion.

Events of the second half of the seven year period, the Great Tribulation:

Matthew 24:12 & 2- Rebellion (apostasy) against the truth in the professing church.
Professing church- “That’s just a coincidence.” Which is idle.
Church- Understanding coincidences coincide.
Revelation 13:5, 7; 17:12-13- Revelation 17:12-13 (New Living Translation)
New Living Translation (NLT)
Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers.

12 The ten horns of the beast are ten kings who have not yet risen to power. They will be appointed to their kingdoms for one brief moment to reign with the beast. 13 They will all agree to give him their power and authority.
Anti-Christ becomes a world ruler (Revelation 6:1-2, 1st seal) with support of the Western Confederacy. Are we supporting (CD sale)?!? Remember, the snake did a dance in the beginning which is associated with music.
2 Thessalonians 2:3,8-9- Anti-Christ is revealed as the “man of lawlessness”, “the lawless one” and performs counterfeit signs and miracles. Coming back from the dead would be a great miracle!
Revelation 6:3-8(2nd, 3rd and 4th seal)- We are one nation under God, but is the rest of this world experiencing war, famine and death?!?
Revelation 6:12-17(6th seal)-Natural disturbances and worldwide fear of divine wrath. Tsunamis, volcanoes and hurricanes have increased ever since 1997…associate with my thought of Makaveli.
Revelation 13:14-15- Anti-Christ’s image set up for worship in the temple. Do not worship idleness. Apply to music with its’ lyrics of drugs, having women and sex illegitimately.
Revelation 11:3-5- Two witnesses begin their ministry.
Two witnesses- two olive trees and two lamp stands
Two olive trees- the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5).
Two lamp stands- the church is symbolized by lamp stands (Revelation 1:20).

The significance of two is found in Mark 6:7, the number to establish a witness.
In context with Revelation, I find a correlation or “coincidence” between the last Six Days or Ages of the Zodiac and today.
In Cancer man lost Eden and spiritual innocence.
In Gemini man lost longevity;
In Taurus man lost a universal language followed by great confusion.
At the point of Aries and Abraham’s sacrifice, God set in motion a plan for salvation. Thus, in Aries the Old Testament (Ten Commandments) resulted in the building of the First Temple.
Then in Pisces the Second Temple and the New Testament Gospel evolved from the Messiah Himself.
Therefore it would follow suit that in the Revelation that a Third Temple would follow for the final stage of the plan for Salvation and the Second Coming of the Messiah in Aquarius. Research the age of Aquarius and see its significance.
Revelation 13:4, 14-15- 14 And with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast, he deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. 15 He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die.
The false prophet promotes the Anti-Christ, who is worshipped by nations and unbelieving Israel. With the word previously underlined, this insinuates something. To be a prophet, you must first speak…or rhyme.
With the insinuation from the above:
False prophet- Tupac Shakur Anti-Christ- IDLE music
Revelation 13:16-18- 16 He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. 18 Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] His number is 666.[b]
Mark of the beast used to promote worship of the Anti-Christ on the right hand or forehead. There is a chip used for identification purposes that is currently being placed in the right hand or forehead. If you have not noticed, the time according to these scriptures is now.
Revelation 12:6, 13-17- 13 When the dragon realized that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 But she was given two wings like those of a great eagle so she could fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness. There she would be cared for and protected from the dragon[a] for a time, times, and half a time.
15 Then the dragon tried to drown the woman with a flood of water that flowed from his mouth. 16 But the earth helped her by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that gushed out from the mouth of the dragon. 17 And the dragon was angry at the woman and declared war against the rest of her children—all who keep God’s commandments and maintain their testimony for Jesus.
Israel scattered because of the anger of Satan and because of the Anti-Christ’s (Mohammed?!?) image in the temple.
Luke 21:24- Jerusalem overrun by Gentiles. (Signification)
Matthew 24:11; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11- Anti-Christ and false prophets deceive many people (smoking, drinking and the commercials intact…drugs).
Matthew 24:14- The gospel of the kingdom is proclaimed. It is good news proclaimed because of the incredible blessing given to those who ask must tell of His amazing grace. This book is an example.
Jeremiah 30:5-7 and Matthew 24:21-22: 5 This is what the Lord says:
“I hear cries of fear; there is terror and no peace. 6 Now let me ask you a question: Do men give birth to babies? Then why do they stand there, ashen-faced, hands pressed against their sides like a woman in labor? 7 In all history there has never been such a time of terror. It will be a time of trouble for my people Israel.[a] Yet in the end they will be saved!
(Notice the positioning of the verses in the Bible…one in the OT and the other in the NT or an addition)- Israel persecuted by the Anti-Christ.
Revelation 8 and 9, 16- Trumpet and bowl judgments poured out by God on the Anti-Christ’s empire. (Locusts we have seen, confusion!)
Revelation 16:8-11- 8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, causing it to scorch everyone with its fire. 9 Everyone was burned by this blast of heat, and they cursed the name of God, who had control over all these plagues. They did not repent of their sins and turn to God and give him glory.
10 Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. His subjects ground their teeth in anguish, 11 and they cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores. But they did not repent of their evil deeds and turn to God.
Blasphemy increases as the judgments intensify. Remember, the polar ice caps are melting. Is this the bowl that we are currently at?!?
INSINUATION OF THE ANTI-CHRIST: September 13, 2003-March 13,2007- 3 ½ years- Tupac returns.

Events concluding the seven year period:
The prefix re does not insinuate the past, but implies a source that you must believe in, not study copiously. Know that an implication is anticipated.
Revelation 11:7, 11-12- 7 When they complete their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the bottomless pit[a] will declare war against them, and he will conquer them and kill them.
Two witnesses (notably the church) slain by the Anti-Christ and resurrected. Is the church slowly being deleted off the face of this earth?!? (Removing the words, “In God We Trust” off the dollar bill, no prayer in public school, the explanation of the Big Bang Theory instead of Creationism in our schools, etc) The resurrection process starts here to its’ full effulgence.
Daniel 11:40- 40 “Then at the time of the end, the king of the south will attack the king of the north. The king of the north will storm out with chariots, charioteers, and a vast navy. He will invade various lands and sweep through them like a flood.
The king of the South (Egypt) and the king of the North (Lebanon) fight against the Anti-Christ. Look at the conflict in the Middle East and see what direction the conflict is coming from in reference to Israel. Daniel was written in several languages showing God’s plan for the Gentile world. The direction for the Gentiles was in reference to the prime meridian and equator, not the Hebrew tongue that was in reference to the Mediterranean sea.
Daniel 11:40-43- 40 “Then at the time of the end, the king of the south will attack the king of the north. The king of the north will storm out with chariots, charioteers, and a vast navy. He will invade various lands and sweep through them like a flood. 41 He will enter the glorious land of Israel,[a] and many nations will fall, but Moab, Edom, and the best part of Ammon will escape. 42 He will conquer many countries, and even Egypt will not escape. 43 He will gain control over the gold, silver, and treasures of Egypt, and the Libyans and Ethiopians[b] will be his servants.
Anti-Christ enters Palestine and defeats Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia.
Daniel 11:44- 44 “But then news from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in great anger to destroy and obliterate many.
Armies from the East and the North move towards Palestine. Iran is to the East of Israel and Lebanon is to the North. Iran is funding Lebanon which is in conflict with Israel currently; steadfast!
Zechariah 17:1-4- Jerusalem is ravaged. Lebanon is striking Jerusalem at the moment.
Revelation 16:19- 19 The great city of Babylon split into three sections, and the cities of many nations fell into heaps of rubble. So God remembered all of Babylon’s sins, and he made her drink the cup that was filled with the wine of his fierce wrath.
Commercial Babylon (Musical Earth) is destroyed. The pneumonic device used in a commercial is music.
Isaiah 13:10- 10 The heavens will be black above them; the stars will give no light. The sun will be dark when it rises, and the moon will provide no light.
Signs appear in the earth and the sky.
Zechariah 14:5- 5 You will flee through this valley, for it will reach across to Azal.[a] Yes, you will flee as you did from the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah of Judah. Then the Lord my God will come, and all his holy ones with him.[
Jews flee Jerusalem facilitated by topographical changes. Read the news; the time is now!
Revelation 19:11-16- The Rider on the White Horse
11 Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war. 12 His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. 13 He wore a robe dipped in blood, and his title was the Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven, dressed in the finest of pure white linen, followed him on white horses. 15 From his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He will release the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty, like juice flowing from a winepress. 16 On his robe at his thigh[a] was written this title: King of all kings and Lord of all lords.
He has not returned with the armies of Heaven to defeat the Anti-Christ; wait! Make yourself part of the Kingdom of Heaven and understand the Spanish root for the word, wait; puedes esperar.
INSINUATION OF THE ANTI-CHRIST: 2007-2011- Anticipate these happenings.
Of course Jesus said in Acts 1:7, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons”, but Matthew 24:33 does tell us, “it is near, even at the doors.”
It is amazing Daniel remembers, defining the Greek prefix re because all must come from something, yet anticipates before Christ was born, that could only be Jesus Christ because coincidences coincide. History and this book tell us so.
The Millennium is to follow, but the Millennium has already come. The Jewish Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar (our calendar) do not coincide. In Greenwich, England the time must be reset every year. On the Jewish Calendar, the 7,000th year is coming up. We all know what happens in intervals of 7.

Chapter Six:
Remember, belief leads to understanding. Romans 11:25-36; HIGHLIGHT all references to knowledge in v33, understanding in v33, decisions in v33, know in v34, think in v34 or just have faith and believe.

I know y’all are getting to the point in your education where you think that you can only be good at one thing. “I can only use one hemisphere of my brain and am only good at one thing.” This is your knowledge of evil stepping in! Use all your mind b/c this is where God lies!

22 In fact, according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

Finally, read Hebrews 9:22 reflected in the law of Moses in Leviticus 17:11.
Do you notice how sometimes I will put a reflection in the NT and from the OT and vice? I am trying to prove to y’all that HE is the alpha and omega, that it is circular, threaded, as that verse I wrote on the picture frames.

Read a question in Acts 1:6-8; He does not suggest a replacement of a spiritual kingdom w/the promised physical/political kingdom.

Tool and application I hope y’all see: What I’m trying to do is I know that know y’all are like, “Stop talking about understanding; you’re so boring and repetitiveJ But, when you grow older you will remember the words spoken here and understand.

I know times have changed and our dialect has also changed with it. Look for these definitions that I have shared w/you throughout this study to point to God as understanding. EX: God breathed means God spread understanding.

Success is not by the amount of expense you have, but is given to you through belief in God! Do not think we cannot grasp it; it is already grasped if we believe.

He will help you understand your schedule, problems in your life (either in school ((math)) or in relations), coordinate…ANYTHING!!!

This Bible was formed from people with an equal and unified understanding. This unification is the Holy Spirit.
Remembrance is understood.
Emphasis (Underlined Items) is understanding beforehand; we know the word through reading it, but there is a whole paragraph that we must understand incrementally through the reading of that word. Presuppositions are emphasis in a sentence; they lead to understanding. We express them lyrically, but what came before words; thoughts?!? We understand mentally what is expressed lyrically. The only reason we must study is because we are in this world and now have the knowledge of good and evil. We must study to learn and understand that good is simpler and evil has no reasoning behind it; thus, hurting in the long run. We know what evil is and only see the results it brings at the moment, but do not realize we become engulfed in the certain behavior (drinking, drugs, sex, etc) and do not see the hurt that is attached. Trust from my experience, if I could bring those two girls back, if I could run normally, if I could stop the hurt that Tina’s mother has on a daily basis, if I could make the world understand what God truly is, I would do it in a heartbeat. Please understand that God is understanding. We know the result beforehand; the stove is hot! We all understand this from experience. Study to realize it was presupposed in our mind all along. We all understand this through a presupposition or common sense, but have become so complicated and think that a word has some other meaning than a thought expressed lyrically. “The structure must be formal. The format must follow something and therefore be formal.” Says who?!? If it gets the point across and the only thing we are to accomplish is a point, then why critique?!? It is even defined as an expansion of vocabulary, not a restriction. “Then we will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
Free will is simply defined as God telling us what to do within our mind; we must make a choice to do it or not. We have the choice from eating the forbidden fruit and having the knowledge of good and evil; understand that good has been the better answer all along. Before they ate the fruit, what did they do?!? They lived in harmony. Why would we want to live any way else?!? Does anyone want to go through what I did to realize this?!? Please experience this through faith; experience hurts.
We know all this from a presupposition that the words in this book are correct, but have succumb to this world and ignore the way things truly are (sex, drugs, drinking, etc). So therefore the concept of God is presupposed in the minds of atheists and believers, all of us. The word “atheist” is even hypocritical; they do not believe in only God, but any theory if they are a-theistic. The prefix “a” means not, without so together atheism means without theory. Okay, touch the stove; tell me if it is not hotJ
Jesus was even presupposed; in Daniel 3:25, King Nebuchadnezzar exclaims when he threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo into the fiery furnace, “Well look! I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire and they aren’t even hurt by the fire! And the fourth looks like a god!” There were only three brothers thrown into the furnace, the fourth person must have been Jesus for the miracle of them surviving the furnace, but he was born in a manger?!? Take a chance with Christ; it will not be a chance. He would not let his sheep down; understand this.
God’s Views
Presuppositions are God’s views; I know these are true because He wrote them down or allowed enlightenment of people to write these things down in the Bible.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” If we can give up a few, not all of our liberties after September 11, 2001 so that the terrorists do not attack us again to obtain a little safety (Our main priority is to be a nation before we focus on expanding liberties and the nation.), we must do so to stay a nation. If we had absolute safety that would bring temporary or no liberties we would complain because we would be too worried of another attack and not have the freedoms we do today. George Bush’s goal was not to hinder us from liberties, but to make us a nation and stop attacks on American soil. I see what Mr. Franklin was saying here; our focus should not be on this world, but allow God to take care of the situation. Then, we shall be free or understand. The safety was not temporary, but essential to keep our nation alive and our liberties were not absolutely taken away, but some of them were taken away. The whole nation was not totalitarian and all of our freedoms were not taken away or we were not all enlisted. I have seen this argument reversed which is ridiculous. We did not give up essential liberty, but put it aside to focus on keeping freedom. You can look at this either way, but what is Biblical or the easy way out?!?
I heard people complain about how they wanted our economy to thrive (Is this giving up absolute liberty?!?), but did not want to fight or were upset that Bush kept our men over in Iraq too long assuring our safety, not focusing on it. First we must have an economy or country before solely focusing on it. I have seen some great men lead this country with the bad ones. Ronald Reagan was the first president I encountered in my life. I did not realize all that man did for our country until his death. He did not only keep our nation safe from the Soviets, but allowed us to thrive with an economy. When I get to Heaven, the first thing I will do is tell Mr. Reagan, “Thank you for all you did.” Bush Sr. was also an amazing man, but I wish he would have finished off Hussein, but I understand his reason of why he did not finish him off. I wish he would have won against Clinton. Clinton did not fulfill the reasons he gave in his first or second term. He certainly gave reasons, but never made a way to work them out. We learned from Clinton to not elect Kerry and this went with God’s timeline or progressive understanding; Bush Jr. is God’s view. I thank God the electoral votes allowed Bush to win his first term because we would be in trouble if Gore won, another Clinton wanting to better our country neglecting the rest of the world and their threat. We see this in the Black Hawk Down situation. Clinton was too focused on this country and not the threat of the rest of the world; ask for understanding of who to vote for.

This book is a small book but don’t look at length to be less of an impact, look at it as more of a basic structure to emphasize the lesson to be learned.

We are in the book of lamentations; ex of lament: Something the genius lament (mourn) and insane possess. The truly genius (Einstein, King Solomon, Socrates, Aristotle) look to faith as their source, a third hand experience, and the insane must experience it for themselves. The genius mourn b/c they see the hurt, pain attached and the insane must go crazy through this experience. Lament b/c there will be pain in this world, but don’t experience it for yourself…you’ll go crazy!

Read Lamentations 1:1; 1 Jerusalem, once so full of people, is now deserted. She who was once great among the nations now sits alone like a widow. Once the queen of all the earth, she is now a slave.

How, this is a dirge for the funeral of a nation, but still has the inquisitive statement of how showing that they may be punished but God is still with them when they repent b/c it all comes from something. This is our example from experience of Judah to not sin b/c it will lead us away from simplicity.

Read Lamentations 2:1-2; God’s Anger at Sin
1 The Lord in his anger has cast a dark shadow over beautiful Jerusalem.[a] The fairest of Israel’s cities lies in the dust, thrown down from the heights of heaven. In his day of great anger, the Lord has shown no mercy even to his Temple.[b]
2 Without mercy the Lord has destroyed every home in Israel.[c] In his anger he has broken down the fortress walls of beautiful Jerusalem.[d] He has brought them to the ground, dishonoring the kingdom and its rulers.
The daughter of Zion fell, we will all fall if we do not read or (the addition coming from) this word; if we don’t, we will see coincidences coinciding of how to live the simpler life that the Bible told us all along. Read the Bible.

The book of Lamentations has an acrostic structure (alphabetic structure by verse) in Hebrew showing that God is structure.

Read Lamentations 3:19-42 and 3:55-60; 19 The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words.[a] 20 I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. 21 Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this:
22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends![b] His mercies never cease. 23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”
25 The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him. 26 So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord. 27 And it is good for people to submit at an early age to the yoke of his discipline:
28 Let them sit alone in silence beneath the Lord’s demands. 29 Let them lie face down in the dust, for there may be hope at last. 30 Let them turn the other cheek to those who strike them and accept the insults of their enemies.
31 For no one is abandoned by the Lord forever. 32 Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion because of the greatness of his unfailing love. 33 For he does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow.
34 If people crush underfoot all the prisoners of the land, 35 if they deprive others of their rights in defiance of the Most High, 36 if they twist justice in the courts— doesn’t the Lord see all these things?
37 Who can command things to happen without the Lord’s permission? 38 Does not the Most High send both calamity and good? 39 Then why should we, mere humans, complain when we are punished for our sins?
40 Instead, let us test and examine our ways. Let us turn back to the Lord. 41 Let us lift our hearts and hands to God in heaven and say, 42 “We have sinned and rebelled, and you have not forgiven us.
This is an outburst of faith and hope. It is interesting that the words remember, mind, wait, esperando, b/c if we wait the spirit will do great things in our lives. Do not just do sporadic things you think up off the top of your heads. If we wait, we will see the blessing in the process. Wait! His mercy will be shown to any extent!

In Lamentations 3:30, 30 Let them turn the other cheek to those who strike them and accept the insults of their enemies.

Jesus said turn the other cheek b/c He is the Word as it says in this OT verse; the Jews believe the OT but not that Jesus was the Son of God?!?

In Chapter 4 is the siege over Jerusalem and in Chapter 5 is the prayer for restoration. I find it interesting that if we pray the prayer “how”, He will give us all these blessings: mercy, restoration, love, etc. Read 5:21; HIGHLIGHT restore, return, renew…and He did which is our example

Just as the funeral of a this nation was presupposed, so shall we if we do not live simpler.
God sees sin as ignorance from our choice to not live simpler since we ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We know evil, but there is no way to understand its’ ignorance. There are three types of sin: belligerent, idle and not living simpler. Belligerent sin is doing something behind the Parents back, God. We see the Ten Commandments and only see them as commandments, but no punishment attached to them. What we do not realize is that these are just commanding us if we want to live simpler and we are punished through not living the simpler life. Idle sin has the result of nothingness. If there is no benefit and no harm to idle sin, then why do we drink?!? It is usually attached to something else such as partying, but if our main goal is to see how drunk we can get by the end of the night, then this is not partying. “It is to get with that girl I want to get with by the end of the night.” Sin brings temporary gratification that has permanent result. Why would you want to get with a girl whose main priority is to see how drunk she can get?!? She will more than likely become fat, stupid and sleep with other men from her stupidity of temporary gratification if she drinks. This all leads to not living the simpler life, the ultimate goal of sin. Why do we smoke?!? So we can run a decathlon the next morning and win?!? Why do we commit adultery; to hurt our wives, children and loose respect from both?!? Why do we not just follow the words of the Bible; because they are too direct and we want to experience the consequences?!? Please see the results of sin which are only consequential.
Once again, we start another book by going from a calling of a prophet or a characteristic of God pointing to a character pointing to God, judgment on Jerusalem again and the Gentiles and a final restoration of Israel. It is interesting b/c the Gentiles were not God’s chosen people, but in the NT, they were offered Heaven if they only believed in the simpler life, Jesus, God, the alpha and omega…belief in understanding b/c a simpler life is understood. It all started w/this judgment b/c we are restored.

What it’s saying, we must all encounter our knowledge of evil, but are judged and are restored if we return. Sometimes we must fall to see how reliant we are on a Higher Understanding. Even the armies of the Anti-Christ are said to repnt!

But, it also predicts a judgment on the surrounding nations of Israel listed in a clockwise circuit in Ezekiel 29:15. 15 It will be the lowliest of all the nations, never again great enough to rise above its neighbors.
This shows that God understands we have the knowledge of evil now, but if we choose to understand in the time of our life, He will allow us to b/c some nations, Philistia was within the nation of Israel (representing our Christian bodies) today, but need the knowledge that there is a ticket to understanding, never being confused and Edom and Moab are outside showing the influence of the Nephilim in attempt to confuse. Find this understanding.

In this book, the title “son of man” occurs more than 90 times. Read Ezekiel 11:5; 5 Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon me, and he told me to say, “This is what the Lord says to the people of Israel: I know what you are saying, for I know every thought that comes into your minds.

Spirit of the Lord fell upon him; this name is used to refer to Ezekiel; read Luke 4:18, 19, but did another man have a dove descend down representing the Holy Spirit saying, “This is my son in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus showed us how to live; Ezekiel did too! This proves there is a thread to the Bible that extends to the NT for Christ to have died on the cross and to have the intimate prophecy of His beard being pulled out while on it.

Read Ezekiel 34:11-16 and John 10:11-16; 11 “For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search and find my sheep. 12 I will be like a shepherd looking for his scattered flock. I will find my sheep and rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on that dark and cloudy day. 13 I will bring them back home to their own land of Israel from among the peoples and nations. I will feed them on the mountains of Israel and by the rivers and in all the places where people live. 14 Yes, I will give them good pastureland on the high hills of Israel. There they will lie down in pleasant places and feed in the lush pastures of the hills. 15 I myself will tend my sheep and give them a place to lie down in peace, says the Sovereign Lord. 16 I will search for my lost ones who strayed away, and I will bring them safely home again. I will bandage the injured and strengthen the weak. But I will destroy those who are fat and powerful. I will feed them, yes—feed them justice!

Shepherd…do u not think the Bible is poetic w/words such as Son, Father?!? It is not saying a real Father and Son for “Me and my Father are one.” to be in the Bible we read, but I believe Satan confuses us w/our knowledge of evil and taking these poetic titles at face value. They are only examples to us of how to live life.

Ezekiel’s Temple:

Read Ezekiel 43:1-12; The Lord’s Glory Returns
1 After this, the man brought me back around to the east gateway. 2 Suddenly, the glory of the God of Israel appeared from the east. The sound of his coming was like the roar of rushing waters, and the whole landscape shone with his glory. 3 This vision was just like the others I had seen, first by the Kebar River and then when he came to destroy Jerusalem. I fell face down on the ground. 4 And the glory of the Lord came into the Temple through the east gateway.
5 Then the Spirit took me up and brought me into the inner courtyard, and the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. 6 And I heard someone speaking to me from within the Temple, while the man who had been measuring stood beside me. 7 The Lord said to me, “Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place where I will rest my feet. I will live here forever among the people of Israel. They and their kings will not defile my holy name any longer by their adulterous worship of other gods or by honoring the relics of their kings who have died. 8 They put their idol altars right next to mine with only a wall between them and me. They defiled my holy name by such detestable sin, so I consumed them in my anger. 9 Now let them stop worshiping other gods and honoring the relics of their kings, and I will live among them forever.
10 “Son of man, describe to the people of Israel the Temple I have shown you, so they will be ashamed of all their sins. Let them study its plan, 11 and they will be ashamed[a] of what they have done. Describe to them all the specifications of the Temple—including its entrances and exits—and everything else about it. Tell them about its decrees and laws. Write down all these specifications and decrees as they watch so they will be sure to remember and follow them. 12 And this is the basic law of the Temple: absolute holiness! The entire top of the mountain where the Temple is built is holy. Yes, this is the basic law of the Temple.
From the east, but Ezekiel’s temple was never built saying that E. religion is on the right train of thought w/Samadhi, but fail to acknowledge the tangible Jesus. It is funny in W. religion b/c we tend to grasp the tangible person, but fail to see Him in thought of understanding.

Read Ezekiel 36:24-27 and John 15:3; 24 For I will gather you up from all the nations and bring you home again to your land.
25 “Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols. 26 And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.[a] 27 And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations.
Interesting, I only wanted to learn more about the laver b/c remember in 1 Kings it tells the precise number for pi in a circumference of a laver centuries before pi was even known, only a fraction to Egyptians..

I know y’all think I’m crazy, but it all makes sense after all this hurt is placed on you or judgment. I know He has great things in store for me; He assures me in the Bible w/a thought.

Hate is illegitimate, idle; like emphasis in a sentence (Underlined Items), we must put the correct emphasis in life. With emphasis comes understanding; we do not have to be good at the same thing. It takes different people to make up this different world and all of its aspects; understand this. Ask yourself, why does any other nation recover as fast as the United States from problems such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina?!? Because they focus on hate when we acknowledge ourselves as “One nation under God.” Because of this acknowledgement, we understand and are not confused. The relief effort was amazing because of understanding, God.
Do not rely on format because it comes from this world; rely on understanding of the information because it is Divinely Inspired if you follow Him. It is easy to follow your mind because this makes the initial movement. We must make the choice to follow what is right since we ate from the tree; the choice of being right is presupposed within all of our minds. Do not become engulfed in this world, what is visually seen, but become engulfed in the minds eye. This is where we go wrong; strive to understand, do not settle for this world. If we strive for Him, this is enough format in itself if it is clear because this is all format was made for, to be clear. Format and understanding deal with the same thing: information. One is more intimate.
The Holy Spirit, in distinction from the other tri-partite of God, is understanding. Throughout this book, I have tried to emphasize understanding because the Holy Spirit is understanding. He is there for us all if we see with our true eye, our minds eye. He is what fills you if you truly pray or truly believe. It is easy to pray; just talk to Him as a friend, pray without ceasing and live the simple life. The same goes with believing. Believe He is your friend, believe without ceasing and believe Jesus is simplicity that defines genius. Pray as if there is someone that you are praying to, not this formal manure, “In Jesus name I pray, Amen.” Of course, in our congregation there is this man who cannot hear too well and only hears the, “Amen.” At the end of your prayer. In this case, it is okay, but pray without ceasing still. He is your friend and you follow a true friends advice. Obey His teachings, His advice to live simpler and receive His friendship through living simpler. A father understands and a son learns from the fathers understanding. The Holy Spirit is understanding and within us all. We must believe that entails acceptance. Now, you must understand something, a reason or logos. He is the reason.
You do not understand how simple prayer is, yet it opens so many windows of our minds if we allow it. Ask Him how to understand to get a job, make three pointers, not get into a wreck from your choice, He has no control over the other who does not pray this prayer, but may allow it to coincide with one of your previous prayers, change the world, etc. Ask Him how to understand anything and everything. Of course, our prayers take time because of His magnificence and having to go around sin. It is a process; have patience. Whatever it may be, it is in His will. He will show you what you are doing wrong, see the obstacle, understand.
Chapter Seven:
I thought the best way to help you understand is how I understood, through the reading of assorted parables: Earthly stories with Heavenly meaning. Please pray for understanding of the entirety of these stories. “Heaven ain’t Hard to Find.” All you must do is lookJ
A Story of a Little Girl
IF SOMEONE HAD A GUN HELD IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE AND ASKED YOU IF YOU BELIEVED IN GOD, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? SAY “NO” AND FEEL ASHAMED THE REST OF YOUR LIFE OR SAY “YES, I DO.” AND DIE STANDING UP FOR GOD?Note: This is a true article that was printed in a southern newspaper less than a year ago. TAKE A DEEP BREATH BEFORE READING THIS: There was an atheist couple who had a child; the couple never told their daughter anything about the Lord. One night when the little girl was five years old, the parents fought with each other and the Dad shot the Mom right in front of the child; then, the dad shot himself. The little girl watched it all. She then was sent to a foster home. The foster mother was a Christian and took the child to church. On the first day of Sunday School, the foster mother told the teacher that the girl had never heard of Jesus and to have patience with her. The teacher held up a picture of Jesus and said, “Does anyone know who this is?” The little girl said, “I do; that’s the man who was holding me the night my parents died.” If you believe this little girl is telling the truth that even though she had never heard of Jesus, He still held her tight the night her parents died, then you understand.
Or you can ignore this as if it never touched your heart.
Funny, is’nt it; funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world is going to hell.
Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.
Funny how everyone wants to go to Heaven provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible says. (Or is it scary?)
Funny how someone can say “I believe in God.”, but still follow Satan who by the way also “believes” in God.
Funny how you can send a thousand ‘jokes’ through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace, but the public discussion of Jesus is suppressed in the school and workplace.
Funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you are not sure what they believe or what they will think of you for sending it to them.
Funny how we can go to church for Christ on Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week. (Are you laughing?)
Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what God thinks of me. (Are you thinking ?) Pass this message on only if you mean it. Yes, I do Love God!
Be Blessed
Here is another picture I really hope you enjoy it and are blessed by the power of the cross. This is a great reminder of all God has done for us and we should always remember to look to the cross whether we are having a good day or a bad day. I ask that all who receive this beautiful reminder, be blessed and give you thanks, Lord Jesus. You are worthy of our praise and of all praise. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord for eternity. God bless the readers and the viewers of this beautiful reminder of all you did so we can live for eternity and walk with you where the streets are golden and where we will fall to our knees and worship you for the eternity that has been promised to the blessed that have accepted you. I will worship you Lord Father all of my days, I will love you Father for you first have loved me; I will thank you Lord Jesus for you are the best; I will follow you Jesus and let you do the rest. I am weak with out you and can never succeed in the Kingdom of Heaven unless I have Thee. Holy is your name and great are you to be praised may you guide us and cleanse us and make us pure and clean. I ask all this in your name Lord Father for one day every tongue will confess you are God and one day every knee will bow, and this will be the day of rejoice for everyone will know you are GOD. Amen Lord Father, Amen.

May this bless you and be the prayer of your heart and always remember to ask God for every need to be met that you need met for he is Christ and all things are possible through Christ who strengthens..............

May God Bless YouForever&AmenJeannette L. Molinaro
If God Brings you to it, He will bring you through it.----- Here is the new postage stamp that will be issued in September. Isn’t it awesome?
May today there be peace within you. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. ”I believe that friends are quiet Angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.”
Do We Believe?!?
I had on new clothes, New sneakers on my feet. I was there for class on time, Went to the back and took my seat. Yeah, I’m moving up, I am already grown. Soon I’ll be graduating, And out on my own. I talked to some of my friends, We were all having fun. Said some things I should not have said; did stuff I should nothave done. I knew I was different.. I felt God touch my heart, I knew I should set a standard, But then I’d be set apart. Walking to the bus, I was not looking for strength. I heard the car tires screeching, But now it’s too late. I’m standing in this room, And I can see the Heavenly Gate.. Oh no! I never prayed. I thought I had time to get it straight! An angel walked to me, He had a book in his hand. I knew it was the Book of Life, When would this dream end? I told him my name, And he began to look. Then he looked at me sadly and said, “You’re name is not in this book.” Angel, this is a dream, No, I cannot be dead! He closed the book and turned away, He whispered – You cannot proceed ahead. No; no this cannot be real. Angel, you can’t turn me away. Let me talk to God, Maybe He’ll let me stay. He led me to the gate, Jesus came to me. He did not let me in but said, “Beloved what is your need?” Jesus, I cried, please, Don’t cast me away from you. Tears ran down His face as He said, You knew what you needed to do. Lord, please I’m young, I never thought I would die. I thought I’d have plenty of time; Death caught me by surprise. Lord, I went to church, Please Jesus, I believe. He said, “You would not accept me; My love, you would not receive.” Lord, there were too many hypocrites that weren’t being true. He took a step back and asked, “What does that have to do with you?” Lord, my family claimed to be saved, They were not being real you know. He said, “I died for you! Now I have to go.” I fell to my knees crying to Him, Lord, I planned to be real tomorrow. I could not make Him understand; I had never felt such sorrow. Then it hit me hard, I said, Lord, where will I go? He looked into my eyes and said, My child you already know. Please Jesus, I begged, The place is so hot. It seemed to trouble and grieve Him, He whispered, “DEPART FROM ME, I KNOW YOU NOT.” Lord, you’re supposed to be love, How can you send me to damnation? He replied, “With your mouth you said you loved me, But each dayyou rejected my salvation.” With that in an instant, Day turned into night. I never knew such torture could be; now, too late I know theBible is right. If I can tell you anything, Hell has no age. It is a place of torture, Separated from God and full of rage. You know, I thought it was funny,a joke! But this one thing istrue. If you never accept Jesus Christ, HELL IS WAITING FOR YOU! So please, ask Him into your heart. Please show this to everyone you care about... ((which should be everybody)) IF SOMEONE HAD A GUN HELD IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE, AND ASKED YOU IF YOU BELIEVED IN GOD, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? SAY NO AND FEEL ASHAMED THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? OR SAY YES, I DO AND DIE. STANDING UP FOR GOD?Morning Prayer

Good Morning!This morning when I awakened,And saw the sun above, I softly said, “Good morning, Lord, Bless everyone I love.”And, right away I thought of you, And said a loving prayer, That He would bless you specially, And keep you free from care.I thought of all the happiness A day could hold in store.I wished it all for you because No one deserves it more. PLEASE SEND THIS TO ANY AND EVERYONE YOU CARE ABOUT. HOPE YOU WILL SEND ONE BACK TO ME.
LET IT GO; understand this!
There are people who can walk away from you and hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I do not want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone. When people can walk away from you, let them walk.Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left. The Bible said that, “They came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us;for had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us.”
[1John 2:19]
People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you cannot make them stay; let them go. And it does not mean that they are a bad person, it just means that their part in the story is over. And you have got to know when people’s part in your story is over so that you do not keep trying to raise the dead. You have got to know when it is dead. You have got to know when it is over. Let me tell you something. I have got the gift of good-bye. It is the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye.It is not that I am hateful; it is that I’m faithful and I know whatever God means for me to have He will give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I do not need it.Stop begging people to stay; let them go!!If you are holding on to something that does not belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to ...LET IT GO!!!If you are holding on to past hurts and pains... LET IT GO!!!If someone cannot treat you right, love you back, and see your worth... LET IT GO!!!If someone has angered you ... LET IT GO!!!If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge ... LET IT GO!!!If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction ... LET IT GO!!!If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents ... LET IT GO!!!If you have a bad attitude...LET IT GO!!!If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better... LET IT GO!!!If you are stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him... LET IT GO!!!If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship....LET IT GO!!!If you keep trying to help someone who won’t even try to help themselves...LET IT GO!!!If you are feeling depressed and stressed .... LET IT GO!!!If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying “Take your hands off of it!”, then you need to... LET IT GO!!!Let the past be the past. Forget the former things; GOD is doing a new thing for 2005!!! LET IT GO!!!Get Right or Get Left; think about it and then LET IT GO!!!”The Battle is the Lord’s!”During the next sixty seconds, Stop whatever you are doing and take this opportunity. (Literally it is only One minute!) All you have to do is the following: You simply say “The Lord’s Prayer” for the person that sent you this message: The Lords Prayer: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever. Amen. Next, send this message to everyone you know. In a while, more people will have prayed for you and you will have obtained a lot of people praying for others. Next, stop and think and appreciate God’s power in your life, for doing what you know is pleasing to Him. If you are not ashamed to do this, follow the instructions! Jesus said, “If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before My Father.” If you are not ashamed, send this message only if you believe. “Yes, I love my God. He is my fountain of Life and My Savior. He keeps me going day and night. Without Him, I am no one. But with Him, I can do everything; Christ is my strength.”If you love God and if you are not ashamed of all the great things that He has done for you, send this to everyone you know; God loves you and watches over you every day.
People come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime. Whenyou know which one it is for a person, you will know what to do forthat person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a needyou have expressed in prayer. They have come to assist you through difficulty, toprovide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically,emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend and they are!They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without anywrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person willsay or do something to bring the relationship to an end.Sometimes they die; sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up andforce you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need hasbeen met, our understanding fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sentup has been answered and now it is time to move on; realize this.Some people come into your life for a SEASON because your turn has cometo share, grow, or learn. They bring you an experience of peace, or makeyou laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. Theyusually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real,but only for a season.LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you mustbuild upon to have a solid emotional foundation; understand this. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use inall other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love isblind, but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being a part of mylife!
IF I KNEW If I knew it would be the last time That I would see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord your soul to keep. If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. If I knew it would be the last time I would hear your voice lifted up in praise, I would video tape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day. If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute to stop and say “I love you,” instead of assuming you would KNOW I do. If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day, Well I am sure you’ll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away. For surely there is always tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make everything just right. There will always be another day to say “I love you.” And certainly there’s another chance to say our “Anything I can do?” But just in case I might be wrong, and today is all I get, I would like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike, And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight. So if you’re waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today? For if tomorrow never comes, you’ll surely regret the dayThat you didn’t take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss and you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish. So hold your loved ones close todayand whisper in their ear, Tell them how much you love them and that you’ll always hold them dear.Take time to say “I’m sorry.”, ”Please forgive me.”, “Thank you!” or “It’s okay.” And if tomorrow never comes, you’ll have no regrets about today.
“I want to know what makes you cry; so, I can be the one who always makes you smileJ”- I Wanna Know

Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for? THAT’S GOD talking to you through the Holy Spirit.
Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to? THAT’S GOD wanting you to talk to Him.
Have you ever been thinking about somebody that you haven’t seen in a long time and then next thing you know you see them or receive a phone call from them? THAT’S GOD. There is no such thing as coincidence.
Have you ever received something wonderful that you did not even ask for, like money in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you needed, but couldn’t afford? THAT’S GOD knowing the desires of your heart.
Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it was going to get better, how the hurting would stop, how the pain would ease, but now you look back on it. . .. THAT’S GOD passing us through tribulation to see a brighter day.
In all that we do, we should totally give thanks and our blessings will continue to multiply. Keep this going; you have no idea which one of your e-mail buddies could use a little hope today.


Lean cuidadosamente la primera línea. »Si Dios te hace pasar por algo, Él te hara salir de ahí. « Momentos felice s ; alaba a Dios.Momentos difíciles ; busca a Dios.Momentos tranquilos ; adora a Dios.Momentos dolorosos ; cree en Dios.Cada momento ; da gracias a Dios. Pasa este mensaje …Recibirás un milagro mañana (simplemente hazlo).

POSITIVE QUOTE OF THE DAY-----------------------------The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the persondoing it.-- Chinese proverb
Caller ID
Is it not amazing how God works in our lives! On a Saturday night severalweeks ago, this pastor was working late, and decided to call his wife beforehe left for home. It was about 10:00 PM, but his wife did not answer thephone.The pastor let the phone ring many times. He thought it was odd that shedid not answer, but decided to wrap up a few things and try again in a fewminutes. When he tried again, she answered right away! He asked her why shehad not answered before, and she said that it had not rung at their house.They brushed it off as a fluke and went on their merry ways.The following Monday, the pastor received a call at the church office, whichwas the phone that he had used that Saturday night. The man that he spokewith wanted to know why he had called on Saturday night.The pastor could not figure out what the man was talking about. Then the mansaid, “It rang and rang, but I did not answer.” The pastor remembered themishap and apologized for disturbing him, explaining that he had intended tocall his wife.The man said, “That’s, OK Let me tell you my story.”You see, I was planning to commit suicide on Saturday night, but before Idid, I prayed, ‘God if you’re there, and you don’t want me to do this, giveme a sign now.’ At that point my phone started to ring. I looked at thecaller ID, and it said, ‘Almighty God’. I was afraid to answer!”The reason why it showed on the man’s caller ID that the call came from”Almighty God” is because the church that the pastor attends is calledAlmighty God Tabernacle!!READ EACH SENTENCE SLOWLY AND THINK ABOUT IT.Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.Do not let the past hold you back; you are missing the good stuff.BEST FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us.When it hurts to look back and you are scared to look ahead, you can lookbeside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there.Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.Remember, every minute spent angry is sixty seconds of happinesswasted.

The 7 Ups!
1 Wake Up !!
Decide to have a good day.”This is the day the Lord hath made;let us rejoice and be glad in it.”Psalms 118:24
2 Dress Up !!
The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.”The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.Man looks at outward appearance,but the Lord looks at the heart.”I Samuel 16:7
3. Shut Up!!Say nice things and learn to listen.God gave us two ears and one mouth,so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking.”He who guards his lips guards his soul.”Proverbs 13:3
4. Stand Up!!
. . . for what you believe in.Stand for something or you will fall for anything.”Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time,we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good...”Galatians 6:9-10
3 Look Up !!
. . . to the Lord.”I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me”.Philippians 4:13
6. Reach Up !!. . . for something higher.”Trust in the Lord with all your heart,and lean not unto your own understanding.In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”Proverbs 3:5-6
7. Lift Up !!. . your Prayers.”Do not worry about anything; insteadPRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING.”Philippians 4:6
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.He sends you flowers every spring, and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He’ll listen.He could live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.What about the Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem;not to mention that Friday at Calvary.Face it, He’s crazy about you.
Invite people here that you care about.I thought this was mighty special, just like you.Pass this on and brighten someone’s day, and remember . . ...
God answers Knee-Mail!
6. Reach Up !!. . . for something higher.”Trust in the Lord with all your heart,and lean not unto your own understanding.In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”Proverbs 3:5-6
7. Lift Up !!. . your Prayers.”Do not worry about anything; insteadPRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING.”Philippians 4:6
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.He sends you flowers every spring, and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He’ll listen.He could live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.What about the Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem;not to mention that Friday at Calvary.Face it, He’s crazy about you.
Invite people here that you care about.I thought this was mighty special, just like you.Pass this on and brighten someone’s day, and remember…God understands.

Study to Show Thyself Approved
Q: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 117
Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 119
Q: Which chapter is in the center of the Bible?A: Psalms 118
Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118Add these numbers up and you get 1188.Q: What is the center verse in the Bible?A: Psalms 118:8
Q: Does this verse say something significant about God’s perfect will for our lives?The next time someone says they would like to find God’s perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just send them to the center of His Word!Psalms 118:8 ”It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”Now isn’t that odd how this worked out (or was God in the center of it)?
When things get tough, always remember... Faith doesn’t get you around trouble, it gets you through it in understanding!! God Bless You!

Additional Comments

My life is not expressed in words, but an expression: a long sigh. God will not heal you, but give the understanding to heal yourself. Whatever your troubles may be, pray without ceasing; do not ever conclude.
Picture of My Cavalier

My Reason to Live
Faded Pictures
I will see them one day; this is what gets me through everyday. The road to recovery is a simple road, but you must first comprehend this road through prayer, a search to understand how. We close our eyes when we pray so there is no distraction of eyesight and we only rely on our minds eye. Strive to understand; personally, I open my eyes. Either way, understand.
Chapter Eight:
Everyone looks for God as if He is distant. He is within our minds since there is no profound thought; the only definition that justifies the profoundness of a thought is God speaking to us directly. If we have ever wondered the question why, He is the reason, logos.
This is a proof I found amazing! We are all familiar with pi and have used it several times to figure out a math problem. We know the number pi is infinite which is God speaking to us numerically, but if we look into the number pi, we will find God speaking to us alphabetically through His numeric language. I will allow the proof to speak for itself.
William F. House

† pi = 3.1415 … 851212152089199197154191651119147851859113931851205420852114922518195…

† If you give the English Alphabet numeric value (ex: A=1, B=2, C=3, etc) the numbers in bold give an encrypted message. It says:

Hello this is God speaking here I am I created the universe.

† This does not make any sense if you only select a single digit to each letter of the alphabet. (ex: 1, 2=”ab”) But, if you allow the alphabet to go to 26(ex: 12=”l”), the number of letters in the alphabet, it is clear what God is saying:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Single Digits

† A formula for calculating pi is: pi = 4 * (1 – 1/3 + 1/5 – 1/7 +…)

Since there is no numeric value assigned to punctuation, here is the only sentence structures that make sense:
Hello, this is God speaking. Here I am. I created the universe.
Hello, this is God speaking here. I am. I created the universe.
Math is reliant on something else; that something is ultimately God. It is not the number, but the principle. Where did pi and the other bases of math come from?!? It must come from God. Everything is reliant on something to be created (You were created from your mother; your mother was created from her mother, etc.) The basis of math and the universe is God. Pi does not say Buddha, but God! Math must come from your hand; there are all these values that are the reason for most of this technical world. The solution makes sense and we live in a world that tells us this through going to the moon, etc, but the source of these values makes no sense because we do not acknowledge It and we know these values work because of the technical/mathematical world around us. The Source is God and that makes sense; understand this. Follow your first thought since it is Divinely Inspired if you follow God because He is within your mind; He is what you are reliant upon. If you have ever had a reason, an understanding in your mind, that is God. Believe in this Reason! Have you ever had a question in your mind and the answer, reason, logos just comes to you?!? That is God.
In 1 Kings 7:23 of the Hebrew translation, it states the number of Pi thousands of years before this concept was established in the word for a circumference of a laver. The Hebrews had numeric value to their alphabet and if we look at the word “circumference” in Hebrew of this context, we will find the number Pi; WOW!!! If you would like to go further in the study of this subject, please do the PowerPoint presentation of Learn the Bible in 24 Hours at your church.
We can see His face in all if we look. Believe in Him, what He can do and pray. If you believe in something, you are effortful. I would not have been as good of a player in soccer as I was if I did not believe.
The wrath of God is within reason of belief. In Old Testament times, He saw there was not going to be any good from the people of Sodom and Gomorrah in the future so He ended their life, bringing them one step closer to inevitability.
Blessed are those who have not seen, but still believe with no experience. Faith is better, but knowledge is human. Learn from my experience that there is no need for experience; it hurts. You better believe because He is coming because what I say is true.
God’s presence is everywhere and Heaven ain’t Hard to Find. He is the creator of all, both Heavenly and earthly; look for Him in all. There is always a final destination in looking.
I know He is present because two Angels told me so. June 17, 1999; now everybody thinks this is ancient, but do not look at time as a race. Look at it as a ride, a journey; then you will get to enjoy more out of life by not only focusing on what is ahead, but enjoying your past. Sin gave us a past, present and future with their distinction from knowledge; understand this and use each accordingly. Each are present progressive tense and should not stress us out or give us regrets, but are incremental in a part of a progress; understand this. Allow Him in your schedule and understand the synchronization.
We were just going to see a movie; what it was, I am unsure. It could have been a series of things, but one thing must be said; I love those girls. Tina and Melissa were going to the movies with me and driving in my car. Two of my friends were following.
It was not half way through the intersection the lady hit me going 80+MPH and so it began.
As you read, you can see I am fine now: physically and mentally. The two girls driving with me that night are with Jesus now. I told them one day we would reach that sunshine. Mine eyes, opened wide could not see the sight they saw that night. The last time I saw them was in a dream three months after the wreck when I was in coma for three months. I did not know what happened to me, saw blue stars and two beautiful girls in white robes take me to a dark room. “Everything will be alrightJ” I was confused, ‘What will be alright?!?” All they did was just walk off and smile with their beautiful blonde and long, brunette hair.
Now, in the Bible does it not speak of Angels in white robes, which I saw, and does it not say previously before my wreck in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God…” What I am trying to associate is these two ideas, Angels and the Bible in association with the Bible and God. He expresses this in the Bible since we do not always listen to our minds because of our knowledge of good and evil. We tend to seek evil with its temporary solution with permanent result, but do not realize good is always the better answer. An example is the writing of this book; I hope it has been an enlightenment up to this point and has shown you that God is as simple as understanding. These are all characteristics of the good life according to Aristotle. The Bible is the simpler life; think about it. We messed up in Eden and God loved us so much He gave us His Word from Himself because He understands the simpler, but fuller life through the reference of the word good from evil which is always easier. The only distinction of the words good and evil are the easier way out and the harder way out.
So we must look for God in both Heavenly and earthly things; I mean think about it. I realize we have been in schools for too long and this is a school of thought, but escape from the derivation you have been taught for a moment and see where God is: an understanding.
He is everywhere because He is the Creator of all. In geology, we see Him in Sodom and Gomorrah because there is still a Dead Sea and I am sure if you look at every level of earth you will see an instance of His presence, but the Dead Sea is a definite of His existence. Also, in this science we learn of evolution and how we come from monkeys. For the sake of argument, we will say that the theory of evolution is correct, but where did those monkeys come from?!? Darwin, the father of evolution, even believed in God as the God of evolution. Personally, I believe in adaptation and Creation before I can believe evolution. To evolve, we must first adapt. How could we have changed at such a quick rate?!? I believe we were just hairier and different because of not having proper clothing and the climate to adapt to the specific environment. Even the appendix, we are learning had a purpose: to break down bones in order to go through our gastrointestinal systems smoother, an adaptation not evolution.
In chemistry or any other science we see Him because there has to be someone behind every explosion and a volcano exploding is something different?!? I mean there has to be someone behind every stick of dynamite to light it, every titration to see how much acid or base is in the substance and, on a more intimate level, atomic number, molecular structure, mass number, chemical equation, conductivity, volatility, proton, neutron and electron to make it the same element, ultimately. If we did not have a Creator, we would live in a constant state of chaos with nothing being uniform or the same. We can see his uniformity in singing. The Holy Spirit works through your voice uniformly; allow yourself to understand this.
In every thought of mathematics we see Him. Numbers are just references to finish a thought. Who created the reference of numbers?!? God created language and its reference of writing which is scriptural, but not numbers?!? Numbers are a part of our language (1 is One). For every letter, number or conversation we have we should look up and thank Him for it. Otherwise, we would run around unaware of everything around us in frustration. Sure we would learn from our experience and misfortune, but who is the God of recollection?!?
In speech, as I said above, who gave us language or speech?!? If you say yourself or accredit it to your ancestors, then who was their creator?!? The Bible is the oldest book in history: spoken or written because of thought. If it says that He created language and also talks of Christ (which is known to have lived), then why not believe this?!?
In music, we see Him because the Church was the first body to play music. The Church is a body for His worship. “In their desire to enhance the Church Service, they supported music extensively.” It even gives reference of early music (Greek, Hebrew, Roman) by the Christian Church. Saint John Chrysostom says , “ When God saw that men were lazy and gave themselves only with difficulty to spiritual reading, He wished to make it easy for them and added the melody to the Prophet’s words that all being rejoiced by the charm of music should sing hymns to Him with gladness.”
But, this also has an extent. The snake started doing a dance in celebration of Adam and Eve’s first sin or disobeying of how to live a simpler life. Is not dancing associated with music?!? Does not this world revolve around a channel called MTV?!? “What matters is the connection the word implies.” What matters are your intentions. Are your intentions to cuss, rebel, hate through discrimination, etc?!?
Then, there is technical writing, algebra, trigonometry, calculus and I know I have touched on math before, but this is more general, but on an intimate level. Now, there is genius in simplicity and that is all these courses strive for. In these mathematical ways of thinking, do they not strive to make a simpler, easier way to figure out the problem?!? If your teacher told you tomorrow, “This is the easiest way to figure out this problem in Analytic Geometry that only requires one step to figure out the answer.” In Technical Writing, all you must do is tell your audience exactly how it is without confusing or agitating them in a manner that is clear, concise and to the point.
History, knowing that all Biblical references are chronologically oriented and sufficient; if you have a problem with history , you might as well forget everything you learned in school. Every course has a historical inventor to it. Who was their Inventor that gave them minds to be inspired?!?
Finally, we see Him Biblically because He is the Word. All He is trying to allow you to do if you want is live a simpler life. “That’s all it was!” We see Him on earth as well as Heaven. The only distinction between the two is that we messed up in Eden; otherwise, God would walk and talk with us down here. The only reason He does not look on sin anymore is because He does not want to pull another “Noah’s Flood” or “Sodom and Gomorrah” where He made people one step closer to inevitability; He loves us too much and only sees the best in our future! What I am trying to say is, we can make Heaven here if we want or as close as possible with our knowledge.
Heavenly things; all Heavenly Beings are to have with and for Him is fellowship, worship and praise. Do not look at Heavenly Beings as those who have it easier. In the Old Testament, it says that angels came down to sleep with the wives of men; they yearn to be like us! We will be like them if we choose to.
He created the living and if you focus on Him in death, He will not make it as the epitome. We will agree, I have gotten as close to death as possible. It did not hurt for me and I think that death is too morbid of a characterization. Instead, we should call it everlasting life because this is all it is if you follow God who is only trying to bail us out with His Word, not punish.
Before my wreck, I was so scared of death and one day dying. Death is not a fearful thing because the only time you fear something, you respect it. It is kind of like the fear of God and this is all the Bible is saying: if you fear Him, you respect Him. Death does not hurt if you give Him control of your nervous system: mind and sensory nerves. Death is a release and relief.
Have you ever seen the movie, Dogma? I suggest it; it says that God will take you one eighth of a second before you die. I did not feel impact, but I was able to stay conscious to breath with my one lung that had not collapsed. It is almost as if Someone wanted me to stay alive to fulfill a purpose. I have a strong will; Someone gave me that strong will. There is Someone behind our connection to stay alive; if we pray, we understand. If we had no minds, we would cease to exist. If you focus on Him in death, keep your eyes on the prize, He will not let you suffer. The only thing to fear in death is the anticipation.
Since my wreck, life has slowed down tremendously; time is not an issue. If you spread the Word, you can see Him in yourself if John 1:1 is true. I see Him in me and thank God this wreck happened; it made me think simpler. The Bible says, “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then, you will know what God wants you to do.” Since we ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we are apt to see the temporary solution evil gives us, but not the permanent result. Let Him change our knowledge and see that evil has no understanding, but good does.
Those two girls died for a reason; with everything is a reason. Why did you open this book?!? The only reason is to seek understanding, ultimately. I believe with my understanding of simplicity and seeing the true meaning behind the principles of the Bible because of this simplicity, they are my points of how to live a better, simpler life; they found it! I strive to be like them. All you must do is put your faith in God.
You can see Heaven everywhere if you acknowledge it. Heaven is not hard to find if you are in the right state of mind and as Christians, we must all grasp this concept methodically. It is a method and takes steps of our life which will not make sense until experienced. All the Bible is telling you is the result before experienced through commandments of how to live a simpler life.
We learn this state from yoga; yoga intimately is the experimental union with the individual and Divine by persevering exercise and dieting, posture, breathing, intellectual posture and moral discipline. The yogi or disciple (Even though we have different words for the same thing does not mean we are separated in belief.) enters into a state termed Samadhi or super conscious which is above conscious, unconscious and subconscious levels or understanding.
We all have the potential to have this so we must be grown with it. To have potential is to grow. It is better to be grown with the Samadhi, than reflect on what we did wrong. The first is best, but second is human.
In the Samadhi, we learn there is no sense of egoism, no feeling of I, yet the mind works: desire less because it understands, free from restlessness because this is a sensory nerve, objectless because it sees all as vanity and bodiless. Then the Truth/Word shines in its full effulgence and we know ourselves—for the Samadhi lies potential in us all—for what we truly are: free, immortal, loosed from the finite and its contrasts of good and evil and identical to the Atman or Universal Soul (Holy Spirit); understand this.
When the individual comes out it is assured that he is, “enlightened, a sage, a prophet, a saint, his whole character changed, illumined.” We do not have to come out of understanding unless we choose.
Buddhism calls this practice, “dhyana”. There are four stages to this with the first being concentration on one point. Concentration is a function of the mind. Focus on Him and understand. It excludes desire, but not discernment or judgment; it is intellectual. “Judge not lest ye be judged and the reminisce of that may God place on you.” Love those around you, but understand if they do not accept this love. In the second, the intellectual drops off and the sense of satisfaction remains because He should satisfy you and we rely on his understanding. In the third step, satisfaction departs and indifference begins with memory and self-consciousness in perfection with the association of the first step, discernment and judgment. In the fourth stage, indifference, memory, and self-consciousness are perfected. “The meek shall inherit the earth.” But, if a dog bites you(memory), you are not going to stick out your hand (self-consciousness)again! I am trying to bring emphasis to memory and self-consciousness.
My point is, we tend to discriminate against these religions when this is exactly what Satan wants from our knowledge of evil or temporary satisfaction: hate. They have the Zen, Hinduism has the thought of three figures as their god, a Trinity, but derive the absolute truth; the absolute truth is the Bible. They see the many faces, but fail to focus on His simplicity, the only message the Bible is trying to get through. They do not reflect, but rather critique when God is in that very word and thought, reflection. We are all born with the knowledge of evil, so we must read the Bible to find the simpler way through life.
Associate these instances that happened in Bible times and today, do not critique.
Casting Crowns:
Casting Crowns are youth ministers. In their congregation, they see the demon of cool run around. “Whateva; I’ll do what I want; It’s my body!” It’s okay to be cool, but don’t be trapped by its chains. And they say in the adults they see, that’s called reverence. “Children are to sit still in church and listen and be scared of you and not watch Napoleon Dynamite!” Okay, but you must give them something worth listening to because they don’t have fellowship. They are not trapped by the bondage of wording, but see life for what it truly is. “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
American Idol:
I think it is amazing that in everyone of the American Idols I saw the other week that all gave glory to God. Why?!? Because they understand! This is another example of Him being understanding.

It all starts with one person- we can change with the question, “Why do you sin?”

Give example: Do not just dismiss or get confrontational but ask questions. Why?!?
Sodom and Gomorrah-the USA in ’99…the start of a lot of leniency and start of 9/11. Empires fall b/c of ignorance/homosexuality/lowering gas prices and making that their sole focus.

Eliezer “comforter”- Holy Spirit/servant found bride for Isaac
Rebecca- type of church/bride to discover understanding
It is amazing the association!

Read John 16:1-15: Holy Spirit will not testify of Himself. You must look elsewhere to discover His name or search for understanding....books, etc.


The significance of the spot where Abraham sacrificed his son is that 2000 years later Jesus (Son) died on the cross in that very place, a foreshadowing.

Turn to Genesis 22:19; “Then they returned Abraham’s young men and traveled home again to Beersheba, where Abraham lived for quite some time.”

Where is Isaac? He is not mentioned until 24:62 where he is joined with his bride, Rebecca.

It seems as if the Holy Spirit/Understanding deliberately took Him out to fit a model of another Son willing to die so that the signification would be of Christ with His church, not the Jewish thought. This is another key example that the Holy Spirit is deliberately place Isaac 2 Chapters after…but we must look as I did to see this connection, an example. “Seek and ye shall find.” Christ should always be our example b/c His thoughts were ingenious.

So there has to be one church…right?!? Ecumenical movement
Answer: Yes but not under any classification.
If we study them, we see that all religions are the same:

Knowledge of evil/our thought/ Knowledge of good
Catholic: lazy/ those who go have faith
Presbyterian: Strict/a friend of mine representing Eddie Haskel, heathen
Baptist: no dancing/ this church?!?
Buddhism: focus on Buda/Zen is within/Samadhi speaks specifically
Hinduism: Eastern religion/ Speaks of Trinity but in a different language

I know you don’t believe me, but do not critique, a division of hate, but reflect.

I know He says, “Thou shalt not have no other gods before me.”
Answer: Yes, the key word is other in the form of statues, Buddha, or human, Mohammed, vultures which eat the dead and we are doomed to and the snake which is a direct respect of Satan as the Egyptian thought goes but see God has different faces, Elohim, and other religions are just giving other accounts of Him, but still the same God. Besides, Sinner please, He’s the macaroni w/the cheeseJ What; with the cheese?!? Yes, a term of endearment praising His many faces.

Vishnu is said to have several arms and in Daniel it states that the empires after Him up to the times of Christ would have wooly hair, a bronze head, nickel…This is a description of the empires up to the time of Christ as is the description of Jesus w/a bronze face …does God seem as if He has several arms and can do several things at once?!? This is the way the ancient world described things.

OUR THOUGHT: We must be confined to one church and critique those who are not part of ours.
Answer: But see how the religion applies to you. They may give different accounts of Him, but they are aspect ally speaking. Our focus should be on Satan.

He is the God who gives understanding
My great grandfather and paw-paw taught me so, not an overnight thought.
My paw-paw said, “You don’t have to worry about understanding; let Him take care of this and understand this through faith.”

He led the Israelites out of Egypt/healed my pelvis perfectly, my brain and hand. Allow Him to guide your future because He has always given us a good past to be alive. Sure, the Israelites got angry with Him, but in the end they gained the promised land, their future.

“Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways and He will make your paths straight.”

God’s presence is in these schools of discipline and religions. We may just see glimpses of Him, but He is still there through their hypocrisy or understanding. “For everything, absolutely everything: above and below, visible and invisible [Is visibility with our two eyes or our minds eye?!?]; everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him.”
If reason exists then God exists. Reason does exist; therefore, God exists. He wrote a whole book, the Bible, that gives commandments that refer to Him as the only reason that will allow us to be happy, live the good life and make it simpler. Why would we want to live anyway else?!?
There must be a first cause for others to be created. In this universe, there is an order of efficient causes. There is no case known (neither possible) in which a thing is known to be the efficient cause of itself; for so it would be prior to itself, an impossibility. Now, in efficient causes, that which causes effects or results, it is not possible to go to infinity because they follow an order. First cause is product of intermediate cause. Intermediate cause is product of the ultimate cause, what it was created for, whether it be several or one. To take away the cause is to take away the effect. Therefore, if there is no First Cause among efficient causes, there will be no ultimate nor any intermediate which is plainly false. This leaves room for the alpha and omega or God which everyone should believe in to live eternally. He is the primary mover, the first cause, perfection if Newton’s Laws of motion are correct and there are degrees of perfection but not a top to the mountain, an epitome.
I define God to be X. Since I can conceive of X, X must exist. Therefore, God exists. I can conceive of a perfect God. One of the qualities of perfection is existence. Therefore, God exists because He is perfect. God is either necessary or unnecessary to exist: everything is necessary or unnecessary that exists. God is not unnecessary, therefore God must be necessary. Therefore, God exists.
If we were to take this world or any Heavenly body and move it one millimeter closer to the sun, the universe would go into constant chaos. Some areas of this world would burn due to excessive heat. If we were to move this world one millimeter away from the sun, some areas would freeze. Is this universe not complex?!? There must be someone behind the creation of the uniformity of orbit. God must exist!
I prayed to God for understanding; He gave me understanding and showed me Himself through my accident. If you knew what I went through, (Severe brain injury, pelvis broken in seven places, every organ lacerated in my body except my heart and left lung, but all was healed and I understood.) you would know He exists to answer a prayer like that and have Someone behind my healing because my pelvis healed in only two weeks. I had a hairline fracture on my ankle before this, but it took several months to heal. Someone must be behind this miraculous healing. It must be God! King David understood that God is understanding and only took five stones, one for Goliath and his four brothers, because he knew this understanding would not fail him.
If evolution is false, then creationism is true; therefore, God must exist because there must be a Creator behind this creation. Evolution cannot be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it and does not follow a process, but rather skips thousand of years of adaptation and associates two creatures that are similar in chromosome, but a Cadillac is similar to a Mitsubishi because they are vehicles, but totally different; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable in understanding because it is a derivation. Therefore, God exists.
There exists a web page: ( That page has hundreds of purported proofs of the existence of God. They cannot all be wrong. Therefore, God exists.
It is proven that we all die. Why not guarantee eternity?!? It will already be Heaven because we will live simpler and not hurt one another because hurt came from our knowledge of evil, Satan. We deny Satan if we deny our knowledge of evil.
Apply to John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave [Himself in attempt to understand sin] that whosoever believeth in [this understanding and sees the simpler life separate from sin intact] shall [understand that there is more to this life].” Allow yourself to understand this. “That’s all it was.”
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”
If we study, this is third hand experience to read, study, learn and eventually understand God is understanding. “Study to show thyself approved.” But, if we have faith, this is a simpler, easier way to experience God is understanding because those who truly have faith follow the Bible and do not hurt. If we see this, it is first hand experience; if we do not, it is first hand through third hand experience because it is applied to us even if we do not understand, yet. Either way, understand.
Chapter Nine:
Everything coincides with what God plans and what we do (My accident and arm break coincided with my prayer of understanding). We can either take the simpler way through life or the harder way and eventually see what is inevitable. It is compared to a video game; our goal is to eventually find the simpler way to beat the game. We are the creators of what we will eventually do in the game, but to beat the game we find the simple way through understanding what to do. This is what God is attempting to do with us: find the simple way. We are not pawns to do His bidding, but He created us to enjoy life because of His love. Why not make it enjoyable?!?
Comparatively speaking, earth is like a rear-view mirror. We see what is perceived, but we do not actually turn around and view the car behind us; we just believe it is there; believe in God the same way. Heaven is like your blind spot; we can either look for it or hit the car in it. I urge you not to hit it because then it is too late.
Do we truly believe in this understanding; do we see with our minds eye?!? Where did language, mathematics, ideas, thoughts first come from?!? Ideas are profound, innate thoughts; thoughts are simply God speaking to us. Please experience this through faith, but if you must have experience, understand. I better be good so they can hang out at my cribJ
TEACH; you learn more as a teacher writing your thoughts down, planning the lesson. As Christians, I believe we do not grasp the concept of evil. It is watered down for us because we understand through being filled with the Holy Spirit and nothing can be wrong when you are filled with the Holy Spirit. There are those who are confined to only one part of their minds because they think they can only use one hemisphere of it. We understand that if we rely on, believe in God to control our minds, then we understand everything because He is the reason, logos behind everything. There is nothing without reason: legitimately or illegitimately. It all strives for the same goal: inevitability. We can either take the simpler way through following His Word or the harder way through smoking, drinking, etc. Either way, evil is here and very real.
Studying is third hand experience to read, study, learn and eventually understand that God is understanding. But, if we have faith, this is a first hand experience to God and understanding because those who truly have it follow the Bible and do not hurt. If we see faith, this is first hand experience; if we do not, this is a simpler, easier third hand experience. Either way, understand this. Allow yourself to understand; allow yourself to be filled with God through believing in Him. Have faith; understanding will be given to you because God is the connection of the Word He implies. Do not segregate yourself from understanding. If you do not understand this, then you are one of the Nephilim.
Joel: The day of the Lord

Who would have paradise and throw it away?!? Satan is illegitimate! Do not look for Him to make any sense. “Smoke; it won’t hurt you. Drink; it won’t kill two girls.”

Joel: Look at this book as it is, a prophecy. So if it is prophetic, we should not worship other gods: cars, money, relationships, idle things, things the Bible has warned us about in a presupposition or supposed beforehand. “Thing that make you go…hmmm?

This book is described as the most polished literary work among the prophetic writings or a superb picture to those who follow Him through reading scripture what the outcome is of those who follow and those who ignore. To ignore is ignorance! Once again, look for its’ length to be more to the point, not short.

Read Joel 1:1-5; 1 The Lord gave this message to Joel son of Pethuel.
Mourning over the Locust Plague
2 Hear this, you leaders of the people. Listen, all who live in the land. In all your history, has anything like this happened before? 3 Tell your children about it in the years to come, and let your children tell their children. Pass the story down from generation to generation. 4 After the cutting locusts finished eating the crops, the swarming locusts took what was left! After them came the hopping locusts, and then the stripping locusts,[a] too!
5 Wake up, you drunkards, and weep! Wail, all you wine-drinkers! All the grapes are ruined, and all your sweet wine is gone.
Satan comes the same way. You smoke one cigarette and that leads to congestive heart failure. He will not leave anything behind. EX: I put my faith in God and made a miraculous recovery. I’m not supposed to be here! If you want to drink, smoke, etc let Satan defeat you by showing how weak-minded you are!

Some people look at sin as God punishing His children. I do not understand that. God made life and a simple way to live within a garden, never hurting. It was Satan and His knowledge that confused this life after it was made in perfection. So there is a distinction to understanding and confusion! Always look to Him for understanding.

So there is a distinction from punishment and discipline. He will discipline us through this life trying to teach us to live simpler and that it comes from a source.

Look to Him to bless those throughout scripture and in this life because those who trust in Him always come out as the beneficiary in scripture. EX: Joshua always put His faith in God and led them in the promised land from the desert! Emphasize symbolic picture.

Read Joel 2:28-32; The Lord’s Promise of His Spirit
28 [a]“Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. 29 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants—men and women alike. 30 And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth— blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible[b] day of the Lord arrives. 32 But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, for some on Mount Zion in Jerusalem will escape, just as the Lord has said. These will be among the survivors whom the Lord has called.

The day of the Lord is only an idiom for the swift and decisive nature of the Lord’s victory on His enemies on any given occasion.

He will remove your enemies in your life if you only trust Him. He will allow them to die of alcohol poisoning, smoke themselves to death, etc. Listen to Him. That is all the Bible implies.

Joel 3:17; 21; Blessings for God’s People
17 “Then you will know that I, the Lord your God, live in Zion, my holy mountain. Jerusalem will be holy forever, and foreign armies will never conquer her again.

Then you will know…knowledge is never idle throughout scripture. It is always indicative of something out of the constraints of this world. He will pardon them in His time because He made time, not in your time.

Throughout scripture, there is a single source that must be relied upon to live a simpler life. That source is God . Don’t hurt; read the Bible…listen to your conscience to understand because we are with Him or against Him. It is simpler to live with Him.

We see reiteration not only as a lesson in our language, but here and throughout scripture. Look for it as we go through this series.

Do not sin; this is what will happen as Joel so precisely describes.

Life is what you make of it; do not make it pessimistic. For every dark night, there is a brighter tomorrow. When you think of Him, He reveals or gives revelation. Pessimism is when you take your mind off of God and the simpler life He tells of in the Bible. If you do not believe me, keep on smoking, drinking and see where it gets you. It will get you nothing because it is nothing! No one wants a stupid, fat person to spend the rest of their life with that they have to hook up to a respirator every hour. Do you picture your soul mate beautiful or stupid and fat with cancerous tumors that eat at their body?!?
Life is organization; if you are organized, you will do well in life. What will get you out of trouble?!? If we pay our taxes on time, our rent, our bills, anticipate through reflection, if we do not stick our hand out for that dog again; stop trouble before it starts. If I did not plan, outline for this book, it would have been hard to organize. Allow Him to be your organization through understanding.
Life is time; from our knowledge of good and evil, we now live in a world that revolves around time, not God. Allow God to get the majority of your time and He will help you understand what to do with it and when it is necessary. This is our knowledge of good (God) that relinquishes us from our knowledge of evil (time and not allowing God to help us understand what to do with it). Life is a ride, not a race. Allow Him to take care of your deadlines, busy schedules and several other things you have on your plate and understand what to do with it. He is the macaroni with the cheeseJ
With time comes addiction; it starts with one, then we crave. We spend hundreds of dollars to smoke, it obviously causes physical defects that we have to pay for due to the problems that coincide, but if we rely on Him to understand to fix the problems we have currently or if we are faithful to stop the problem before it starts as the Bible tells us, then all is saved. Keep in mind, my pelvis was broken in seven places, they told me I was to never walk, my head incurred a severe brain injury but no fluids were extracted which controls your memory, they told me that my radial nerve which controls your wrist and fingers on the radial side was to never come back and all came back fully. It is almost as if He is understanding because I understood how to correct all my problems. Believe in this understanding; it does not matter your age. All can understand! Believe in Him! Do not tell me it is impossible to stop addiction; nothing is impossible when there is a Possibility; understand this.There is no distinction between age; We can all understand.
Eternity is eternity; those who are destined for Heaven have been there. Satan will attempt to fool us into confusion, but we will understand if we are destined. We are all children of God, but it is this confusion that will not allow us to understand Heaven. Children are to obey their parents (understand) or face the consequence because of their confusion. Do not face the consequence: confusion. God is the voice in all of our heads that agrees with the Bible. Satan is the voice in our head that disagrees with the Bible. Heaven is where we refer on God and understand alpha and omega. Since we are human and born of this earth, we must refer on the Bible as our connection since there is a confusion due to our knowledge. Do not be engulfed in this world. Be engulfed in God because the goal is to understand. Unsinkable ships sink, unbreakable walls break, unbendable steal bends; sometimes the things you think will never happen, happen just like that. I never-ever underestimate the impossible. “It is just a word; what matters is the connection the word implies.” Why does Satan mess with the inevitable?!? Because He is illegitimate and we cannot understand His confusion. Understand through coincidence: mental or physical.
Death does not hurt; it is this world that puts the emphasis on anticipation allowing sensory nerves to hurt and not be connected to God. We understood this in childhood which is reference to presupposition because childhood is the pre in presupposition.
He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end and there is no limit to understanding. Understand through third hand experience (faith) which will lead to our first hand experience (understanding). It is the connection the word implies; connect to God, not Satan. Why would we not believe in understanding?!? Do we just want to be ignorant, confused?!? Sing for the Holy Spirit!
Copyright over fragments of this book will bring copyright over the gates of Heaven from God. “For if you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you in front of my Father.” God has no extents in time or magnitude. Understanding has no extents in time or magnitude if we understand this. If you put God first, you will reap the benefits. Tina, Melissa, make sure it’s popping when I get up there; don’t frontJ
Diplomas are third hand experience; “I am older therefore smarter.” We might have third hand experience, but at what length and how long did it take to understand what was shown?!? Please understand from my understanding that the only intentions of the Bible are to tell us what to do and not to do to live a simpler life. Find it before it is too late. It only gets old when you want it.
Day Dreams of how it used to be; I wish Melissa was sitting right next to me saying, “Remember when we almost got hit by that car?” and I would reply, “Yea, that was a trip; I am sure glad we didn’t get hit.” Love those around you; there is no need for hate of any extent.
I can really feel the connection to those two girls; where?!? Within my mind; where are they?!? In Heaven; who is the Creator of Heaven. They are within my mind if you allow through belief. If you are in the area of Grapevine, Texas, please lift them up. They were beautiful and were the best and deserve the best. Every time I blink my eyes and acknowledge them (Acknowledgement is a part of belief and we should believe in God this same way and acknowledge who He is because we will never understand every aspect, face of God.) I can see them and they are smiling. Heaven is where they are, but I can see them with my minds eye. Therefore, it has been proven to me that Heaven is within our mind; the Gates of Heaven are aspects of understanding. Escape to this understanding. The Bible is understood through experience; experience this through my book, not hurt.
Throughout this book, you have heard me say it is the connection the word implies. More intimately, it is the connection the thought implies. For example, I could say, “You are a beautiful woman.” And use sincerity in my thought of calling you such. On the other hand, I could say, “You are a beautiful woman.” And use sarcasm in my thought of expressing such and it take on a whole different meaning. A word is a thought expressed lyrically. Why did I say that?!? If your connection is for God, then expect to live simpler. If it is for this world which is ultimately Satan, expect to be confused.
“For every dark night, there is a brighter tomorrow.” Has future implications because He will give you better days if you follow His Word: allegorically or directly. Time is good to revolve around, not to be set by; it is paced, not fixed. Within this time, DO!!! He will give understanding of how to do. I hope this strengthens your faith when Satan tests you; I pray to see you on the other side where we will be with the One in forever. I can’t wait to see them smile because the sweetest dream will never doJ
Read this book over and realize now that you know what will happen with the underlined, presuppositions, understood, etc. I would not trade my scars for my understanding because it allows me to realize, truly see, not derive.
In conclusion, I will express my tears without showing them; I love those girls. They were irreplaceable, one of a kind, gorgeous! I would trade it all to spend one more day with them. They were beautiful girls who looked like models. I want to see “Stuck on You” with Tina and have her tell me to get a life. I cannot wait to sing “I Wanna Know” with Melissa one more time. Before I close my eyes, my thoughts are with and of them.
Animal Crackers
Ben Affleck: “You know, I don’t think an animal cracker qualifies as a cracker because it’s sweet which to me signifies cookie; I don’t know why I just thought that.”
Liv Tyler: “Baby, you have such sweet pillow talk. Baby, do you think there’s someone out there doing the exact same thing we’re doing?”
Ben Affleck: “I hope so; otherwise what are we trying to save?”
I pray their life was happy down here because they sure made my life one step closer to Heaven.

Do you see the difference? That is GodJ
Thank God for Memories
Smile; why complicate things with a frown?!?
Share with your friends. Sometimes, you are the only Bible they read. If you believe in God, then you will understand. If you had a ticket to understanding, a tangible person that would lead to understanding, would you believe in it or ignore this through ignorance, hatred, confusion, idleness, blasphemy, etc?!?
Do not allow a distinction between you and God. We are human, so we have a choice: good or evil. Allow God to be your choice and understand.

Closing Thought:

If you have ever remembered an event, reasoned out a problem, this is God’s grace because it must come from something as the prefix of the word implies. I have seen too much death and this is the only thing that makes me uncomfortable, hurts me; an eternal death would be too much. I did not want those two girls to die; I must live the rest of my life convincing others there is a simpler life that’s destination is Heaven. There is no pain there, suffering, no death and losing those you love because the logos is waiting for you here. They just got there a little quickerJ I made it a rule long before the wreck to do one good thing for the Lord a day. I have lived through miraculous odds. Do these coincidences coincide?!? It helped me to realize the simpler life. Please, take it from a man that has been split in half, experienced too much that this book, the Bible, is the absolute truth bleeding experience which has its’ roots in understanding and confusion is excessive; it is what we are to refer upon.
Why I believe people have so many problems is because they fail to see the application within the Bible. Examples from this world are: wars, drugs, alcohol, divorce, famine, emotional and physical scars, hurt, death, disbelief in God to any extent, etc. Tell that someone that you love, just what you’re thinkin’ of. I leave you with this, find Him If Tomorrow Never Comes.



Bock, Darrel L. The words of Jesus in the Gospels: Live, Jive or Memorex?

Machiavelli. The Prince.

Machilis, Joseph and Forney, Kristine- The Enjoyment of Music: Eighth Edition

Missler, Chuck Learn the Bible in 24 Hours

Solomon , Robert C. The Big Question. Earl McPeek, 2002

James, William. Religious Experience as the root of Religion

Setzer, Claudia. The Historical Jesus.

Webster , Daniel. Webster’s New World Dictionary. The Southwestern Company,


“Armageddon.” Directed by: Michael Bay. Performers: Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Will Patton, Steve Buscemi, William Fichtner, Owen Wilson, Michael Clark Duncan, Peter Stormare, Ken Hudson Campbell, Jessica Steen, Keith David, Chris Ellis, Jason Isaacs. Walt Disney Studios, 1998.

“Bruce Almighty.” Directed by: Tom Shadyac. Performers: Jennifer Aniston, Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman. Universal Pictures/Spyglass Entertainment, 2003.

“Dogma.” Directed by: Kevin Smith Performers: Ben Affleck, George Carlin, Betty Aberlin, Matt Damon, Chris Rock. View Askew Productions, 1999.

“Matrix.” Directed by: The Wachowski Brothers. Performers: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Joe Pantoliano. Warner Bros. Pictures, 1999.

“Matrix Reloaded.” Directed By: The Wachowski Brothers. Performers: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Jada Pinkett Smith, Gloria Foster. Warner Bros. Pictures, 2003.

“Matrix Revolutions.” Directed by: The Wachowski Brothers. Performers: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Jada Pinkett Smith. Warner Bros. Pictures, 2004.

“Nightmare on Elmstreet.” Directed by: Wes Craven Performers: Robert Englund. New Line Cinema, 1984.

“Resurrection.” Directed by: Lauren Lazin Performers: Tupac Shakur, Rappin’ 4 Tay, Conrad Bain, Bill Bellamy, William J. Bennett, the Notorious BIG, Todd Bridges, James Cagney, Connie Chung, Gary Coleman, Sean Combs, Anthony Criss, Peter Criss, Nancy Davis, Snoop Dogg, Dr Dre, Omar Epps, Fab Five Freddy, Ace Frehley, Yafeu Fula, Jasmine Guy, Arsenio Hall, Jermaine Hopkins, Albert Hughes, Allen Hughes, Humpty Hump, Ice-T, Janet Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Johny J, Khalil Kahn, Rodney King, Marion Knight, Kurt Loder, Ed Lover, Jada Pinkett Smith, Ronald Reagan, Gene Siskel, Will Smith, Voletta Wallace, Marlon Wayans. MTV Networks/ Amaru Entertainment, Inc, 2003.

“Runteldat.” Directed by: David Raynr. Performers: Martin Lawrence. MTV Films, 2002.

“Stuck on You.” Directed by: Bobby Farrley and Peter Farrley Performers: Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear, Eva Mendes, Wen Yann Shinh, Peter Crawford Brown, Ray Valliere, Tommy Songin, Terrenc Bernie Hines, Cher, Jackie Flynn, Seymour Cassel, Griffin Dunne, Bridget Tobin, Danny Murphy, Malcom G Chase, Jr. A Farrely Brothers Film, 2003.

Young Frankenstein.” Directed by: Mel Brooks Performers: Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Madeline Kahn. Universal Studios, 1974.


Ludacris. Stand up. Chicken and Beer. Def Jam Records, 2003.

Ludacris. Southern Hospitality. Back for the first Time. Def Jam Records, 2001.

Juvenile. Nolia Clap. Beginning of the End. Cash Money Records, 2004.

Mos Def, Pharaoh Monch, Nate Dogg. Oh No! Universal Record Group, 2000.

Joe. I Wanna Know. My Name is Joe.Jive Records, 1999.

Shakur, Tupac. All Eyez on Me. Death Row Records/Interscope Records, 1996.

Shakur, Tupac. 2pac:Greatest Hits. Death Row Records/Interscope Records, 1998.

Shakur, Tupac. Still I Rise. Interscope Records, 1999.

Shakur, Tupac. Until The End of Time. Paramount Recording Studios, 2001.

Shakur, Tupac. Better Dayz. Amaru Entertainment, Inc./Interscope Records, 2002.

Shakur, Tupac. Resurrection. Amaru Entertainment, Inc./Interscope Records, 2003.
Shakur, Tupac. Loyal to the Game. Interscope Records, 2004.

Three-6 Mafia. Sippin’ on that Sizzurp. Getting Drunk on Music. No Limit Records, 2003.


300 Proofs of God Website.

Argument from Design by William Paley. Gijsbers, Victor Theistic Arguments: Argument from Design

Dallas Baptist University Home Page. 1 December, 2004. DBU Online. 1 December, 2004.
Ontological Argument: Saint Anselm, 11th Century Monk
Cathcart, Thomas W. “The Ontological Argument Works!” Theology Today 61 (2004): 213, 217. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. Dallas Baptist University Lib., Dallas, TX. 20 Oct. 2004.

Proof of Pi:
William F. House

Tarrant County College Home Page. 1 December, 2004. TCC Online. 1 December, 2004.

The Cosmological Argument by Saint Thomas Aquinas: 13th Century “The Cosmological Argument.” From Philosophy of Religion Website.

The Interview with God 2001-2005

Tupac Autopsy Photo. 13 September, 1996. Cathy Scott:The Killing of Tupac Shakur Late 1997.

Television Programs:

The Real World. MTV.

Lawrence Lowe
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.

Jeannette L. Molinaro
Rebecca Adair
BSC Securities, L.C.

Every thought is inspired from Bible.

The Holy Bible. King James version (Revelation 13:5)
Life Application Study Bible
Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust.


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